Saturday, December 28, 2019

Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, And Jean-Jacques Rousseau All

Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau all represent social contract theorists who were influenced by liberalism and the enlightenment respectively. They each offer varying takes and critiques of what exactly is the state of nature and from those discussions of the state of nature, they delve into what the state of government would be if it was born from that same state of nature. Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau can each be compared and contrasted with one another based upon their own definition of the state of nature and how that state of nature leads to their own states of government. For Hobbes, his state of nature was a state of war. (Morgan, 619) Hobbes talks about the state of nature as being a time when, â€Å"†¦every man is†¦show more content†¦This government is created by a social contract which is between individuals. Rousseau saw the state of nature as a place where men are free and equal. (Morgan, 838) Rousseau saw that all current problems wrong with society are the mistakes of society and that none of the current problems were in the state of nature. (Morgan, 839) Men in the state of nature are good and pure while in civil society, competition forces men to be wicked and go against nature. Civil society was first founded by the person who convinced other people that his claim to property was the correct one. (Morgan, 851) For Rousseau, sovereignty and government was based on the interests of society. (Morgan, 891) The general will, for Rousseau, was what people should be following and the general will is always right and it leads to public utility. (Morgan, 892) As one can see from the above explanations of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau’s thinking, there are many similarities and differences between all three theorists. Locke and Rousseau’s definitions of the state of nature contrast with that of Hobbes. Locke and Rousseau both viewed the state of nature as place where men were free and not be bound by society because there was no society to speak of in this state of nature. Hobbes’ definition of the state of nature is a state of war where individuals do not have time or the energy to invest themselves in the collection ofShow MoreRelatedModern Liberalism and Political Policies1337 Words   |  6 PagesModern Liberalism Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s political philosophies and theories each differ from one another’s, but these three philosophers have all staked their claims as to what man would be like, prior to the formation of the state. This is the State of Nature. Their notions on the social contract reflect their position on the political spectrum. These three philosophers also examine the purpose and function of the government to individuals of the state. Modern liberalismRead MoreViews of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau815 Words   |  4 PagesArden Bentley AP Euro 3/9/13 Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Racques Rosseau were philosophers who stated their belief of human nature and how we should govern mankind. Although Rousseau was born a different time than Hobbes and Locke, they all had a very strong influence on the way governments should function. They created a revolutionary idea of the state of nature, the way men were before a government came into play. Each philosopher developed guidelines and responsibilities that the governmentRead MoreEssay on The Natural Ways of Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau1207 Words   |  5 Pagesstructure is reformed; it is during this rise in the early seventeenth and eighteenth century, that John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau introduce their varying opinions surrounding man in nature. The western philosophers mainly concern themselves with the concept of the social contract. 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The basic concept of a social contract is for members of society to enter into a voluntaryRead MoreThe State Of Nature : Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, And Jean Jacques Rousseau902 Words   |  4 Pagesstate of nature. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean Jacques Rousseau. Each theorist had some similar and different views Thomas Hobbes was not a positive person. He believed it was a dog eat dog world, and every man for themselves. Hobbes was no supporter of democratic government. He did not agree with the laws, and believed they shouldn t be enforced. His solution to problems would be to form a monarch. One person is to control who has the given right, such as; a king or queen. Hobbes visualizes aRead MoreThomas Hobbes And The State Of Nature1727 Words   |  7 Pagescomposed these. However, many philosophers have different notions of the State of Nature. In this essay I am going to use the writings of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Jacque Rousseau to explain how their notions of the State of Nature shape the way they envision political society. These philosophers have different notions of the State of Nature but they all agree that the State of Nature is the reason for why political societies come to be. They realize that the State of Nature does not workRead MoreConceptions of the Social Contra ct Theory924 Words   |  4 PagesThomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean Jacques Rousseau were political philosophers who formulated their own version of the social contract theory. The social contract theory is a treaty or an agreement that developed a set of laws, organized a functional society, and created the need to be governed. It was put into place when man realized that there was no law. Mankind eventually sought the desire for security and order. To receive security and order people shall voluntarily give up all their rightsRead MoreRousseau, Locke, and Hobbes Essay1200 Words   |  5 Pagesthe grounds of equality, justice, and freedom. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were all members of The Enlightenment movement, and each had their own idea on how human society should be structured and run. Locke and Hobbes lived around the same time, and some of their political theories were the same, however, by the time Rousseau came along, much had changed. Born in Geneva to a middle class watch maker, Jean-Jacques Rousseau was to become one of the most influential thinkers

Friday, December 20, 2019

Bullying Essay - 631 Words

Diana Vanessa Alba Writing Level 5 Cause and Effect Essay BULLYING IS TAKING OUR CHILDREN LIVES Have you ever bullied or been bullied? Bullying behavior can occur for many reasons, some of which are TV violence, families in poverty, mis-teachings, lack of parent’s attention and also kids under bad influence. Teens often begin bullying because they want to control those who are weaker than they are. Bullying gives you people an identity, they become well known in school, they want to be popular no matter what is the reason for. Bullying makes them feel powerful. Gives attention to the young people who are mistreated at home. Parents aren’t given them the special attention to this important matter and their children are became†¦show more content†¦They become isolated, this social withdrawal results in depression. The impact on its victims can be severe, they feel an emotional rollercoaster and this probably has a permanent damage on their personalities as a collateral effect. Changing their lives forever with psychological consequences. Students lose self-esteem and start questioning their own personalities, thinking that maybe they deserve this bad treatment. They may start focusing only on the bully. Their outlook on life may become darker and darker as the bullying continues. If the bullying damages teens, they may do almost anything to get out of the situation. They may try to escape from their painful reality by engaging in dangerous activities. They might think about a plan of revenge. Probably they try to commit suicide. Bullying is very negative and creates major problems to our society. Now we are all aware of this impact over our children and also who witness it as well. When young people are victims of bullies, there is a strong chance that they will suffer many negative consequences, not only from the bullies themselves but also as they begin to separate from society. For so many years, bullying was considered a normal part of growing up, as in the saying â€Å"Boys will be Boys!† However, with the increase of teen anguish due to bullying and the million of dollars spent on long-term therapy, one has to wonder if bullying should be considered a â€Å"normal†Show MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay : Bullying And Bullying756 Words   |  4 PagesRita Bullock July 3, 2015 Essay on Bullying In 2-3 pages, according to the Dignity for All Act, what is the legal responsibility of the teacher and the school when a student claims that he or she is being harassed, intimidated, or discriminated by another student(s)? What happens to a student who bullies, and what happens to the victim? School bullying can occur during every stage of development from Kindergarten through High school. Students suffer harmful effects when they are emotionallyRead MoreEssay on Bullying In America989 Words   |  4 PagesBullying is an act that is an everyday occurrence in some people’s lives. Bullying can be direct or indirect. What this means, is that bullying can be in the form of violence such as hitting and kicking or in the form of verbal abuse such as name calling and teasing. Manipulation and exclusion are also forms of bullying. Bullying can be taken into consideration as a minor assault but any form should be taken seriously. Whether it is taken to an extreme, done over a long or short period of time, orRead MoreEssay Bullying1404 Words   |  6 PagesBullying What is bullying? We might have seen it every day, and we still do not know what it is. In the short story â€Å"Black Boy,† Richard Wright shows how he was bullied as a young African American boy. However, bullying is not limited to one type of person living in one time period. It still exists today in the form of young people getting bullied on the streets, and at school. It could be very harmful, and could lead to serious damages, but sometimes it could help  by making people stand  up forRead More Bullying Essay567 Words   |  3 PagesBullying Bullying has been a growing problem in the world but more prominently has this become an issue in America. In Ann Hulberts article â€Å"Elephant in the Room† of Slate Magazine, she takes a position regarding anti-bullying programs that are being made to reduce this crisis. The way parents, teachers and victims have dealt with bullies has generally been a step in the wrong direction. We have always been told to ignore people that do not respect you, when really the problem is that theseRead Morebullying Essay794 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿1. What is the main idea presented in Lee Tunstalls article? (2marks) The main idea in Lee Tunstalls article is how bullying impacts our society. Tunstall given information on bullying in school, cyberbullying and in the workplace. Lee Tunstall explains how important bullying is as a crime and how people are constantly affected by bullying. 2. Overall, is Lee Tunstalls article biased? If you think it is, describe how you know they are biased. If you think it isnt, describe how Tunstall avoidsRead MoreBullying Essay876 Words   |  4 PagesEffects of Bullying Bullying has sustained as a significant issue in both adolescence and adulthood. To some, it can lead to depression while others may have the mental capacity to tolerate the issue and overcome the challenge. The problem regarding harassment arises from the fact that some individuals have no understanding of the different forms of victimization. Mostly, a person does not know what he or she is putting others through when they call them names intentionally or unintentionally.Read MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying1374 Words   |  6 PagesESSAY ON BULLYING I stood up and I watched the people eyes filled with tears and the environment impregnated with cry of mothers, fathers, cousins and relatives while I looked in awe and shamed, this was the same guy that tried to start a conversation with me three weeks ago that I ignored because other people labeled him a wanker and a weirdo. I had nothing against him after all its not a crime to be selective in choosing one’s friends so why should I neglect that moral logic and principle and moreoverRead MoreBullying Argumentative essay970 Words   |  4 PagesWriting Argumentative Essay 25 November 2013 Bullying Have you ever seen or experienced bullying and the dramatic effects it has on its victims? Unfortunately nine out of every ten students have experienced bullying in school or online. Many people believe that bullying is a part of growing up and kids do not know any better. Bullies are intentionally causing mental and or physical damage to their victims, which will affect them for the rest of their lives. Bullying has shown that it canRead MoreBullying Essay804 Words   |  4 PagesBullying 1. Bullying is constant harassment that is either physical, mental, cyber or social bullying. An example of physical bullying is if someone consistently hits you such as if every day at school they hit you that can be classed as physical bullying. A form of mental or emotional bullying is if someone calls you names and is derogatory towards you. These words will make you sad and possibly feel unwanted. Cyber bullying is when someone messages you things either on your phone or some messagingRead MoreBullying Essay971 Words   |  4 Pagesbullying has created lots of problems in school and outside of schools in society today. Picking on someone could very well change someone behavior. Bullying can ruin people lives if they are teased often. Younger and older kids in school are fatally injured, which needs to be taken care of before it starts and get out of hand. Bullying in first grade or going into middle school. Television violence, families in poverty, mis-teachings, music, and pic tures have influence younger and older people,

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ishmael Essay Example For Students

Ishmael Essay Ishmael The Destruction ContinuesIshmaelThe Biblical depiction of Adam and Eves fall builds the foundation of Daniel Quinns novel, Ishmael. In this adventure of the spirit, a telepathic gorilla, Ishmael, uses the history of Biblical characters in order to explain his philosophy on saving the world. Attracting his final student, the narrator of the novel, with an advertisement Teacher seeks pupil. Must have an earnest desire to save the world. Apply in person, Ishmael counsels the narrator through a series of questions that force him to stretch his mind. Diving straight into Biblical allusions, Ishmael begins his lesson with the history of his evolution from Goliath (17) to Ishmael. He explains this evolution as a time of realization where he shifts from blindly accepting the infamous reputation of Goliath, an evil giant from the Bible, to the quiet, thoughtful being of Ishmael. After his brief history, Ishmael shifts his attention to the creation. A culture is a people enacting a story (41), and the story of the Garden of Eden opened up new thoughts on mans transformation from dependent to independent beings. When Adam and Eve began their lives on earth, they fully depended on the gods for all their necessities. Just like all of the other animals in the garden, they followed the philosophy of leavers and left the question of who should live and who should die up to the gods. However, the serpent, a member of the taker group tempted Eve with fruit from a tree that would give them the knowledge of life and death. Eve, which means life (179) in turn, tempted Adam with the fruit. Although pre-warned that eating this forbidden fruit would kill man, Adam fell into temptation and his desire for life. Through this action, his eyes were partially opened to the gods vision. However, this knowledge ultimately would lead to the fulfillment of the gods warnings that the worlds doom was assured (166). After mans realization, he placed himself in a category separate from the animals and beasts that continued to rely on the worlds situation rather than themselves. An allusion to the Biblical story of Adam and Eves descendents, Cain and Abel continued the progression of mans shift from leavers, to what they are now, takers. The taker philosophy that the world was made for man (61), epitomized the their obstinate attitude that the universe was meant to be conquered and exploited by humans. Cain, a member of the taker philosophy and an agriculturist felt mans fate was in his or her hands. He showed these beliefs through the harvesting and storing of food. Abel, a member of the leavers demonstrated his philosophy of leaving everything alone except for what was needed in his hunter gatherer lifestyle. Cain and Abel represented two cultures. When these two cultures clashed, the takers began watering their fields with the blood of . . . herders (173). Cain took Abels life because according to him, the world was made for human control. Humans could will life as well as death. Slowly, as the takers and their philosophies took over the planet, they reem phasized the worlds ultimate destruction. Through the passage of time, these Biblical stories, written by the leavers, have been accepted into the culture of the takers. These allusions enhance the consequences of the takers and their beliefs because of their philosophy that they are their own gods and the world belongs to man. This philosophy has caused destruction. Unfortunately, not many realize it, and the destruction continuesWords/ Pages : 587 / 24

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

A latter for the Australia Consumer Law -

Question: Discuss about the A latter for the Australia Consumer Law. Answer: [#Date#] [#Your name#] [#Your address#] Ms Melissa Rogers Legal Compliance Officer Munchkins R Us [#Address#] Dear Ms Rogers Re: The legal implications of ACCC v Woolworths Limited [2016] FCA 1472; ACCC v Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd [2014] FCA 1405 We refer to your request for advice regarding the legal implications of the two recent Federal Court judgments referred to above. You advised us that you recently established a new Special Suppliers Club. In relation to the club you have sent invitations to all suppliers where they are required to $200 on a monthly basis in order to attain the membership of the club. In addition it has been provided by you that all suppliers who are able to gain the membership of the club would be entitled to receive member benefits which consists of an annual Christmas party and monthly e-newsletter. However it has also been provided by you that those suppliers who do not become members of the club, their products would no longer be eligible for display in stores having high traffic or for promotion. In the given situation there are possibilities that your conduct may be regarded as an unconscionable conduct. This is because section 21 of the Australian Consumer Law given in Schedule 2 of the Australian Competition and Consumer Act 2010 prohibits a person in trade of commerce to indulge in a conduct which may be regarded as un conscionable. There is no precise and well defined definition of an unconscionable conduct, however section 22 gives out a few circumstances in which Unconscionable conduct may take place. According to this section a unconscionable conduct may include the consideration of the seller and the buyer, whether the conditions which have been imposed by the seller is required reasonable to protect business interest, whether the document was understood properly by the buyer, whether the seller exerted any pressure or undue influence on the buyer and whether good faith was observed during the transaction. So in the given situation in case it is determined that the conduct which have been indulged into by you in relation to the club and the suppliers is unconscionable then you may be subjected to financial penalties. The two most important cases the implications of which may be applied to determine your situation and derive appropriate advice as the case of Coles and Woolworths case as named above. Our advice to you is based on these instructions. Advice: In the case of ASIC v Coles it was found by the court that the defendant company indulged in a conduct which is unconscionable in nature with respect to the provisions of section 21 of the ACL. In the proceedings it has been stated by the court that misconduct of the defendant company was very serious, repeated and deliberate in nature. There was a misuse of bargaining power by Cole and the conduct which was indulged into was not in good conscience. The manner in which the company treated its suppliers were not in consistency with acceptable social and business standards applicable on commercial dealings. Here the organization had demanded payments from the suppliers which it had no right to claim by threating them of harm. In addition the company withheld money gained from the suppliers which it did not have any right to do. The proceedings which had been brought by the ACCC was in relation to the Active Retail Collaboration (ARC) program introduced by the company. The program had b een introduced to enhance the earnings of the company. When a few supplier involved in the arrangement refused to provide payments in relation to the program the company made threats in relation to commercial consequences. Few of such consequences were that support would be withdrawn from the suppliers, only when agreement to pay is made certain ranging obligations would be provided by the company, promotional activity risks, not acquiring products from the suppliers and not providing the suppliers forecasting information which was provided previously. In addition the organization had more bargaining power as compared to that of the suppliers. The suppliers were also not given sufficient information and were also pressured in relation to assess or consider the benefits of the program in a very short period of time. Therefore according to the circumstances which have been discussed in relation to this case it can be stated that the idea of the Special Suppliers Club program by organisation may be subjected to similar consequences. This is because your program also includes asking for payments from the suppliers and that said that if the payments are not made out the suppliers fail to join the club they would not be entitled to promote their products in high traffic stores. The benefits which are provided so your program include monthly new-settlers and a yearly Christmas party. However there is an element of threat of subjecting the suppliers to detriment in case they do not choose to be a part of the club. According to the reasoning provided in the above case the threat which is given in an indirect manner to the suppliers in this situation may result in an unconscionable conduct under section 21 of the ACL. In addition under the provisions of section 18 of the ACL these actions may also be reg arded as misleading or deceptive on which is likely to mislead or deceive. It may be held by the court that your organisation is using the greater bargaining power it may be held by the court that your organisation is using the greater bargaining power it has over the suppliers in order to exploit them and indulge in an unfair advantage trading. In the case of ASIC v Woolworths the question which that court had to determine was that whether the defendant organization indulged in an unconscionable conduct in the light of section 21 of the ACL. In this case the primary ruling of the court was that the organization did not indulged in a conduct which may be considered as unconscionable. In this case it had been ruled by the court that a Mind The Gap scheme introduced by the defendants through which they were to obtain payments form the suppliers did not constitute an unconscionable conduct. The scheme had been implemented for the purpose of closing the gap between the targeted and the expected profit and sales. The scheme consisted of several measures for the purpose of enhancing the margin such as a performance management initiative. The discretion of selecting the suppliers in relation to scheme was left on the managers. The allegation was majorly in relation to the implementation and design of the initiatives rather than ask ing the suppliers to make payments. On this ground the court distinguished the facts of this case with that of the Coles case where admission of a specific conduct in relation to the course of payment had been identified by the court. The ACCC in this case could not show that any supplier is affected because of the scheme. In addition it was found by the court that the scheme was not different to the regular course of dealing which the defendant company indulged into. Further it was held by the court that that defendant company did not require any contractual right to approach its suppliers. Thus the case implies that Unequal bargain do not always result in unconscionable conduct unless it is used. Gentility is not mandatory is relation to commercial dealings and the overall circumstances of the dealing needs to be analysed rather than a selective analysis. Unconscionability can only be established where leading evidence is obtained from a party involved in the arrangement. It had b een provided by the court that where evidence from suppliers involved in the scheme is not present it is not possible for the court to analyse the overall circumstances of the transaction. The circumstances which were involved in this case are much different to the coles case. In the Coles case the scheme involved the words asks and also demanded payment in relation to the supply of goods in an earlier period. The provisions of this case may have acted as a defence in relation to your program. However in this case the judge has expressly distinguished between what amounts to unconscionable conduct and what does not. Here there was no involvement on the part of the organisation to pressure the suppliers of making payment on the term or else they would be subjected to unfair detriment. The organisation indulgence in the program was no different to its regular course of dealing. However in your situation the company maybe held to pressure the suppliers by forcing them to contribute $200 every month towards the program in order to only get monthly new settlers and a Christmas party and if they do not do so they would not be able to get promotion in high traffic areas. This situation may meet the criteria which is required for the purpose of establishing in unconscionable conduct. A stronger case may be developed against you if any of the suppliers provide evidence that they have been affected by your program and have been forced through the virtue of low bargaining power to get into the agreement. Our recommendation to you is to you should not carry on with your program based on the terms which you wish to. According to the Australian Consumer Law you are not allowed to pressure any person to get into an agreement because of a higher bargaining power held by you and by giving them threat that if they do not get into the agreement they would be subjected to specific detriments. If you have any questions or would like us to assist you in anyway please dont hesitate to call our office. Your sincerely, [#Your name#] References ACCC v Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd [2014] FCA 1405 ACCC v Woolworths Limited [2016] FCA 1472 Australian Consumer Law, Schedule 2 of the Australian Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Aristotle Essays (1023 words) - Forms Of Government,

Aristotle Atirtotle's Politics Aristotle's Politics is a timeless examination of government structure and human nature that explains his ideas on how a utopian state can be achieved. In this work, Aristotle examines ubiquitous issues such as government structure, education, crime, property ownership, the honesty of occupations, and population control. He states in Book IV, Chapter Eleven the best form of political association is one where power is vested in the middle class, and secondly, that good government is attainable in those cities where there is a large middle class The polis is a partnership of citizens in a system of government that serves to achieve the common good. It is not just a place where people live together for defense against enemies and for the exchange of goods. It is rather a partnership between households, clans, and villages for the sake of a fully developed and self-sufficient life. The polis gives those who possess wisdom and moral intellect a chance to move up to hi gh positions Justice is the political good in the polis, and it must promote the common interest of the people. What is perceived to be good has to be distributive and regulative. The law is the regulating mechanism that emerges from free and equal people in civic associations. It serves as the final arbiter of problems, and stands above individuals and binds their actions. Laws change habits and training, but are changeable through certain circumstances and procedures if it is believed to be unjust. The well-being of a society is contingent upon to what extent its citizens obey the law. A member of the polis can be defined as someone who can participate in judging (serve as a juror in the court system), and in governing (serve in public office). A good citizen must possess moderation, prudence, and justice, and must be able and willing to rule and be ruled. Aristotle defines a constitution as an arrangement in regard to the offices of the city. By this arrangement the citizen body distributes office, either on the basis of the power of those who participate in it, or on the basis of some sort of general equality (i.e. the equality of the poor, or of the rich, or an equality existing among both rich and poor.) There must therefore be as many constitutions as there are modes of arranging the distribution of office according to the superiorities and the differences of the parts of the city (Page 138). He believes that the organization of a state's constitution is directly related to the kinds of citizens that reside in the polis. The constitution has a direct root to the most powerful or most populated class. The middle class is where most of the power comes from because they are the majority, and therefore best reflect the common interest. The upper class is not fit to form the constitution because they, like the lower class, would base it on t heir own values and beliefs rather than the needs of the state. There are problems with the lower and upper classes cr eating laws. The lower class constantly feels that the government is cheating them out of something because they do not have the wealth, stature, and possibly education that the upper-class possesses, thereby making it difficult for them to work towards the common good. Aristotle thinks that the upper class has too much ambition, and would only create laws that would further their economic and social well-being with little or no regard to the rest of the population. These classes consist of self-interested individuals that want to further their own needs and concerns. They create factions in order to go against the system. Factional conflict is the result of inequality, and the passion for equality is the root of faction (Class Notes). The middle class acts as the mean between the concerns of the rich and poor. Goodness itself consists in a mean; and in any city the middle class is a mean between the rich and the poor (Page 156). Th e middle class is free from the ambition of the ri ch and the pettiness of the poor, which helps to ensure political cohesion. We can conclude that a constitution

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Beowulf charecterization essays

Beowulf charecterization essays 1. In a peaceful Kingdome by the name of the Danish Kingdome, something stirs and it is not nice. That thing is Grendal and he is one bad monster, people say that he is a descendant from Cain and the symbol for evil; Cain was the first person to ever murder his own brother which automatically made Grendal against god. To start the story off in the right direction Grendal starts in his underground cave asleep Grendal is awaken by Danish warriors singing drunk like. Since Grendal is the epitome of evil he gets enraged at all, the joyous singing woke up, rushed towards the castle burst open the doors, and mutilated about thirty of the kings knights. He then fled back to his foggy layer where he went back to his peaceful yet eerie sleep. 2. Although Grendal is the most evil thing out there, there are much more devious kind of monster out there. In this story Grendals mother is the culprit and flaunts it. Her reputation is one you would not want her to show you. She is one big monster, ugly, and viscous. She is known to kill anyone and any thing that so much as touches the water in the lake even the animals wont drink out of the water they would rather die. Who would blame them grendals mother would kill them six times before they would hit the ground. 3. Beowulf goes back home after the defeat of both monster and vows the king that he will go back if trouble returns. A few years pass and Beowulf is back in his own kingdom and is the king, due to the loss of his old king higlac. Someone has stolen a golden relic from a nearby cave where a humongous fire-breathing dragon lived. The dragon was so outraged that it started so many fires that it looked like the whole Kingdome was the devils layer. By this time Beowulf had, had enough and set course towards the dragons home and take revenge. Beowulf was not what he used to be back when he fought the grendals he is a lot weaker and has aged alot. When Beowu...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Overpopulation affects the environment Research Paper - 1

Overpopulation affects the environment - Research Paper Example he population has effected the environment through two agents: the increasing population itself, and the advances in technology that this population has brought with itself (Stancheva). However, currently both the problems have little hope of being tackled, so that the environment continues to be adversely effected. For this purpose, and in this paper, it is assumed that the problem of overpopulation is a fixed entity, and the only variable that can be modified is the way the environment is handled through lifestyle and habits of the general population. This paper, therefore, purports to present some of the problems that are inflicted on the environment, and the way they can be properly handled by appropriate changes in the lifestyle. The most dire issue related to overpopulation is that of fresh water supply (Stancheva). According to the United Nations, the supply per capita has decreased by one third in the past year (Stancheva). It is the worst in the developing and the underdeveloped countries of Asia, Africa, and South America, coinciding with the increase in the population in these areas (Stancheva). Nevertheless, the developed countries and the urban areas are also not prevented from this crisis (Stancheva); with the increase in population in the urban areas due to migration, the demand for fresh water has increased while the supplies either remain constant or have decreased. A case in point is Beijing (Stancheva). Another problem related to water is its pollution. Again, it is worst in the underdeveloped countries, where 95% of the sewage, especially from factories, is dumped into the water system untreated, which ultimately makes its way into the ocean (Stancheva). Combined with over-fishing, which results in the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bullying at School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bullying at School - Essay Example When a student embarrasses, ridicules or scorns another student it is harassment, bullying or teasing. (Harber, 2004) Bullying can take many forms-physical violence, threats, name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors, persistent teasing, and exclusion from a group, tormenting, ridicule, humiliation and abusive comments. All are a form of violence. Teacher-pupil bullying also exists. Pupil-pupil bullying is a common problem in schools internationally. Though there are variations in the types of bullying perpetrated, bullying is carried out by both males and females and both males and females are the victims. However, apparently schools play no part in creating it and do their best to put an end to it. Schools can play a large part in actually creating the problem of bullying. For example, lower achieving pupils, belittled in the competitive atmosphere, may strive to regain some dignity through bullying. It is also pointed out that while school sport has the potential for learning team spirit, giving your best and shared endeavor, it can also exclude those who do not excel and it can become brutish with over-competitiveness, over-stressing the body and the promotion of aggression and violence. While all children who are treated brutally do not go on to become bully because there are often countervailing and modifying socialization influences, and because they do not have the opportunity, serious damage can be done to individuals and the results can negatively affect societies. The second, related idea is that authoritarianism and its emphasis on automatic obedience to orders is very dangerous as it conditions and permits individuals to carry out violent acts by proving a justification or legitimating for them. Many individual acts of violence have been carried out and justified in the name of the duty to obey. Types of Violence Bullies normally resort to various types of violence they often subject victims to, like physical manhandling and mental and emotional harassment. One important aspect of this can include various forms of sexual harassment-verbal sexual aggression, the threat of sexual abuse, unsolicited physical contact and enforced sexual interference. The underlying authoritarian and patriarchal context of direct sexual violence in schooling and its role in reproducing hegemonic forms of violent masculinity are often more hurting for the bullied children. the teachers appeared to pursue their amorous activities both inside and outside the classroom quite openly; in the classroom, boys and girls would whistle or hiss if a teacher called on a particular girl known to be of interest to him to read out loud or come in front of the class. Boys were loud in their condemnation of such teachers, not for moral reasons but because they saw it as unfair competition. (Harber, 2004) Moreover, male teachers who behave in this way are indicating to boys that such behavior is acceptable. Some key findings of the research were: - Sexual abuse of girls by girls by male pupils and teachers is accepted along with corporal punishment, verbal abuse and bullying, as an inevitable part of much of school life. It exploits unequal power relationships and the

Monday, November 18, 2019

H&M Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

H&M Marketing - Case Study Example Fashion adopted by H&M is usually the one which is the ongoing trend in the society. It can be clearly seen through the massive budget allocated to the marketing sector that H&M is heavily dependent on the marketing campaign that they undergo. 4% of the revenues of H&M are allocated to the marketing campaign. Furthermore, in 2002 a top fashion legend was selected by the H&M to promote its products through marketing. The economical spending of the H&M management does not stand the marketing campaign as the management itself decides to spend a heavy amount on marketing campaigns. This shows that H&M is to a great extent marketing orientated and is heavily dependent on these approaches. Ans2. The efficiency/effectiveness matrix is a tool used by businesses to categorize companies according to their success in strategies and implementation. H&M can be categorized into the 'Thrive' cell of the effective/efficient matrix. The 'Thrive' cell in the matrix usually denotes organizations which are successful in forming and implementing strategies. Similarly H&M shows a sign that it belongs to one of these organizations because of its rapid growth and success. The strategy pursued by them is of the kind which adopts recent approaches to meet the demands of the society. The rapid growth which the company is going through shows a sign of the company thriving in the business sector. It has expanded from a small outlet to 900 garment shops all over the world. And it is known to top the list in terms of expansion with its other competitors. The effectiveness of H&M can be seen in the implementation of the strategies and the efficiency of this effectiveness is also great. Strateg ies pursued by H&M are different from their other competitors and most of the emphasis in these strategies is on pricing, marketing and fashion designing. H&M has incurred great profits in the years and thus best suits in the category of 'thrive'. Ans3. Customer value forms an important aspect of the strategies formed in the business world today. Firms give importance to this very aspect when forming strategies to give the customers a product or service which they desire with a better deal. H&M is known to provide customers with a better deal as required by the customer value. Customers of H&M are highly satisfied with the products they are getting as these products are according to their needs. Not only the desires are being met but also the price at which these desires are being met is exceptional. The designing section of H&M is known to be travelling through out the world to pick up the recent trends in fashion and implement them in their fashion industry. Pricing is marked as an important criterion in the firm as it helps to attract customers towards it. Prices of the H&M products are known to be very low comparatively with other brands. Their motto is a clear sign on their stand on pricing strategies according to the new fashion trends. H&M also makes sure that new trends in fashion are quickly picked up by their designers and provided to the customers. A particular design in the H&M outlets would not be seen for a longer time as it would be removed with the newer fashion designs. Furthermore the same design if provided by other brands would be comparatively higher in price so the customer value is highly considered by the management of H&M. The cheap prices and the latest apparel in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Event planning evaluation: The Chingay Parade

Event planning evaluation: The Chingay Parade Event Introduction Background We would like to do a detailed report that based on our findings on event planning and event evaluation process of an event. The event we have chosen is Chingay Parade. The Chingay Parade was firstly introduced in Johor Bahru in 2006 and it is a street parade event also a part of the celebration of Chinese New Year. The parade stretches go as far as 15km throughout the city of Johor Bahru, about 145 groups usually lasts from mid-afternoon to after midnight with an organized row of lion dances, interesting performances including dancing, singing, decorated parade floats and so on. First, we would like to explain why the event is called ‘chingay’. Chingay has two characters; Chin and Gay is the Min Nan dialect (including Teochew) for the Art of Decorating. The deities as Chingay Parade have rarely reffered to Johor Bahru residents as annual parade. This name is mostly used by the non-Chinese speaking public; probably due to the non-religious fancy parades in Penang and later in Singapore. Although the decorated floats and painted Chinese folk-characters are part and parcel of this annual parade, the main theme actually is the procession of the Five Deities from the five main dialect-groups of Johor Bahru. Thus for a Johor Bahru resident, especially the Chinese-educated, this annual parade is always pronounced ‘You-Shen’, which meaning the Parade of the Gods in Mandarin, rather than Chingay. As the historical of Chingay Johor Bahru, the Chingay Parade has been held for more than 100 years. It is celebrated on the 21st day in the first month of the Chinese Moon-related calendar and the event attracts thousands of people every year also as part of the Moon-related New Year celebration and as a predictor of peace and richness for the coming year for the town. Besides, Chingay started as a birthday celebration of Chinese gods, whose statues were taken out of temples and paraded around the city. In the belief that they will then provide plenty blessings to the people. Johors Chingay has heavy religious importance, where all parades begin at the Old Chinese Temple in Jalan Trus (Johor Bahru). Chingay procession was held in celebration with the birthdays of the Chinese deities or the procession of the Goddess of Mercy (Guanyin). It was held to worship and enjoy with the deity. Today, the JB Old Temple has five main deities for the five main dialect-groups: ‘Yuan Tian Shang Di’ or ‘Tua Lau Ya’ for the Teochews, ‘Hong Xian Da Di’ for the Hokkiens, ‘Gan Tian Da Di’ for the Hakkas, ‘Hua Guang Da Di’ for the Cantonese and ‘Zhao Da Yuan Shuai’ for the Hainanese. On the 21st day at about 7 in the evening is the grand parade, all the devotees and those with designated tee-shirts of the respective associations will then enter the Deities’ Depot to lift their respective deities for the night parade. This will be accompanied by troupes of opera characters, musical bands, lion-dancers, dragon dancers, decorated floats, stilt-walkers, big-headed dolls, giant flags and many other groups to entertain the town-folks who by then will line along the entire route eagerly awaiting the deities to pass. The order of the procession is always predetermined. The first deity to lead the parade will be Zhao Da Yuan Shuai of the Hainanese clan, followed by Hua Guang Da Di of the Cantonese clan, then Gan Tian Da Di of the Hakka clan, Hong Xian Da Di of the Hokkien clan nd the last to round up the back is the main deity Yuan Tian Shang Di of the Teochew clan. Event Planning (Definition) In general, event planning is the process of managing a project such as a meeting, convention, birthday party, exhibition, conference and so on. Event planning includes money-planning, beginning and building on timelines, selecting and reserving the event sites, buying permits, planning food, coordinating transportation, developing a theme, arranging for activities, selecting speakers and keynotes, arranging for equipment and facilities, managing risk, and developing backup plans. As event planner, event planning means consists of coordinating every detail of meetings and conventions, from the speakers and meeting location to arranging for printed materials and visual equipment. Besides, Event planning begins with figuring out the goal that the sponsoring organization wants to accomplish. Planners choose speakers, entertainment, and content, and arrange the program to present the organizations information in the most effective way. In addition to that, event planning is the energizing art of planning people and activities in order to create a show that creates memories of a lifetime. Designing and producing an event, whether its a meeting, related to big business event, fund-raiser, tradeshow or any other event, is in many ways almost the same as directing a live stage performance. Event Planning (Important) Event planning can help event planner to know what is the contribution should be and how to achieve event purpose. It is an important point to make sure that the event will be successful. It also can help planner to identify their event goals clearly and make planner decide clearly and concretely what the event need to do and can affect the social that organization wants. Event planning also can help planner make sure that understand their goal and what they need to do to reach event goal by involving target consumer in the event planning process. It can make planners all work in a goal-oriented way more than in a loose way where planner just respond to issues and cries with not clear event goals as well. Besides, event planning can helps planner to accountable for what they do. It is a consequential point, event planning can help planner or organization decide what is the best to use resources including hired people, equipment, time and other, so that will help planner and organization most significant contribution to achieving their purpose. Last but not least, event planning important in lays the basis for event organization to asses and evaluate their achievements effectively. Event Evaluation (Definition) In general, event evaluation is analysis of the efficiency and efficacy of such events using a range of empirical methods. Event evaluation measures investigate impact at all levels. In apart from that, event evaluation is the process of critically observing, measuring and monitoring the implementation of an event in order to evaluate its results (Bowdin, 2008). Event Evaluation (Important) Event evaluation, as well as event planning cycle, it can help event organization and event planner to identify how they can improve and correct what they are achieving, event organization and planners also can take action to build on successes event and repeating failures in next time event. Besides, effective event evaluation process enables event organization and event planner to use what they learned from their experience to improve what they are achieving in the event. In addition to that, event evaluation is necessary to make event planner and team-mate more efficiency and effectively before the next time you organize an event. It is all about finding the mistakes and learning from them. In apart from that, evaluating help event planner gets feedback from attendees and participants, discovering the best and worst bits of an event to know if the event achieved its original aims, or how it could be improved for the next event. Moreover, evaluating shows volunteers and staff the value of their work and the impact of the event on the community. Some funders may require evaluations to be conducted, to show value for money as well. Event Planning Process Objective, visitor, place Chingay is a cultural Chinese New Year festival, so that the visitor of the event will be Chinese. Location of the Chingay Event held in Johor. Through history, after World War II, this activity spread to the south of Peninsular Malaysia unconsciously, that is Johor Bahru. Johor Bahru Chingay is commonly known as â€Å"Chinese New Year celebration part 2†. There are a folk saying on Johor Bahru people that â€Å"Chinese New Year never come to end if no celebrate Johor Bahru Chingay†. In addition, since the Chinese living in Johor majority. This annual event is inextricably linked to the Old Temple at Jalan organizes Johor Bahru Chingay Celebration with five Chinese dialect groups also called as Parade of Deities. Based on the size of the number, this event plan in outdoor so that can accommodate more participants. Time, date, content The Chingay is conducted in the first lunar month from 18th to 22nd (5days). And which consecutive 3 days from 19th to 21st are running with the main activities. In the morning, when the gong decorated with sacred flag bearer of the team will be deemed to walk and jingle of the gong in the entire parade route, this represents to â€Å"wash the way† before the festivities begin. On the first day on 17 February 2014, here is a light up ceremony at Xing Gong. It is a provisional places that deities choose. It can provide more spacious place to believers to pray. For the second and the third day, there is a street cleansing and mounting of deities on holy sedans followed by a small drum music parade and deities leaving the Old Temple carried on holy sedans. The location is from Johor Old Temple to palace. Thereby completing the centuries Chingay for three consecutive days of Overture. On the fourth day, activity held in the evening at 7pm. It is a busy streets walk of Johor Bahru from Xing Gong and walk around the Xing Gong. The distance of the line is about 8 kilometer. The town-folks are accompanied by decorated floats, lion-dancers, troupes of opera characters and so on. Lastly, 22nd February is the day of deities return to their Divine abodes, after this Johor Bahru resident will feel that they had finished their New Year. Promotion+ Sponsorship All the source of communication have been use. The organizer, Tiong Hua associations started to promote Chingay. As Chingay is an on-going parade, it has its own website. Besides this they also create a Facebook page welcoming for people to join. In the page, they listed out all details and the history of Chingay. For those who have questions, they also willing to give answers and the information will be update on time. In the other hand, the organizer promote the event through newspaper. Meanwhile, there will be banners and posters at anywhere in Johor. In addition, There also have media conference helped them publicise. For people who may not be able to see any information on others way, TV stations are another alternative for people to get Chingay information. Chingay is a recurrent activities, so not too much publicity, people will get to know about it. Based on the relationship between people, word of mouth also became a tool of mass media. In this event, people who participatin g were dressed in several different styles and different signs of T-shirt which are provided by the supplier that are Carlsberg, Tiger and Country Garden Danga Bay. Thus, the vendors can use this event to advertise their products. Accessibility Due to the wide range of activities involved, the number of participants more, even at night parade, it is easily lead to the accidents. In order to avoid the occurrence of such outside bruised and protect the safety of participants, the organizer had invite the medical staff to assist. The organizer also prepared a resting place for the participants. Event Evaluation Chingay parade event is a successful event in Johor Bahru, Malaysia due to it has a lot of foreign and Chinese people will join in this festival event every year. In this festival event, it affect a lot of benefits impacts as well as the cost. In benefits, social and cultural impacts in this event including broaden people’s horizons because it has the festive atmosphere with stilt walkers, lion and dragon dances, acrobats, and dozens of decorated floats taking to the streets amidst the clashing of cymbals and beating of gongs and drums in this event. In this current issue, planner also try advantage a lot of new technology element inside this event so it will attract teenager joining this event. Another benefits in social and cultural impacts are revitalising traditions. Due to this event is a traditional festival event, it can promote our traditional culture inheritance to next generation as well. In addition to that, this event can increase Malaysian pride as well because have a lot of foreign know this event and it can let foreign know about our traditional culture. The positive political impacts in this festival event are this event can let our social cohesion. This event purpose is unity ‘Teochew’, ‘Hokkien’, ‘Cantonese’, ‘Hakka’ and ‘Hainan’ all of these Chinese people during 19th century. In this current, also can let other race people know about Chinese religion so it will increase Malaysian cohesion in the country, because everyone will respect different race religion. This event also will attract foreign tourists come to join in. It can increases tourists visit or travel in Malaysia so that we can earn and increase a lot of foreign money. On the contrary, this festival event also bring negative impacts in environmental which make a lot of environmental damage and pollution in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Due to the reason which people are going for a 15km around Johor Bahru, the participants will throw rubbish at the street and make noise. Besides, it will disturb residents around the city until midnight and this event increase traffic jam as well. In the political negative impacts, event organizer cannot calculate their budget in this event. Their budget come from donation and find a lot of sponsorship. If the year has financial crisis, they will get the donation less than last year and let the event lead to failure because they need a lot of money to be the cash float. Last but not least, it has a political negative impacts which are lack of accountability. Event organizer cannot predict the accountable of the amount of people who will join in the event and will make event organizer easily loss control of the event. Recommendation Evaluations often make recommendations about how a program can be improved, how the risk of program failure can be reduced or whether a program should continue. Based on the environmental negative impacts as environmental damage and noise disturbance, we can increase participant awareness about the knowledge of 3Rs which including reduce, reuse and recycle and everyone has responsibility to make sure the environment is clean. As traffic jam problem, we can encourage participant to achieve a sharing car plan with others or taking the public bus instead of taking private car. Chingay Johor Bahru can solve the noise disturbance problem by considering to plan the event not ended until mid-night for next year. Furthermore, due to the political negative impacts which are lack of accountability, the event organizer can do a survey form on social media first, understanding total how many people will participate the event before organizing and planning the event. Last but not least, the event organizer should planning the financial report first before finding a sponsorship to record how much they need to spent to control their budget. REFERENCE LIST What is event planning? Available from:> Event planning. Available from:> Johor Bahru Chingay. Available from:> Johor Bahru Chingay. Available from:> Look on the Bright Side | Bartleby, the Scrivener Look on the Bright Side | Bartleby, the Scrivener The world is full of all sorts of different people. The differences are really what keeps the world revolving because of all the different ideas that comes from these people. But even though the world if full of all different types of people it isnt until you look closer that everyone is actually a lot more similar than one could image. Two stories that were a part of our English 202 class, Look on the Bright Side and Bartleby, the Scrivener look completely different from the titles. But as we learned about these stories we found out that the authors of these two stories happened to write about similar things even though the stories were punished in different centuries. The quote Dont judge a book by its cover is true because this paper shows that the similarities seem to out-weigh the differences. Dagoberto Gilb had been raised in a broken home and had attended college but could never hold down a white-collar job. Since Gilb could not keep a job he had worked odd jobs as a skilled carpenter and decided to keep a journal about his experiences. The language that was used in Look on the Bright Side was simple and conversational like. Gilb explained his thoughts in a way that one to comprehend and actually find something in common with (Charters 451). Actually some of the conversation in the book was similar to some of the conversation my parents would have at their home. Bartleby, the Scrivener was the longer of the two stories. It was about a man who owned his own business and was looking for a new employee. He ended up having troubles with his new employee, Bartleby, and had to figure out how to deal with the situation. The narrator had to attempt several different strategies to try to get Bartleby to leave and/or quit but nothing seemed to work. The story Bartleby, the Scrivener was written by Herman Melville who had never attending college and actually grew up working on a whaling ship. He had written several short stories about his experience on the boat and actually said that a whale shit was my Yale College and my Harvard(Charters 877). Melville had chosen to write this story because he was trying something new with his writings; his previous writings had failed. The language that Melville chose to use was sophisticated and educated and the sentences were longer, almost to the point of run-ons of the narrators thoughts. This story was defiantly a little bit harder to get through reading and some of the parts had to be read twice to fully understand. Even though these two stories have differences there are a few similarities that can be found within them. For instances both stories deal with someone trying to find a job, details about different characters that the narrators come into contact with and characters that the story has in common. The following will describe the similarities of each story. Looking for work seemed to be an issue in each story. In Look on the Bright Side the narrator was the one looking for job to support his family. The economy was bad and the narrator had been laid off from work because his job had gone bankrupt. The narrator made the mistake of not trying to find a job right away because he had been laid off before. He thought that he was taking advantage of having a break from work and going on vacation with his family, but that was obviously not the right decision at that time because at the end of the story he was still out of work. In Bartleby, the Scrivener the narrator was looking for help in his office. The narrator was already a successful scrivener and had already employed a few men that he had been working with him for years. I feel that the narrator made his mistake in the story when he went about finding office help the way he did. Instead of the narrator setting up interviews for the position and placing the most appropriate candidate he placed an ad in the paper and waited for a reply. Bartleby showed up at the narrators office one day for the job and the narrator continued to ask him a few questions about the job. Even though the narrator was hesitant about hiring Bartleby because he seemed shy he thought he would give Bartleby a chance. In most situations I dont think that the employer would hire someone that they werent too sure about. Great detail mentioned in both stories about the people that each narrator had come into contact with became the second biggest similarity. In Look on the Bright Side the narrator seemed to give greater detail about the people who were not directly involved in his life and less detail of the ones who were. First there was Mrs. Kevovian, who was the narrators landlord. He described her as being ignorant, nasty, and hard to communicate with(Gilb 452). The narrator described her to be this way because he has mixed feeling about her trying to raise the rent. The next person was the lawyer, Mr. Villalobos, who the narrator described in a way of being a fake Yassir Arafat. The narrator wasnt to sure about the lawyer because he thought that the lawyer was helping the wrong side. The main two people that were described in great detail were a bum across the street from the library and a man named John. The bum was introduced as being loud and then his physical character was described. He look ed like Einstein with a great, long beard and had hair like a wise man(Gilb 459) and his clothes were a mess as if he had not had a chance to shower in years. John was sketchier and talked nervously and jerked without pausing. He opened up to the narrator without hesitation; it was as if he was just happy to have someone to talk to. In Bartleby, the Scrivener the narrator gave great detail about his employees such as what they wore, how they looked, and even what their personality was like at different times of the day. The narrator had worked with his three employees for many years, he knew everything about them. He even knew what mood each employee was going to be in at what time of the day. This story went into even greater detail about each person that the narrator had come into contact with; it was if nothing about a character was missed. It seemed as if the author of the story wanted the reader to really get a feel for the people that were in the story and then he eased into the main point of the entire story. Lastly, I feel like I found each story had a little bit of craziness within it. The craziness that appeared in Look on the Bright Sides was towards the end when the narrator was outside of the library and John had came and sat by him who reminded the narrator of a hippie and then there were the bums across the street who were either rolling on the ground or yelling at the top of their lungs. In Bartleby, the Scrivener, Bartleby seemed to be the crazy one to an extent. He came into the job giving a loyal feeling to the narrator and he worked as hard as he could. Then Bartleby began to move into the office while continuing to work hard. The employer asked Bartleby nicely to leave the office after his work shift many times but Bartleby never ended up leaving; he had even found a key for the office and acted as if it was his home in a way. By the end of the story it took the law enforcement to remove Bartleby because a new employer had taken over the building and he still refused to leav e. Bartleby had only wanted to do what he wanted to do and it did not matter who was asking him for help or a favor he would either not responded or say I would prefer not to. I dont understand why anyone would want to stay in the office that they were working at, it almost made me wonder if Bartleby had done this with previous jobs. In each story the men went about dealing with their experiences in a different way. With the narrator in Look on the Bright Side he tried to stay positive as much as he could, he was always looking on the bright side. He knew that he had to find a job, but also knew that there was not any work out there, but heavily relayed on the business agents who kept telling him that work was going to break anytime. He also had to deal with the fact that his landlord wanted to raise the rent of their home, but he could not afford it nor did he think that the house was even worth that rent. He decided to go on vacation with his family and get in a little bit of trouble for trying to smuggle some rum and narcotics. At the end of the story he ended up going to court and winning, but in the he still lost the house and had to move his family out. I think that he should have tried to find a job right away, but of course he did not know that the economy was going to turn for the worst. The narrator in Bartleby, the Scrivener seemed to be more of a push over when it came to dealing with is problem with his new employee Bartleby, who did not want to do everything that was required for the job and then ultimately would not leave the office even after being told that he was fired. The narrator was always coming up with excuses for why Bartleby would act the way he did and would sometimes feel sorry for him. But then there were other times such as when Bartleby would say I would prefer not to that the narrator would get fed up with him and want to fire him. The narrator struggled with this issue of what to do with Bartleby through the whole story. He had tried everything from at first giving him the benefit of the doubt, then to bribing him, asking him to leave, and finally he moved his entire office closer down town. It seemed that whatever his plan of action was, he just could not rid himself of Bartleby. In the end he finally came to realization that Bartleby had gro wn into his life, and now that he was in jail, because the new employers of the office building that the narrator had sold could not get rid of him, he was going to visit with him as much as possible and find out who this interesting character named Bartleby really was. With both of these stories there was a different perspective of how to handle situations. In Look at the Bright Side the narrator really did try and look at the bright side of problem that he had ran into. As for Bartleby, the Scrivener the narrator pushed his issues off dealing with Bartleby and made excuses for him until he could no longer handle it. The narrator was pushovers by letting Bartleby get away with everything in the beginning. Even though the stories dealt with two different issues they were still similar. There was great detail about each person that the narrators came into contact with, from what they looked like to what their personality was like. Both of these stories were great life lessons and should be kept in the back of everyones mind when they run into these situations in life. One, you cannot always be a push over because you are going to lose in the end and two, you should always try and stay positive and focus on the real things in life such as family and f riends, not just money. Work Citied Charters, Ann. Dagoberto Gilb. 8th. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 451. Print. Charters, Ann. Herman Melville. 8th. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin, 2011. 877. Print. Gilb, Dagoberto. Look on the Bright Side. 452-460. Print. Melville, Herman. Bartleby, the Scrivener. 878-904. Print.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

John Grisham Essay -- essays research papers

John Grisham’s Appeal to Contemporary Viewers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The success behind the Grisham’s novels has come from the author’s ability to focus the suspense and drama around the character, rather than the cases the character is involved in. When one looks back into time at the novels and TV shows about law, the authors tended to focus on the cases rather on the drama surrounding the event that took place. In John Grisham’s book The Firm, he turns the focus of the audience away from the actual case(s) and instead focuses on the life of the lawyer (Mitch McDeere). This allows Grisham to add drama, suspense and anything else that would help support the plot. If Grisham decided only to write about the technical aspects of law surrounding a case, then his following of viewers would probably be much smaller then it is today. Matt Zoller Seitz, an author who wrote an essay that reaffirms this point, by claiming that the contemporary viewers are attracted to Grisham’s work because of his real life like stories surrounding the main characters, like the lawyer, Mitch McDeere, in The Firm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Grisham’s leading character in this novel is Mitch McDeere, he is the center of the plot. Grisham uses supporting characters such as Mitch’s wife, and other partners in the law firm, that brings life to Mitch McDeere. Grisham creates conflict between these characters and Mitch to form the drama of the plot and find a resolution to the problems that...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Marketing Communication Strategies Essay

This week’s discussion focuses on integrated marketing communications. Companies use various promotional tools in order to design successful integrated marketing communication strategies. Please respond to all of the following prompts in the class discussion section of your online course: Explain how the promotional tools used by an airline would differ if the target audience were (a) consumers who travel for pleasure, or (b) corporate travel departments that select the airlines to be used by company employees. Instructions: The minimum expectation for class discussions is to respond directly to each part of the discussion prompt and to respond to at least two other posts, either by a student or instructor, by the end of the week: 1. Submit one main post responding directly to each part of the discussion prompt. This should be a substantive response to the topic(s) in your own words, referencing what you have discovered in your required reading and other learning activities. 2. Reply to at least two posts. Responses can be made to students or to your instructor. 3. Responses to other individuals’ posts should: Expand on their ideas Discuss the differences between your thoughts and theirs Explain why you agree or disagree To post your main response to this topic, click the blue Respond button below. To respond to a classmate or your instructor, click the blue Respond button below his/her post. Respond This section lists options that can be used to view responses. Collapse All Print View Show Options Responses Responses are listed below in the following order: response, author and the date and time the response is posted. Sort by Read/Unread Sort by Response Sorted Ascending, click to sort descending Sort by Author Sort by Date/Time* Collapse Mark as Unread Week Nine Instructor operation 3/9/2014 12:31:43 AM Hello Everyone, Welcome to week nine of class. Hold on – Not much longer now! We are almost there, after this week will only have three weeks left. Congratulations on making it this far in the course, you have done an exceptional job thus far. I look forward to the next few weeks of class, which will of course go by way to fast for me. I like that most everyone is taking me up on my offer to make up missing work or make corrections on work and resubmitting the assignments. Keep all of the work coming my way and keep focusing on your goals. This week we will work on integrated marketing communications. This is where companies use various promotional tools in order to design successful integrated marketing communication strategies. It will be another fun week and I look forward to hearing your ideas on this subject. If you have any questions, issues, complaints or need any help please let me know.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Gloster Meteor - Gloster Meteor Jet

Gloster Meteor - Gloster Meteor Jet Gloster Meteor (Meteor F Mk 8): General Length: 44 ft., 7 in.Wingspan: 37 ft., 2 in.Height: 13 ft.Wing Area: 350 sq. ft.Empty Weight: 10,684 lbs.Loaded Weight: 15,700 lbs.Crew: 1Number Built: 3,947 Performance Power Plant:2 Ãâ€" Rolls-Royce Derwent 8 turbojets, 3,500 lbf eachRange: 600 milesMax Speed: 600 mphCeiling: 43,000 ft. Armament Guns: 4 Ãâ€" 20 mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 cannonsRockets: up to sixteen 60 lb. 3 in. rockets under wings Gloster Meteor - Design Development: Design of the Gloster Meteor began in 1940 when Glosters chief designer, George Carter, began developing concepts for a twin-engine jet fighter. On February 7, 1941, the company received an order for twelve jet fighter prototypes under the Royal Air Forces Specification F9/40 (jet-powered interceptor). Moving forward, Gloster test flew its single-engine E.28/39 on May 15. This was the first flight by a British jet. Assessing the results from the E.38/39, Gloster decided to move forward with a twin-engine design. This was largely due to the low power of early jet engines. Building around this concept, Carters team created an all-metal, single-seat aircraft with a high tailplane to keep the horizontal tailplanes above the jet exhaust. Resting on a tricycle undercarriage, the design possessed conventional straight wings with the engines mounted in streamlined nacelles mid-wing. The cockpit was located forward with a framed glass canopy. For armament, the type possessed four 20 mm cannon mounted in the nose as well as the ability to carry sixteen 3-in. rockets. Initially named Thunderbolt, the name was changed to Meteor to prevent confusion with the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt. The first prototype to fly took off on March 5, 1943 and was powered by two De Havilland Halford H-1 (Goblin) engines. Prototype testing continued through the year as various engines were tried in the aircraft. Moving to production in early 1944, the Meteor F.1 was powered by twin Whittle W.2B/23C (Rolls-Royce Welland) engines. In the course of the development process, prototypes were also used by the Royal Navy to test carrier suitability as well as sent to the United States for assessment by the US Army Air Forces. In return, the USAAF sent an YP-49 Airacomet to the RAF for testing. Becoming Operational: The first batch of 20 Meteors were delivered to the RAF on June 1, 1944. Assigned to No. 616 Squadron, the aircraft replaced the squadrons M.VII Supermarine Spitfires. Moving through conversion training, No. 616 Squadron moved to RAF Manston and began flying sorties to counter the V-1 threat. Commencing operations on July 27, they downed 14 flying bombs while assigned to this task. That December, the squadron transitioned to the improved Meteor F.3 which had improved speed and better pilot visibility. Moved to the Continent in January 1945, the Meteor largely flew ground attack and reconnaissance missions. Though it never encountered its German counterpart, the Messerschmitt Me 262, Meteors were often mistaken for the enemy jet by Allied forces. As a result, Meteors were painted in an all-white configuration for ease of identification. Before the end of the war, the type destroyed 46 German aircraft, all on the ground. With the end of World War II, development of the Meteor continued. Becoming the RAFs primary fighter, the Meteor F.4 was introduced in 1946 and was powered by two Rolls-Royce Derwent 5 engines. Refining the Meteor: In addition to the chance in powerplant, the F.4 saw the airframe strengthened and the cockit pressurized. Produced in large numbers, the F.4 was widely exported. To support Meteor operations, a trainer variant, the T-7, entered service in 1949. In an effort to keep the Meteor on par with new fighters, Gloster continued to improve the design and introduced the definitive F.8 model in August 1949. Featuring Derwent 8 engines, the F.8s fuselage was lengthened and the tail structure redesigned. The variant, which also included a Martin Baker ejection seat, became the backbone of Fighter Command in the early 1950s. Korea: In the course of the Meteors evolution, Gloster also introduced night fighter and reconnaissance versions of the aircraft. The Meteor F.8 saw extensive combat service with Australian forces during the Korean War. Though inferior to the newer swept-wing MiG-15 and North American F-86 Sabre, the Meteor performed well in a ground support role. In the course of the conflict, the Meteor downed six MiGs and destroyed over 1,500 vehicles and 3,500 buildings for a loss of 30 aircraft. By the mid-1950s, the Meteor was phased out of British service with the arrival of the Supermarine Swift and Hawker Hunter. Other Users: Meteors continued to remain in the RAF inventory until the 1980s, but in secondary roles such as target tugs. During the course of its production run, 3,947 Meteors were built with many being exported. Other users of the aircraft included Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Israel, Egypt, Brazil, Argentina, and Ecuador. During the 1956 Suez Crisis, Israeli Meteors downed two Egyptian De Havilland Vampires. Meteors of various types remained in frontline service with some air forces as late as the 1970s and 1980s. Selected Sources Military Factory: Gloster MeteorHistory of War: Gloster MeteorRAF Museum: Gloster Meteor

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Book Report Writing - Be Professional Writer

Book Report Writing - Be Professional Writer Writing a Book Report Students can write book reports in a variety of ways. However, there are three main categories of book reports. These are character analyses, plot summaries, and analyses of major themes. Book reports are quite popular among students, as they help them to review the plot of the story they have read and summarize its key points. Whatever category of book report you are required to write for your grade, you will have to follow a whole set of academic standards. Follow our recommendations and you will not have any difficulties writing a book report. To begin with, your book report must always contain the following components:Category of the book report you are going to write Book title Book author Where and when the story occurred Names and characters of the main participants Examples and citations from the bookYou will have to include rich evidence to support your book report. Summarizing the Plot If your task is to summarize the plot of the book, you will have to revisit the key points of the story. However, do not simply retell the book. You will also need to include your opinion about the book and explain the rationale behind it. That is, tell your readers why you think the story is interesting and well-written, or why it is not, if that is the case. You must analyze rather than simply reiterate the plot. See the example below: The plot of The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is fascinating, since it provides the reader with a better understanding of the role most women played in family relationships. A Character Analysis In case you decide to analyze some character, you will need to analyze both the physical appearance and personal character traits of the protagonist or secondary participants. Make sure that you also explore how their activities and decisions change the plot of the story.How are your characters dressed? Are they positive or negative? Is there anything irreparable or irreversible about the character that changes the plot? Refer to their activities and words. Use dialogues to prove your point. Now you can bring your observations together to develop a coherent narrative and tell your readers why the book you have chosen is worth reading.You may wish to start your paper with the following sentence: In Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour, the figure of the husband enjoys just a momentary presence, but it changes the plot of the story and makes the authors message meaningful. Themes If you need to explore the main themes of the book, you will have a great opportunity to choose the most important messages and describe them in your paper. Here you can also incorporate your opinions and thoughts. Try to tell your reader why you are feeling this way. Which themes seem more interesting to you? However, before you articulate your thoughts you will need to inform the reader about the themes you are going to discuss.Begin with a thorough description of the theme you have chosen for your report. Use rich evidence from the book of your choice to support your claims and opinions. Justify the importance of the theme in your story. Introduce each quotation, citation, and example. Include a thorough explanation of its meaning and significance in the context of your story. Once you are done with the analysis of your selected theme, you can also describe the way it affects the book plot. Also, try to predict how the theme you have chosen can impact the emotional reactions of your readers.Here you can use the following sentence to begin your book report: In Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour, the theme of gender discrimination is the most important aspect of the story. Whatever type of book report you are asked to produce, you will have to be sure that you are clear and unambiguous in your writing. You will need to do everything you can to produce an excellent book report. One of the main factors of your writing success is using enough evidence from the book to support your claims. As soon as you are done with your book report, you will see how your writing and analytical skills have improved. You will be able to use them in your future academic work.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Think Aloud Learning Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Think Aloud Learning Strategy - Assignment Example The authors state that the Think Aloud method of recognizing cognition is a way of learning the productive thinking process of students, a fact that is confirmed by the research studies that the researchers conducted. The Think Aloud strategy is a process used by effective teachers to demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategy to students. This is done by demonstrating the ease of solving problems that require cognitive thinking to solve the problems. The importance of the Think Aloud process is a way that can be used by teachers to assess how their students respond to hard tasks in the classroom setting. This is because the process gives teachers the opportunity to learn the weaknesses of their students in problem solving situations, therefore, helping in the identification of effective solutions. The process also teaches students the importance of internal dialogue in problem identification and solution, a fact that leads to the effective development of reading skills. The Think Aloud process allows students to develop into reflective and independent learners, therefore, leading to effective achievement of learning tasks. This factor is beneficial because it allows the student to approach problems with the proper mindset for effective solutions. ... Therefore, the teacher monitoring the students is able to identify weak spots in the reading strategy employed by the student, and propose effective solutions to the problems. The Think Aloud strategy is also used in problem solution, where the student refers to the steps already completed in the solution process, and identifies errors or difficulties encountered. Therefore, the Think Aloud strategy is used to improve the problem solving capability of the students and improve their learning ability. The other application of the Think Aloud process is to research and data collection. The process of thinking aloud when performing a difficult task is also useful in collecting data related to the cognitive process of a test subject. This means that, a researcher aiming to study the cognitive process can utilize the Think Aloud strategy to identify the cognitive processes involved in the thinking process; therefore, the results can be used to map cognitive processes. According to Johnston e, Bottsford-Miller and Thompson (2006), the Think Aloud process is independent of the interpretive process in the human brain; therefore, the data collected from the process is viable and cannot be manipulated by a student or researcher. Therefore, the Think Aloud process can be identified to be of importance in the solution process of a research study. #3 In the health care industry, the Think Aloud process can also be used to identify solutions to the problems stated above. According to Phaneuf (2009), the nursing industry is currently exposed to changing situations and increasing workloads. The author states that after the change in nursing

Friday, November 1, 2019

How equilibrium occurs using the aggregate supply (AS) and aggregate Essay

How equilibrium occurs using the aggregate supply (AS) and aggregate demand (AD) framework - Essay Example This paper describes the occurrence of the equilibrium using aggregate supply and aggregate demand curves, and the fluctuation of real GDP around the potential GDP with reference to the economy in UK. Aggregate Demand Aggregate demand curve represents the desired spending, consumer behaviour and the buying of equipment by governments and foreigners. The aggregate demand rises with the increase in expenditure caused by increased optimism by the households on lifetime incomes and increased need for the product. The combined monetary assets and the decrease in interest rates stimulate the desire to spend by the firms and households. Low interest rates reduce the saving reward and borrowing costs for households, but for businesses, this reduces the borrowing costs for investing in equipment and plant (James, Walte and James 2006, p. 777-790). The aggregate demand curve slopes downwards due to the fixed nominal value for some assets, particularly the money itself. The increase in prices f or the goods with no changes in money leads to the real value of money balances declining and this result to decreased liquidity. The rise in prices increases the demand for dollars in financing the transactions. Short liquidity to the monetary assets results when nominal dollars’ supply does not change. ... Prices and output are inversely related. Shifts in aggregate demand curve Aggregate demand curve changes due to wealth effects like the money supply, interest rate effects, and the net exports effects. The changes are represented by shifts in aggregate demand curves either to the right, or to the left. A right shift in aggregate demand curve (AD1 to AD2) indicates an increase in GDP at the same price level for the quantity demanded. A left shift (AD1 to AD3) indicates a decreased GDP for the quantity demanded at the same price levels (Justiniano & Claudio 2011, p. 89). Shifts in aggregate demand curve Source:,articleId-9737.html Aggregate Supply Aggregate Supply (AS) model measures volume of the goods and services produced by an economy at given overall price level. The AS curve summarizes the production behaviour for the side markets, and it slopes upwards. The Aggregate Supply curve may be horizonta l or vertical depending on the conditions (James, Walte and James 2006, p. 777-790). The curve is inelastic in the long run and elastic in the short run. Therefore, when the long-run curve is vertical, the return is to natural output level as the equilibrating forces pull back to vertical long-run curve. The upward facing slope is caused by changes in firm prices due to the increased demand. In the presence of menu costs, firms raise the prices or increase the production, resulting to aggregate increase in both output and prices (Berrah and Cliville 2007, p.709-719). Graph 2: Aggregate Supply Curve Source:,articleId-9738.html The vertical axis in aggregate supply curve represents the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business Management, Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Management, Marketing - Assignment Example The firm also has vigorous plans to increase its domestic market share in the coming year. The global market for LCD televisions in fiscal year 2008 was approximately 107 million units (Sony Annual Report, 2009), which implies a growth of 24% over 2007 sales. The unit selling prices are declining and economic slowdown is expected to hamper growth. The global market for media players is pegged at 275 million units by 2011 (Research and Markets, 2007). The market trend is shifting toward pocket gaming mobile telephony with multimedia features available on the fly. Marketing objectives should favourably affect the company's top-line. These should be challenging, specific, measurable, and have a set time-line in which the objectives are to be achieved (Palmer, 2009). The marketing objectives in the current context, hinge upon domestic and international market. It is pertinent therefore, to analyse the company's core strength, market opportunities, threats from competition, and limitations if any, so that, the objectives set forth can be achieved with stretched resources in hand. LCD televisions and multimedia players are perceived as status symbols that reflect a "digital, cool lifestyle," which provides a sense of belonging in the peer group. It's an icon product that "needs to be owned," as a mark of a high culture lifestyle. These products also serve the "social need" for entertainment with no dangling wires, and plug-and-play convenience. With regard to MP3 and MP4 media players, these products are popular with the youth, as also, with joggers, travellers, and music lovers. The current trends are moving towards lightweight, compact, wireless units that have huge gigabyte memories, and can be connected to the internet on the fly. Market Segment by Age The major market segment by age, for the company's product lines, would be the 15 to 64 year old group that is projected at approximately 3100 million in emerging economy, and 800 million in the developed world (UN & Morgan Stanley, n.d.). Currently, around 60% of population in U.K. qualify under the working age category, which roughly amounts to 37 million people (Office for National Statistics on-line, 2009). Reports indicate that the unemployment rate at the end of third quarter of 2009 stood at 7.8%. Market Segment by Geography 80% of revenue would be slated to come from domestic market segment, and the balance from international

Monday, October 28, 2019

E-Commerce Infrastructure Essay Example for Free

E-Commerce Infrastructure Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Globalization has primarily made it possible for international trade and business connection between neighboring countries as a trend of the present society exist. Certainly, the aim of the human society to remain within the scope of economic progress and continue aiming for better results for the sake of profitable advancements in the society, the emergence of different types of businesses has been much possible to occur. Business enthusiasts became braver than they usually are in facing the challenges of establishing new wave business entities, which they believe, would bring change to the human society and how they view the modern living.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hence, business organizations who are particularly trying to make it within the industry of the global trade must be able to realize that the idea of globalization is affecting the major companies worldwide. To be able to implement the changes needed by a certain organization with regards the implementation of the new progressive procedures towards a more technologically-coping organization; the company wanting the change needs to attend to several areas of consideration. As for this matter, it is first important to discuss several elemental factors that could actually affect a certain organization’s capability of facing the changes that it ought to engage with within the global scene.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The growing developments that technology and communications have taken so far have been an essential part of the growing system of technological applications. Along with the technological advancements, the social living of humans also is further enhanced. Both economic and social lifestyles were advancing but there was no rest in incurring the best possible progress that the developers of technological systems wanted. With the introduction of computers to the society, the easier way of living and completing everyday tasks has become a trend for many industrial workers. (Deitel, et al, 2004, 15)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, as mentioned earlier, the development in the eyes of the ones who are in charge of the enhancement of the operating systems is never ending. Hence, although there were already some great achievements in terms of the developed operating systems, things got better each time there are new innovations introduced (Warford, 2005, 41). Most of the sectors of the entire society actually depended on technology ever since the time it was first introduced to the human civilization. It could not be denied then that among the said sectors are business entities.    The internet and World Wide Web: E-commerce infrastructure Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The e-marketing system is practically an approach that is developed using the present technological advancement particularly in the information technology field. This strategy utilizes primarily the communication elements of the information technology such as through interactive advertising, search engine marketing, blog marketing, display advertising, viral marketing, web postings, and others to promote the products, services and image of the business organization towards the public. In analyzing the e-marketing strategy of an online organization, it is important to intricately study the primarily the website of the said organization and the marketing principles embedded on it. By looking into their main website, one can critically know the structure, goals, operational approach, and other relevant facts of the organization, which are relevant facts for the development of the personal perception and image of the business for the public awareness. This website offers vast informations about the organization from their ideal goals, organizational nature, and even their business conditions, which can be derived from their downloadable annual and social responsibility report. In addition, the e-marketing approach of this website not only caters to the sale nature but also to the information campaign and human capital sourcing of the organization as offered by their options of fact sheets, employment opportunity awareness, and other services. In general, this website primarily becomes an effective marketing tool for the organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The e-marketing approach of the different organizations range from various strategies such as through their main website which promotes display advertising of their products, interactive marketing where the consumers can contact the organization for significant sales and business concerns, search engine marketing which offer the service of easing the browsing activity of the viewing public. As such, the website becomes both a promotional approach and a business related interactive medium for the business organizations wherein the latter can relate further to the needs and concerns of their target consumers. With regards the issue being noted herein, the questions that could be considered are as follows: How important is e-marketing and online shopping when it comes to the convenience of the consumers today? How effective are the approaches of the current e-marketing systems to the people of the current society? Are there possible ways to further the comfort of the people being serviced through online shopping? BUSINESS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Everything starts with a vision. From a vision comes plans, and from plans come fulfillment of the vision. Vision and plans are the primary elements for starting any business. An entrepreneur must posses the vision and determination needed for an individual to become successful within the business industry; however, these elements are not solely the needed requirements. Vision and plans are the abstract elements that contribute to business proceedings hence empowering the entrepreneur to continue whatever it is that he has started. The other elements include capital, land [place of business headquarters] and the people force.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The elements that were mentioned primarily give essence to the business itself. The capital is more on the monetary resource needed to start the business. At times, this particular resource comes from a group of entrepreneurs who decide to work together for a certain organization, or on the other hand, it is sourced out from loaning or from the pocket of the entrepreneur himself. At some point, the capital actually determines the scale of the business. Land or the area intended for the business headquarters is depending on what type of business is planned to be established. If the business is supposed to cater to several clients, there should be a place intended for them that would be much convenient for business transactions. However, if the business is online [which is at trend right now] or other home based businesses, the area of business branch would not be much of a problem since the transactions are to be done at any convenient place possible. The people force also depends on the scale of business that is being established.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whatever type of business is being established, it is necessary that the entrepreneurs see to it that the different sections of the business, especially that of the people force are well taken care of. The success of the business naturally depends on the ability of the entrepreneurs to balance the idealistic mission as well as the activities of the organization as a business entity. This as well includes the legalities of the organization and its close connection with the existing laws for business organizations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It could be noted that opening or establishing a business organization is not that easy to deal with. The first months of operation towards the first year usually deals with the different challenges of effective strategies created to put the organization within the existing competition. Entering a certain business organization and trying to make it within the business industry is a great challenge to everyone wanting to create a considerable reputation in the society. However, once these particular challenges have been successfully met by the new entrepreneurs, the continuous progress of the said new established organization could be assured. This though does not mean that developments are already to stop once the business has been established. As for a fact, the establishment should simply mark the beginning of the progressive developments intended to help the whole organization remain within competition as long as it exists within the business industry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From this particular section of the study, it could be observed that the primary reasons for establishing a business should not only be lead by the need or the want of the entrepreneurs in gaining profitable results form the business. It should be clear to the business entrepreneurs that the said operational act needs to receive ample time for planning and attention on the pros and cons of the situation. From this particular assessment of business opportunities, the possibility of creating a successful source of profit could be identified in a positive point of view.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It has been certainly stressed out that the different elements of business should be given careful attention within the planning procedures. Carefully giving the said elements ample time of observation shall give the entrepreneurs to make amends on the possible weak links that could cause the failure of the business in the future. Identifying the Marketing Approach to be Used Marketing is one particular branch of business that deals with all the promotional aspects of a certain business organization. At some point, this particular sector of the organization is perceived to have a certain group of experts attending to the said needs of the organization with regards promotion and advertising. Every kind of organization have their own marketing branch. This is specifically because of the fact that the incoming profit that the company expects from its clients is particularly empowered by the marketing strategies created by the marketing group.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whatever it is that the Marketing group plans shall determine the organization’s success in the industry. The ability of the said in-charged group in making amends for the organization’s ability to make it within the industrial competition in the business world shall make it possible for the business to make a considerable reputation that could attract the clients who are being targeted by the said organization. This is particularly the reason why business organizations both large-scale and small-scale make it a point that the marketing procedures that they carry on for the sake of business progression is given careful attention and as well as an ample amount of investment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Particularly, marketing is a business branch that sets the path for the organization as to how they are supposed to trod the journey of success in the industry that they are dealing with. The intensity of the procedures taken by marketing experts particularly pertains to the quality of the advertising procedures that the organization ought to take into consideration for actual operational purposes. It is in this particular sector of the organization that the fast release or distribution of the services or the products offered by the organization towards the clients could be determined.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today, the level of competition that each business organization deals with in the human society is clearly identified by the progressive procedures taken by the marketing team of each business company. According to Website Marketing: â€Å"Marketing is a broad topic that covers a range of aspects, including advertising, public relations, sales, and promotions. People often confuse sales with marketing, when in fact the two are very different. The former involves getting a product or service into the market, promoting it, influencing behavior, and encouraging sales. Sales are the actual transaction of getting a product or service into the hands of your customers.† ( The strategies of marketing that each organization adapts into is primarily defined by the financial capabilities of the said business entity t o provide the services need by the clients that pertain to promotional operations. The strong impact of the marketing strategies also usually brings about the thought that the main target of the promotional presentations is the group of people in the society who are assumed by the organization to be the primary clients of the organization. It is their interest that should be the focus of the promotional interpretations and presentations. The strategies are indeed strongly differed through the identification of the target consumers or clients of the organization. The Website Marketing also adds: â€Å"Strategies in marketing have changed enormously since Jay Conrad Levinson introduced the guerrilla concept over 20 years ago. Tactics that were considered radical then are almost main stream now. With so many messages bombarding the consumer in the marketplace today, it is now more difficult than ever to get your product noticed, so marketers have learned to be creative.† ( Overall, marketing could then be noted as a source of established foundation for every business organization. The impact that it has on every established business group is a primary concern that brings about possible profitable sources to the different business organizations. Indeed, marketing and the operations that are made under this particular sector of the organization assure the whole business entity of the competitive standing of the entire organization within the business industries.   This is particularly the reason why it has been commented that: â€Å"Companies without a marketing mindset are at a disadvantage in todays business world. Those who are still centered around their products, rather than their customers, are doomed to fail.† The clients are the main target of marketing procedures, companies who are still starting and those who are already established who give lesser care in this aspect of business operations are indeed assured to have a hard time coping up with the existing competition within the industry. Getting through with all the RISKS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Planning the business and setting the marketing strategy to be used by the organization are simply the basic elements needed to create an organization that is intended to set sail in the journey towards global business engagements. TO be able to completely scale the capability of the organization to face the different challenges of dealing with the international market, it is necessary that the business entrepreneurs become aware of the impending issues needed to be dealt with during international business operations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What are the risks being referred to herein? According to Fredrick Wilcox â€Å"Progress always involves risk; you cannot steal second base and keep your foot on the first base†. This primarily implies the fact that there are several elements of success in business, especially concerning international relations that could not be met unless the entrepreneur meets the risks that come along with the primary developments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The elements of risks could be discussed as follows: Business Risks: Cost of Structure- The establishment of a certain business entity especially one that is made to face international transactions should and must be based on the financial capabilities of the owner. This particularly pertains to the available capital that is supposed to be the basis of how large or how small the scale of the business would be. It could be observed that through several organizations’ ability of identifying the costs that may affect their operations in the new venture of business that they would want to engage with would naturally identify the possible progress that they are hoping to meet in the future. Competition- Being ready for the already existing companies within the country that goes with the same industry is necessary for an international entrepreneur to be prepared about. In the internet technology, it could not be denied that there are already companies who are able to meet the challenges that are needed to have the needed and expected success on the said business venture. It is indeed necessary that several business organizations face the said competition with ample reputation and business strength that would allow them to undergo the challenges of the new business venture that they aim to engage with. Product Liability- the procedures of getting through with the laws in placing the products within the boarders of the other country should be one of the primary concerns of business entrepreneurs. Human Resource Management- Since the business would involve international engagements; it is simply reasonable to expect that the employees would be coming form international races as well. Managing this type of human resource group should then be carefully given attention by the organizational authorities. Clients or Customers- The demographics of the consumers, their interests and their product preferences should be among the main concerns of the business organization. Their culture and their wants basing on their traditions should be carefully noted by entrepreneurs to ensure their products of the market appreciation that it needs to be able to remain in business. Environmental Risks Economic- The economic situation of the neighboring country where a branch or a trade engagement is prepared to be conducted should be set in balance with the economic status of the original branch of the business. The balance shall help the business operators to set some standard procedures in dealing with the finances of the organization. Weather- The weather that is currently controlling the activities of the civilians of a certain country should be carefully given attention. This shall also determine the activities that are supposed to be taken in consideration by the business organization. Legalities and the Government- this particular element should be closely given clear attention as it is among the most important factors as well as the most crucial one as it primarily determines if the organization is to remain in a certain country or not, based on the ability of the organization to become connected with the laws of the said neighboring country. Considering all these elements of risk and being able to understand on how each one affects the business engagements of a certain organization in an International picture shall then help the entrepreneurs create the possibilities and the probabilities of the organization’s success in the multicultural market of consumers. The Internet Service Provision’s Business ABC’s   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The company that is to be observed at this point is the organization of Info Inc. which is a start up company wanting to venture in providing its major clients with internet based services that could be used as a source of informative materials in terms of accounting procedures, medical assistance and budget-wise programs that both business enthusiasts and the general public could use in their daily business and household needs and activities. As a company that is still starting in venturing within the said field, it is necessary for Info Inc to carry on the informations that were further discussed in this paper earlier. It could be noticed that the discussions point out the fact that establishing a new business operation for a certain existing business organization is indeed challenging especially when the business is supposed to handle a global market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the organization aims to venture in a new business operation that they have not been used to in engaging, it is much beneficial to take notice of the fact that the organization needs to take into consideration several factors that would involve the adjustments of the whole body of employee of the said company. The shifting of the priority and the opening of the new arena of service that the company would provide its clients should then be identified as a primary factor that should be carried in constant addressing during the whole procedure of adjusting the organization’s focus. First to consider then is the type of internet servicing that the company should be involved into. This shall be discussed within the paragraphs that follow. Choosing the Type of Service   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be able to reach the widest scope of market, Info Inc should invest in creating internet networked branches from different areas of the world. The company may not be required in creating an actual physical branch in the different parts of the world, but it is required to subscribe at a certain internet website host such as Google or yahoo, that would make their company much more accessible by the target market that they ought to serve. Choosing the right type of server or website support is very important. This is the reason why ample research on this matter should be carefully considered by the ones who are to establish the company’s website. The scope of the network should also be closely attended to as this would indicate the expected scope of audience or market that the company could reach out to. As mentioned earlier, marketing is an important way of regenerating a prospect market to get involved within a certain business company; however, lacking the needed access to reach the said clients may make this particular procedure of business operation impossible. Hence, being able to scale on which type of website support could give the best services to the company basing from its mission in connection with the market that it targets is very important to take into consideration. By doing so, the creators of the said business service-provision branch does not only introduces the company to a wider scope of market, but it also gives it a chance in gaining the peak rate of revenue that it could reach in an annual calculation. Creating the Website   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since the organization aims to attract business enthusiasts and household members, the presentation of the website should cater to what they are actually interested in. This is where the art of marketing begins o enter the scene. Moat likely, it could be observed that the more attractive and interesting the website looks like, the more it is being viewed by Internet surfers. This is [particularly the reason why the website of the company should highlight the strength of the company and the idealisms that it has that may attract the concerns of the market. Constant attendance to what the target market wants to know about the company and about their services shall help the creators and programmers of the website have an idea on what they should actually set as features to the said website.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It must also occur among the creators that the insistence of the website’s becoming a user-friendly system is an important part of the feature of the said internet address. This would certainly allow the users, whether they are computer literate or not to have an easy access on what is actually being offered by the organization through their online network. Counting the Benefits   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Having a company’s own website in the internet is like having a legitimate virtual address that would cater to mostly different people from around the world. As globalization opens its doorways to major new waves of business engagements, it could be observed that there are different benefits that the Internet operations bring the different business organizations that use the services provided by the said virtual community. Most of the company’s which do not even have physical establishments are already known because o their internet-based operations. This fact shall help Info Inc in realizing the fact that opening their doors to a more liberated procedure of operating within the business transactions that they want to offer their clients is an important part of their company’s growth as a major business entity. Counting the Costs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be able to understand the plan further, it is important to lay the finances and budgeting procedures needed to support that project that is being proposed for Info Inc to take into consideration. What are the particular elements of financing that needs to be considered? Creating the Website   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a need to hire an expert to at least program the website. The fact that there are different features of presentations that are planned to be embedded within the presentation of the website primarily to attract the clients, there needs to be the existence of professional help for this matter. This then requires a minimal yet reasonable payment for labor. Funding the Website   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Usually, the fees for website maintenance are paid annually. The company should then prepare itself in facing responsibilities such as this. Advertising through Search Engines   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The more exposure the site gets, the more surfers it could invite. From this particular fact, it could be noted that funding the site’s fees is indeed worthwhile, as that particular fee shall allow the link to the website to appear several times with the utilization of several key words encoded by the internet surfers when they are seeking the help of major search engines in the internet. Training the Operators of the Web   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There should always be a standing support specialist that is ready to assist customers in their issues about the services offered by the company. Once the company ventures to this particular type of business operation, it should then occur to them that the importance of placing expert support technicians as well as product or service specialists should constantly be available incase interested client needs assistance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If the values of the cost-causing elements mentioned herein shall be examined, it could be observed that the fees are all reasonable enough of paying on the part of the company’s financing group. Most likely, this is because of the much reasonable returns that the said fees are expected to return to the entire company’s business system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Handling such responsibilities in a much more positive outlook shall indeed help the administration of the organization realize of their importance as major player within the worldwide economy. The operations that they are expected to handle through inline communications shall not only increase their capabilities of handling challenges but could also help them grow as a business entity that is able to face the challenges of the globalization era. CLIENTS AND ONLINE CONSUMERISM Online consumerism is one of today’s major innovative leaps in terms of commercialism. The use of the Internet as a major medium for trading and monetary transactions has been among the major advancements of technology and real life in the human society. Each business organization relies on their respective aspects to promote their services and products in the market. Each marketing aspect range from various strategies and approaches to entice, promote and imply an ideal nature of their products and services to the consuming public to generate a business transaction between the two parties. Each business transaction in turn will generate the desire income by the organization, which is relevant for their operation development and profit generation. As such, each organization must create an effective and efficient marketing tool towards their target public, which will address the important communication and business elements in their economic transaction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most effective marketing approaches in the present are the strategies that address the key communication elements of the public. These strategies manifests to be reliable marketing medium that inform, relates and considers the consuming public to be significant part of the organizational structure and their subsequent operations. On the practical sense, these strategies are characterized to be publicly open for the society wherein they are easily and readily accessible for the interesting consumers. In part, these marketing strategies not only cater to the marketing nature but also to the other relevant part of the organizational structure such as human resources, customer service and public relations. On this field of effective marketing approaches, the e-marketing system manifests to be both an effective and efficient strategy for contemporary business organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the analysis of the e-marketing strategies, it is strongly concluded that marketing and promotional activities utilizing the advancement of the field of information technology is an effective approach for contemporary business organization. Through the use of this significant medium, organization can promote further their products and services and developing their ideal business nature in the social aspect which in turn, has a significant impact upon the organization’s success. Indeed, marketing using online or internet technology relates further the business organization to the global audience for more effective and efficient business operation for the economic success of the organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the past have already placed a strong impact on how the people viewed business operations done through the Internet, several business enthusiasts never ceased finding ways by which they would be able to attain success within the said industry. Many among the business owners around the world still believe in the benefits that investing in online business ventures would naturally bring their organizations. As for a fact, the said situation is quickly becoming a trend both among organizations that are already established and the business and even those business entities that are just starting to join the said competitive industry. Most of the benefits that the said system of business transacting has mainly attracted investors as well as stockholders in making a great decision of joining in the process of industrial change though the innovative integration of technology within the system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To understand this claim further, a diagrammatic presentation shall be shown herein:    Diagram 1: Efects of Information Technology in the relationship between clients and business organizations Diagram Analysis:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the presentation made above, it could be observed that the reason behind the business entities joining the band wagon of taking advantage of the provisions of science and technology in the modern society is indeed worthwhile. As it could be seen, the five major effects that have been presented through the diagram actually directly affect the growth rate of the organizations in a modern society. This is indeed an attractive provision that IT could ever offer business entities.    Chapter 5:DISCUSSION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today many people once bewildered by the stock market are investing in stocks. Why? For one thing, the Internet has enabled investors to access in moment’s financial news, investment advice, and stockbrokers. Paul Farrell, editor in chief of Wall Street News, writes: â€Å"For [individual investors], cyberspace investing is the new frontier, the new gold rush, the freedom to be yourself, with the opportunity to become financially independent while working at home.† Along with the blooming of the Internet systems, commerce also took the chance to be a part of a very promising source of profit for many business firms. To do this, there existed a birth to the business arena. Many people who would rather invest on a business than to be employed in a company took chances on investing in this kind of business. But as years passed, the hoped to be â€Å"tiger† market that would hit sky high revenues for the firms taking part on it fell apart. How is this possible? And how could this kind of market have been saved? The following paragraphs shall discuss the said topic further.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the earlier times of the introduction of Internet, it was seen that this kind of communication could enable many people to connect to each other from far places in the world. The said idea on worldwide interconnection gave many businessmen the thought that using the worldwide web would help their companies and other business firms to reach their potential revenues and income at a very minimal time or better yet, even double or triple the income they have expected.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With this, the business arena was given birth. It is more likely that the investors who invested in this kind of economic environment were the ones who realized that new business models would soon arise based on the possibilities of Internet commerce or more popularly known as E-commerce. As a result of wanting to be the first ones to gain profit from the said provisions of this new technology, they risked thousands of dollars to invest in the said Internet market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first years of the operation of the market paved way to many sellers of products and services to be connected to many consumers worldwide. Obviously though, among the three major gainers of profit in this kind of market are several internet-help companies. The said technology groups are the Internet and Network Infrastructure which hosts the construction of official websites posted through the net, the Internet Tools such as Netsacape which assists on the navigation process in the Internet, and the Internet-direct consumer websites such as Yahoo! which allows numerous ads to be posted through their website.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Between the years 1998-1999, the interest rates on putting up e-commerce firms were way affordable for many investors. This is the reason why many inexperienced businessmen chose to loin this market as a beginning of joining the business industry. Although many of the said investors had concrete and realistic plans regarding a business, most of them lacked administrative abilities. On the other hand, inviting investors to join the Internet market had been easier through the use of offering great promises and benefits that the web hosts post to attract the prospect businessmen (Warford, 2005, 45). True, this way of luring investors worked pretty well. As proved by the many growing e-commerce members during the years 1998-1999, the industry continued to flourish. To recognize the best Internet websites that are present in the e-commerce industry, there had been an annual awarding of the top websites of the year. It started on the year 1995, which was characterized by extravagant programs and undeniably expensive presentations. It was annually held in San Francisco California near the heart of the Silicon Valley. The said event has peaked during the year 2001 when thousands of attendance joined the lucrative awarding. When the year 2003 came in, the celebration became somber due to lower attendance not to mention that some of the nominees are not able to attend the event because of company belt-tightening and the fear of loosing their jobs. This is more likely because of the high interest rates that the Internet web hosts are already putting on the investors to continuously operate in the system (Silberschatz, 2004, 15). This event showed that the industry is not as productive as it was before anymore. As a fact, many of its members already lost on the investments they preempted to be bringing them great profits. Chapter 6: Conclusion and Summary Entering the arena of international business venture is indeed not an easy task for business entrepreneurs. However, because of the main focus of globalization in empowering dreamers of the said industry helps much in assisting entrepreneurs in seeing the possibilities of enlarging the scope of their territories of profitable areas through stretching their business activities towards the other countries around the globe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It could not be denied though that the procedure of international business looks much inviting, it should not be forgotten that the risks are highly challenging, hence encouraging the entrepreneurs to apply clear control of the situation through applying the needed skills to face the challenges of the international business transactions. Expanding the business in this procedure is indeed promising; however, careful consideration on the elements of risk should be given clear attention by the hopeful business entrepreneurs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the discussion and the presentations made in this paper, it could be observed that there is indeed a need for business entities to take the risks in making it within the industry of virtual business. Making their business services and products available through the Internet for the sake of advertising or even selling as it is would surely offer the organizations a progressive future in the fields that they are joined with. Certainly, the innovations brought about by information technology actually radically changed the economic trade of the entire global state of business industries. This is the reason why a particular entrepreneur trying to make the business scene in the current era of globalization needs to know the basic of computer applications and internet system operations for their business organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Certainly, because of the more improved system of consumerism featured through online business operations, click businesses become highly effective in affecting the human society today. It could still not be denied though that there are still some satisfactions that brick or physically established systems of business today give its consumers. Through this conclusion, it should be understood that both brick and click businesses should exist in balance to allow consumer satisfaction all over the world in accordance with the different elements contributing to modern globalization. References: Internet Sources: BBC News. 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