Monday, June 17, 2019

Employee Satisfaction Surveys Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Employee Satisfaction Surveys - Research Paper ExampleTheir relevance to the formation pass on also be proffered. The first type of employee felicity analyze is the employee engagement surveys. In an employee engagement survey, the passion and commitment of the employee with regards to their work, company and co-workers are canvass (NBRI, 2012). This type of survey aims to determine whether the employees notice empowered and whether they have a good relationship with their supervisors and managers (Sheahan, n.d.). Through this survey, management will know what the employees think almost the companys goals and values and if they are willing to support them (NBRI, 2012). The second type of employee satisfaction survey is the employee attitude survey. This survey assesses the feelings or emotions of employees within the body of work (NBRI, 2012). This survey will give management an idea on how it can boost the morale of their employees by understanding their views and perception s and identifying the root causes of their attitudes in the workplace (NBRI, 2012). The employee conviction survey is another type of employee satisfaction survey. This type of survey reveals the employees behaviors, beliefs, feelings, thoughts and conclusions on matters such as commitment, management style and productivity (NBRI, 2012). The data ga thered from this survey entails a precise analysis. The factors that motivate and discourage employees will be exposed in this survey. The fourth type of employee satisfaction survey is the employee amazement survey. This survey will prevent high turnover rates within an organization because it will determine whether employees perceive the company as a place where they can develop professionally (Sheahan, n.d.). If employees believe that the company offers opportunities for growth, this survey will be able to show it. Another kind of survey is the straightforward satisfaction survey which goes instantly to the point of questioning emp loyees how happy they are with their jobs (Sheahan, n.d.). Sheahan goes on further to say that this type of survey usually has a scoring system which rates the satisfaction levels on a scale of 1 to 15 (n.d.). Moreover, the questions on the survey will give management an idea if there are any problems on morale and compensation. The sixth type of employee satisfaction survey is the improvement survey. This survey is conducted when an organization is contemplating on changing some policies or job conditions (Sheahan, n.d.). It will facilitate management in determining whether such changes will be acceptable to the employees. They will be able to gauge how the employees will react or feel if such changes were imposed. The 360 degree survey is another kind of employee satisfaction survey which is conducted by companies to evaluate the employees from the points of view of the supervisors, peers, subordinates, customers, vendors, and other external stakeholders (NBRI, 2012). One of the more burning(prenominal) type of survey is the exit survey. This is administered to an employee who will leave the company. This survey is an excellent indication of employees attitudes and is known to elicit very honest responses (Ipathia, Inc., 2005). All the surveys mentioned above may either be conducted online or paper-based. A primary consideration though for online surveys is that not all the employees may have computer and internet access and there may be employees who lack computer skills to complete the survey (Lock Media Services, Inc., n.d.). An online survey however is less costly than a paper-based survey.

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