Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Human Resource Management in Todays Market-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss About the Human Resource Management in Todays Market? Answer: Introduction Management describes formal systems that are formulated for managing of people within an enterprise this leads to three key responsibilities of a human resource manager, which are stuffed, employee compensation and the benefits also it engages in the defining or designing of the work. Human resource department in a company is a critical component of employee well-being in an organization, no matter the size of the business in a company case there are various officers of human resource for instance; human development, under which its framework is designed in aim of helping employees develop necessary organizational skills and also personal skills, knowledge, and abilities are just but added advantages. This is of more help as employees become more senior within the company. In developing of a competitive workforce advantage, it is important that firms see workforce as a competitive weapon. Firms seek to the optimization of their workforce through a comprehensive human resource. Well e stablished human resource management not only achieves business goals but also its very important for the long-term survival of the company. To accomplish this employee have the cognition, there are skills needed in a working environment to provide competency in rapid changing and twisted environment.in my paperwork below I am going to major in human resource management how it affects daily businesses in various organizations.(p, 2009) Human resource management is mainly comprised of several calculated goals and objectives in an organization, for instance, performance and productivity, employer branding, corporate and social responsibility, executive presence, engagement, and retention, as I am going to analyze below.(Albrecht, 2016) Human Visibility as the Human Resource Goal For a successful team for human resource is widely visible in business, in cases where the team is invisible, its not able to reach its target markets, which leads to the best employees leaving the company where there is no care about the team. For this not to come up, Human resource managers tend to be compelled into being active in departments. Thus they are well recognized by employees, for instance, managers have to start discussions, lead the team into having a better output. Goals HR considers the training of managers and leaders on how to set up the targets for all departments and employees. It manages this in an aim of achieving the targets as aligned with the foresight of the organization. Objectives should be taken as examples. Because they are not the tools be achieved to be used as they are provided. Most of them are meant for inspirations; hence they should not be followed blindly.(O'Brien, 2009) The above objectives are important in an organization as they will influence the organization to attain its goals in a most effective and efficient way through the provision of competent and motivated employees. Also, objectives will enhance utilization of the available resources effectively. Furthermore, the objectives will give the employees a better hand in establishing and maintaining of coordinate relations between employees and staff managers. These are just but some of the objectives of human resource management, they are many more others that influence the organization behavior.(Schmidt, 2013) According to these objectives, one may note that they go hand in hand with the organizational strategy. For instance, in attaining of organizational goals effectively and efficiently, the managers tend to provide the organization with competent employees which lead to quality output. This is by the organizational targets. Human resource managers can effectively make use of the available human resources through their objectives by employing employees that will not overwork or underwork in the organization. Furthermore, human resource management objectives also help the employees to attain their job satisfaction and self-actualization which is a key motivator to quality outputs of the organization.(Friedman, 2009) Under any organization in the current world, there are many factors that hinder the action plans from going as systematically as they should proceed. Under human resource management, there are several factors that influence its daily activities. Hence having sharp antennas is imperative because at this very moment the state of the economy is changing rapidly, today a new legislation can come up with immediate changes passed Examples of these constraints are: Government Regulation; with the introduction of such policies, it's required that you stay within the rules governing the operations. Such type of rules can influence the processes of resource departments in their way of training and employ of the staff and much more without adherence to this type of regulation, a company can be fined seriously which can cause heavy damages like it being shut down.(Albrecht, 2016) Economic factors; the situation of the current economy is the dominant effect. This affects ability to hire anyone but also affects the talent pool. The best way for preparing against economic condition is to know the correct happenings in the global industry. During such economic conditions, the organizations need to have a criterion of handling it.(Bates, 2012) Technological Advancement; when there is an introduction of new technology, Human resource department can start looking at the ways they can use so that they maximize the profits. For instance, for a job that has up to six people working under one department could be cut down to four persons not only from a consumer point of view but also from an internal cost-saving way. Working Demographics; the departments must look at the environmental factors influencing the organization as there may be a good enhancement of such affecting the government, hence its necessary to look for ways that can attract a new workforce as the older workforce retires. Organizations hire different ways and offer various types of compensation packages that work better for the younger generation that comes in coming.(Lohrey, 2017) As the human resource managers put into consideration the factors mentioned above, human resource decisions own the best course of action because it's usually much easier after conducting a cost-benefit analysis in the company's books. The use of cost-benefit analysis, human resource can be able to quantify and compare potential returns against associated costs from the investment of the various projects. Employee training human resource programs have both visible and hidden costs. Visible costs may include things such as organizations equipment, supplies, fees paid to a trainee and also a design specialist. Indirect costs may include wages and loss of yielding time for the participation of employees. For instance, safety training program cost profile may include a trainee, wages, refreshments and program materials. Assume a situation where human resource managers anticipate profits for the organization after putting into consideration of the cost-benefit analysis; then an external factor affects the business after all the relevant strategies have been put across and the profits have been established waiting to be generated. In this case, the human resource manager is most likely to fail because the external factors that are affected, and strategies had been put across.(Bates, 2012) However, the organization also consider the benefits of the return on investments. This benefit majorly, the loss in productivity and the drop-in wage expenses, for example, a cost-benefit analysis for a safe control training program would show how the program can reduce workers compensation insurance premiums and potential legal fees, one may also allow human resource management to be able to compare the potential returns of many choices. For instance, the alternative solutions that meet business for the yearly hiring needs may include a cost-benefit analysis for the implementation of a program, advertising in radio and television campaigns and the designing.(Fryer, 2016) Return to Instrument Formula Return on instrument formula is measured by subtracting the total cost of investments from the generated gains from investments; then the total is usually divided by the initial cost of the investment, that is; ROI= Gain -initial capital investment Gain from the initial capital investment simply refers to the proceeds obtained from the sale of the investment of interest.(Beattie, 2017) Return on instrument benefit is a useful point for sizing up any investment, because of its historical nature; it calculates all the past returns. As investment can do well in the past still falter in the future. For instance, in the past, an investment may yield returns of their growth stage and fall to the digit in the maturity stage.(DeGraff, 2010) Evaluation Process. The process involves collecting information about a programs activities, characteristics, and the outcomes. Human resource managers need to evaluate their plan after generating it. This evaluation majorly concerns with the outcomes; hence the outcomes may be short or long term outcomes. For a human resource manager, being very clear is important from the beginning of a project or intervention of the expectations, objectives, and outcomes, and to be able to identify when to realize specific changes for the expected specific population. In organization implementation measuring tools in evaluating employees activities and how they perform in those activities helps the company to shape the department; the evaluating may be done as career development reviews. The latter helps the company to realign its goals, install the criteria of training, stress on the job responsibilities as well as checking on the climate of the working place. However, also constant evaluation of success is imperati ve to a comprehensive human resource strategy. For example, suppose sale figures indicate the need for an interesting staff. The human resource department puts into consideration the efforts into hiring the extra dozen people needed and being their staff trainees.(Esther, 2002) Evaluation of training As the organizations are spending most on the training and evaluation, the effectiveness of training has become critical. Training shapes the well-being of a person, the evaluation of training measures the way the person has been transformed. This helps to collect all the information required to make effective training decisions. Though is a very important phase of being successful it is usually assumed in most cases. The lack of time and resources hinders management to carry out this activity of evaluation complete the evaluation. Though you may want successful carry out the training, it will be difficult to measure the output of the worker and the efforts put in the training.(Altarawneh, 2013) Basing on this research, I can conclude that the following initiatives should be followed up to the end: The articulation of vision, mission, and values; my implication on this is simply that, the clarity in the production sector. Human Resource, good practices indicators, indicate that there should be a sense of purpose reflected in the department's vision, mission, and values. The human resource management should also involve the staff in discussion and generate ownership. The vision should reflect on the organization relying on customers culture in departmental policies and basically on procedures and practices.(Beattie, 2017) Drawing up of human resource plan; For one to be able to identify a good practice indicator, one should be able to note the human resource management plan that is developed under the senior management, departments strategic direction, clearly formulated by the top team, specificity objectives and sets of actions to the human resource plan and clearly explains how each will help address a certain human resource issues in achievement of departmental visions and missions.(Martell, 1995) Manpower; the derivation of information from successive plans that are put into the training and the development of individual plans there should also be career interviews are to be conducted by the members of staff. The staff needs to be told the path of the career that is needed to be followed.(Cappeli, 2015) Performance and management style; the staff should be able to recognize performance and management; it is supposed to know that, management is usually a responsibility of the supervisors. There should be ways which ensure that there are fairness and openness in the organization, of the appraisal process. Furthermore, the system should be made in a way that there is competition amongst workers.(Wrirht, 2011) Training development; timed training to be provided to all new staff with management training to be provided afterward. It should be able to diverse set of training and development activities, for example, overseeing attachments, training and secretariat attachment.(DeGraff, 2010) Service quality; production should focus on their customers. Measures should also be put up in place to audit the performance improvement and also the mode of operation should be oriented.(Martell, 1995) Conclusion Through this article, I have learned that Human resource management serves the central and the most important stage in any organization. Without human resource management teams, many businesses will not be to success in the current world. As much as the human resource is of the key value, it should also be known that the day to day happenings of the business in the current world, without which it can be a major demote to the success of the business. In addition to that, as far as the human resource is important, other aspects are important in the running of the business, for example, the organization must comprise of all levels of management. There is the top level that is made up of various managers like delegations, executive, and delegations. Middle-level management comprises; talent development, team building, and performance management. Lastly, there is a lower level that is comprised of; coaching of performance these are the key aspects of an organization to existing hence they are very important. References Albrecht, K., 2016. Theories of organizational culture. 3rd ed. New York: Organisation studies. Altarawneh, 2013. Training and development evaluation. 5th ed. Washington dc: Motherwell publishers. Armstrong, M., 2014. Human Capital Management. 19th ed. New York: Handbook of Human Resource Management. Bates, S., 2012. Problems with measuring the ROI. 2nd ed. Washington dc: Freelance writer. Beattie, A., 2017. Guide to calculating ROI. 3rd ed. Chicago: the flyer. Cappelli, P., 2015. Why we Love to Hate Human Resource Management. 22nd ed. London: Harvard Business Review. DeGraff, J. E., 2010. The Changing Environment of HR Association. 21st ed. New York: New Press. Esther, E. A., 2002. 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