Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business Management, Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Management, Marketing - Assignment Example The firm also has vigorous plans to increase its domestic market share in the coming year. The global market for LCD televisions in fiscal year 2008 was approximately 107 million units (Sony Annual Report, 2009), which implies a growth of 24% over 2007 sales. The unit selling prices are declining and economic slowdown is expected to hamper growth. The global market for media players is pegged at 275 million units by 2011 (Research and Markets, 2007). The market trend is shifting toward pocket gaming mobile telephony with multimedia features available on the fly. Marketing objectives should favourably affect the company's top-line. These should be challenging, specific, measurable, and have a set time-line in which the objectives are to be achieved (Palmer, 2009). The marketing objectives in the current context, hinge upon domestic and international market. It is pertinent therefore, to analyse the company's core strength, market opportunities, threats from competition, and limitations if any, so that, the objectives set forth can be achieved with stretched resources in hand. LCD televisions and multimedia players are perceived as status symbols that reflect a "digital, cool lifestyle," which provides a sense of belonging in the peer group. It's an icon product that "needs to be owned," as a mark of a high culture lifestyle. These products also serve the "social need" for entertainment with no dangling wires, and plug-and-play convenience. With regard to MP3 and MP4 media players, these products are popular with the youth, as also, with joggers, travellers, and music lovers. The current trends are moving towards lightweight, compact, wireless units that have huge gigabyte memories, and can be connected to the internet on the fly. Market Segment by Age The major market segment by age, for the company's product lines, would be the 15 to 64 year old group that is projected at approximately 3100 million in emerging economy, and 800 million in the developed world (UN & Morgan Stanley, n.d.). Currently, around 60% of population in U.K. qualify under the working age category, which roughly amounts to 37 million people (Office for National Statistics on-line, 2009). Reports indicate that the unemployment rate at the end of third quarter of 2009 stood at 7.8%. Market Segment by Geography 80% of revenue would be slated to come from domestic market segment, and the balance from international

Monday, October 28, 2019

E-Commerce Infrastructure Essay Example for Free

E-Commerce Infrastructure Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Globalization has primarily made it possible for international trade and business connection between neighboring countries as a trend of the present society exist. Certainly, the aim of the human society to remain within the scope of economic progress and continue aiming for better results for the sake of profitable advancements in the society, the emergence of different types of businesses has been much possible to occur. Business enthusiasts became braver than they usually are in facing the challenges of establishing new wave business entities, which they believe, would bring change to the human society and how they view the modern living.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hence, business organizations who are particularly trying to make it within the industry of the global trade must be able to realize that the idea of globalization is affecting the major companies worldwide. To be able to implement the changes needed by a certain organization with regards the implementation of the new progressive procedures towards a more technologically-coping organization; the company wanting the change needs to attend to several areas of consideration. As for this matter, it is first important to discuss several elemental factors that could actually affect a certain organization’s capability of facing the changes that it ought to engage with within the global scene.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The growing developments that technology and communications have taken so far have been an essential part of the growing system of technological applications. Along with the technological advancements, the social living of humans also is further enhanced. Both economic and social lifestyles were advancing but there was no rest in incurring the best possible progress that the developers of technological systems wanted. With the introduction of computers to the society, the easier way of living and completing everyday tasks has become a trend for many industrial workers. (Deitel, et al, 2004, 15)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, as mentioned earlier, the development in the eyes of the ones who are in charge of the enhancement of the operating systems is never ending. Hence, although there were already some great achievements in terms of the developed operating systems, things got better each time there are new innovations introduced (Warford, 2005, 41). Most of the sectors of the entire society actually depended on technology ever since the time it was first introduced to the human civilization. It could not be denied then that among the said sectors are business entities.    The internet and World Wide Web: E-commerce infrastructure Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The e-marketing system is practically an approach that is developed using the present technological advancement particularly in the information technology field. This strategy utilizes primarily the communication elements of the information technology such as through interactive advertising, search engine marketing, blog marketing, display advertising, viral marketing, web postings, and others to promote the products, services and image of the business organization towards the public. In analyzing the e-marketing strategy of an online organization, it is important to intricately study the primarily the website of the said organization and the marketing principles embedded on it. By looking into their main website, one can critically know the structure, goals, operational approach, and other relevant facts of the organization, which are relevant facts for the development of the personal perception and image of the business for the public awareness. This website offers vast informations about the organization from their ideal goals, organizational nature, and even their business conditions, which can be derived from their downloadable annual and social responsibility report. In addition, the e-marketing approach of this website not only caters to the sale nature but also to the information campaign and human capital sourcing of the organization as offered by their options of fact sheets, employment opportunity awareness, and other services. In general, this website primarily becomes an effective marketing tool for the organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The e-marketing approach of the different organizations range from various strategies such as through their main website which promotes display advertising of their products, interactive marketing where the consumers can contact the organization for significant sales and business concerns, search engine marketing which offer the service of easing the browsing activity of the viewing public. As such, the website becomes both a promotional approach and a business related interactive medium for the business organizations wherein the latter can relate further to the needs and concerns of their target consumers. With regards the issue being noted herein, the questions that could be considered are as follows: How important is e-marketing and online shopping when it comes to the convenience of the consumers today? How effective are the approaches of the current e-marketing systems to the people of the current society? Are there possible ways to further the comfort of the people being serviced through online shopping? BUSINESS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Everything starts with a vision. From a vision comes plans, and from plans come fulfillment of the vision. Vision and plans are the primary elements for starting any business. An entrepreneur must posses the vision and determination needed for an individual to become successful within the business industry; however, these elements are not solely the needed requirements. Vision and plans are the abstract elements that contribute to business proceedings hence empowering the entrepreneur to continue whatever it is that he has started. The other elements include capital, land [place of business headquarters] and the people force.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The elements that were mentioned primarily give essence to the business itself. The capital is more on the monetary resource needed to start the business. At times, this particular resource comes from a group of entrepreneurs who decide to work together for a certain organization, or on the other hand, it is sourced out from loaning or from the pocket of the entrepreneur himself. At some point, the capital actually determines the scale of the business. Land or the area intended for the business headquarters is depending on what type of business is planned to be established. If the business is supposed to cater to several clients, there should be a place intended for them that would be much convenient for business transactions. However, if the business is online [which is at trend right now] or other home based businesses, the area of business branch would not be much of a problem since the transactions are to be done at any convenient place possible. The people force also depends on the scale of business that is being established.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whatever type of business is being established, it is necessary that the entrepreneurs see to it that the different sections of the business, especially that of the people force are well taken care of. The success of the business naturally depends on the ability of the entrepreneurs to balance the idealistic mission as well as the activities of the organization as a business entity. This as well includes the legalities of the organization and its close connection with the existing laws for business organizations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It could be noted that opening or establishing a business organization is not that easy to deal with. The first months of operation towards the first year usually deals with the different challenges of effective strategies created to put the organization within the existing competition. Entering a certain business organization and trying to make it within the business industry is a great challenge to everyone wanting to create a considerable reputation in the society. However, once these particular challenges have been successfully met by the new entrepreneurs, the continuous progress of the said new established organization could be assured. This though does not mean that developments are already to stop once the business has been established. As for a fact, the establishment should simply mark the beginning of the progressive developments intended to help the whole organization remain within competition as long as it exists within the business industry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From this particular section of the study, it could be observed that the primary reasons for establishing a business should not only be lead by the need or the want of the entrepreneurs in gaining profitable results form the business. It should be clear to the business entrepreneurs that the said operational act needs to receive ample time for planning and attention on the pros and cons of the situation. From this particular assessment of business opportunities, the possibility of creating a successful source of profit could be identified in a positive point of view.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It has been certainly stressed out that the different elements of business should be given careful attention within the planning procedures. Carefully giving the said elements ample time of observation shall give the entrepreneurs to make amends on the possible weak links that could cause the failure of the business in the future. Identifying the Marketing Approach to be Used Marketing is one particular branch of business that deals with all the promotional aspects of a certain business organization. At some point, this particular sector of the organization is perceived to have a certain group of experts attending to the said needs of the organization with regards promotion and advertising. Every kind of organization have their own marketing branch. This is specifically because of the fact that the incoming profit that the company expects from its clients is particularly empowered by the marketing strategies created by the marketing group.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whatever it is that the Marketing group plans shall determine the organization’s success in the industry. The ability of the said in-charged group in making amends for the organization’s ability to make it within the industrial competition in the business world shall make it possible for the business to make a considerable reputation that could attract the clients who are being targeted by the said organization. This is particularly the reason why business organizations both large-scale and small-scale make it a point that the marketing procedures that they carry on for the sake of business progression is given careful attention and as well as an ample amount of investment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Particularly, marketing is a business branch that sets the path for the organization as to how they are supposed to trod the journey of success in the industry that they are dealing with. The intensity of the procedures taken by marketing experts particularly pertains to the quality of the advertising procedures that the organization ought to take into consideration for actual operational purposes. It is in this particular sector of the organization that the fast release or distribution of the services or the products offered by the organization towards the clients could be determined.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today, the level of competition that each business organization deals with in the human society is clearly identified by the progressive procedures taken by the marketing team of each business company. According to Website Marketing: â€Å"Marketing is a broad topic that covers a range of aspects, including advertising, public relations, sales, and promotions. People often confuse sales with marketing, when in fact the two are very different. The former involves getting a product or service into the market, promoting it, influencing behavior, and encouraging sales. Sales are the actual transaction of getting a product or service into the hands of your customers.† ( The strategies of marketing that each organization adapts into is primarily defined by the financial capabilities of the said business entity t o provide the services need by the clients that pertain to promotional operations. The strong impact of the marketing strategies also usually brings about the thought that the main target of the promotional presentations is the group of people in the society who are assumed by the organization to be the primary clients of the organization. It is their interest that should be the focus of the promotional interpretations and presentations. The strategies are indeed strongly differed through the identification of the target consumers or clients of the organization. The Website Marketing also adds: â€Å"Strategies in marketing have changed enormously since Jay Conrad Levinson introduced the guerrilla concept over 20 years ago. Tactics that were considered radical then are almost main stream now. With so many messages bombarding the consumer in the marketplace today, it is now more difficult than ever to get your product noticed, so marketers have learned to be creative.† ( Overall, marketing could then be noted as a source of established foundation for every business organization. The impact that it has on every established business group is a primary concern that brings about possible profitable sources to the different business organizations. Indeed, marketing and the operations that are made under this particular sector of the organization assure the whole business entity of the competitive standing of the entire organization within the business industries.   This is particularly the reason why it has been commented that: â€Å"Companies without a marketing mindset are at a disadvantage in todays business world. Those who are still centered around their products, rather than their customers, are doomed to fail.† The clients are the main target of marketing procedures, companies who are still starting and those who are already established who give lesser care in this aspect of business operations are indeed assured to have a hard time coping up with the existing competition within the industry. Getting through with all the RISKS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Planning the business and setting the marketing strategy to be used by the organization are simply the basic elements needed to create an organization that is intended to set sail in the journey towards global business engagements. TO be able to completely scale the capability of the organization to face the different challenges of dealing with the international market, it is necessary that the business entrepreneurs become aware of the impending issues needed to be dealt with during international business operations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What are the risks being referred to herein? According to Fredrick Wilcox â€Å"Progress always involves risk; you cannot steal second base and keep your foot on the first base†. This primarily implies the fact that there are several elements of success in business, especially concerning international relations that could not be met unless the entrepreneur meets the risks that come along with the primary developments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The elements of risks could be discussed as follows: Business Risks: Cost of Structure- The establishment of a certain business entity especially one that is made to face international transactions should and must be based on the financial capabilities of the owner. This particularly pertains to the available capital that is supposed to be the basis of how large or how small the scale of the business would be. It could be observed that through several organizations’ ability of identifying the costs that may affect their operations in the new venture of business that they would want to engage with would naturally identify the possible progress that they are hoping to meet in the future. Competition- Being ready for the already existing companies within the country that goes with the same industry is necessary for an international entrepreneur to be prepared about. In the internet technology, it could not be denied that there are already companies who are able to meet the challenges that are needed to have the needed and expected success on the said business venture. It is indeed necessary that several business organizations face the said competition with ample reputation and business strength that would allow them to undergo the challenges of the new business venture that they aim to engage with. Product Liability- the procedures of getting through with the laws in placing the products within the boarders of the other country should be one of the primary concerns of business entrepreneurs. Human Resource Management- Since the business would involve international engagements; it is simply reasonable to expect that the employees would be coming form international races as well. Managing this type of human resource group should then be carefully given attention by the organizational authorities. Clients or Customers- The demographics of the consumers, their interests and their product preferences should be among the main concerns of the business organization. Their culture and their wants basing on their traditions should be carefully noted by entrepreneurs to ensure their products of the market appreciation that it needs to be able to remain in business. Environmental Risks Economic- The economic situation of the neighboring country where a branch or a trade engagement is prepared to be conducted should be set in balance with the economic status of the original branch of the business. The balance shall help the business operators to set some standard procedures in dealing with the finances of the organization. Weather- The weather that is currently controlling the activities of the civilians of a certain country should be carefully given attention. This shall also determine the activities that are supposed to be taken in consideration by the business organization. Legalities and the Government- this particular element should be closely given clear attention as it is among the most important factors as well as the most crucial one as it primarily determines if the organization is to remain in a certain country or not, based on the ability of the organization to become connected with the laws of the said neighboring country. Considering all these elements of risk and being able to understand on how each one affects the business engagements of a certain organization in an International picture shall then help the entrepreneurs create the possibilities and the probabilities of the organization’s success in the multicultural market of consumers. The Internet Service Provision’s Business ABC’s   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The company that is to be observed at this point is the organization of Info Inc. which is a start up company wanting to venture in providing its major clients with internet based services that could be used as a source of informative materials in terms of accounting procedures, medical assistance and budget-wise programs that both business enthusiasts and the general public could use in their daily business and household needs and activities. As a company that is still starting in venturing within the said field, it is necessary for Info Inc to carry on the informations that were further discussed in this paper earlier. It could be noticed that the discussions point out the fact that establishing a new business operation for a certain existing business organization is indeed challenging especially when the business is supposed to handle a global market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the organization aims to venture in a new business operation that they have not been used to in engaging, it is much beneficial to take notice of the fact that the organization needs to take into consideration several factors that would involve the adjustments of the whole body of employee of the said company. The shifting of the priority and the opening of the new arena of service that the company would provide its clients should then be identified as a primary factor that should be carried in constant addressing during the whole procedure of adjusting the organization’s focus. First to consider then is the type of internet servicing that the company should be involved into. This shall be discussed within the paragraphs that follow. Choosing the Type of Service   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be able to reach the widest scope of market, Info Inc should invest in creating internet networked branches from different areas of the world. The company may not be required in creating an actual physical branch in the different parts of the world, but it is required to subscribe at a certain internet website host such as Google or yahoo, that would make their company much more accessible by the target market that they ought to serve. Choosing the right type of server or website support is very important. This is the reason why ample research on this matter should be carefully considered by the ones who are to establish the company’s website. The scope of the network should also be closely attended to as this would indicate the expected scope of audience or market that the company could reach out to. As mentioned earlier, marketing is an important way of regenerating a prospect market to get involved within a certain business company; however, lacking the needed access to reach the said clients may make this particular procedure of business operation impossible. Hence, being able to scale on which type of website support could give the best services to the company basing from its mission in connection with the market that it targets is very important to take into consideration. By doing so, the creators of the said business service-provision branch does not only introduces the company to a wider scope of market, but it also gives it a chance in gaining the peak rate of revenue that it could reach in an annual calculation. Creating the Website   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since the organization aims to attract business enthusiasts and household members, the presentation of the website should cater to what they are actually interested in. This is where the art of marketing begins o enter the scene. Moat likely, it could be observed that the more attractive and interesting the website looks like, the more it is being viewed by Internet surfers. This is [particularly the reason why the website of the company should highlight the strength of the company and the idealisms that it has that may attract the concerns of the market. Constant attendance to what the target market wants to know about the company and about their services shall help the creators and programmers of the website have an idea on what they should actually set as features to the said website.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It must also occur among the creators that the insistence of the website’s becoming a user-friendly system is an important part of the feature of the said internet address. This would certainly allow the users, whether they are computer literate or not to have an easy access on what is actually being offered by the organization through their online network. Counting the Benefits   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Having a company’s own website in the internet is like having a legitimate virtual address that would cater to mostly different people from around the world. As globalization opens its doorways to major new waves of business engagements, it could be observed that there are different benefits that the Internet operations bring the different business organizations that use the services provided by the said virtual community. Most of the company’s which do not even have physical establishments are already known because o their internet-based operations. This fact shall help Info Inc in realizing the fact that opening their doors to a more liberated procedure of operating within the business transactions that they want to offer their clients is an important part of their company’s growth as a major business entity. Counting the Costs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be able to understand the plan further, it is important to lay the finances and budgeting procedures needed to support that project that is being proposed for Info Inc to take into consideration. What are the particular elements of financing that needs to be considered? Creating the Website   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a need to hire an expert to at least program the website. The fact that there are different features of presentations that are planned to be embedded within the presentation of the website primarily to attract the clients, there needs to be the existence of professional help for this matter. This then requires a minimal yet reasonable payment for labor. Funding the Website   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Usually, the fees for website maintenance are paid annually. The company should then prepare itself in facing responsibilities such as this. Advertising through Search Engines   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The more exposure the site gets, the more surfers it could invite. From this particular fact, it could be noted that funding the site’s fees is indeed worthwhile, as that particular fee shall allow the link to the website to appear several times with the utilization of several key words encoded by the internet surfers when they are seeking the help of major search engines in the internet. Training the Operators of the Web   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There should always be a standing support specialist that is ready to assist customers in their issues about the services offered by the company. Once the company ventures to this particular type of business operation, it should then occur to them that the importance of placing expert support technicians as well as product or service specialists should constantly be available incase interested client needs assistance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If the values of the cost-causing elements mentioned herein shall be examined, it could be observed that the fees are all reasonable enough of paying on the part of the company’s financing group. Most likely, this is because of the much reasonable returns that the said fees are expected to return to the entire company’s business system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Handling such responsibilities in a much more positive outlook shall indeed help the administration of the organization realize of their importance as major player within the worldwide economy. The operations that they are expected to handle through inline communications shall not only increase their capabilities of handling challenges but could also help them grow as a business entity that is able to face the challenges of the globalization era. CLIENTS AND ONLINE CONSUMERISM Online consumerism is one of today’s major innovative leaps in terms of commercialism. The use of the Internet as a major medium for trading and monetary transactions has been among the major advancements of technology and real life in the human society. Each business organization relies on their respective aspects to promote their services and products in the market. Each marketing aspect range from various strategies and approaches to entice, promote and imply an ideal nature of their products and services to the consuming public to generate a business transaction between the two parties. Each business transaction in turn will generate the desire income by the organization, which is relevant for their operation development and profit generation. As such, each organization must create an effective and efficient marketing tool towards their target public, which will address the important communication and business elements in their economic transaction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most effective marketing approaches in the present are the strategies that address the key communication elements of the public. These strategies manifests to be reliable marketing medium that inform, relates and considers the consuming public to be significant part of the organizational structure and their subsequent operations. On the practical sense, these strategies are characterized to be publicly open for the society wherein they are easily and readily accessible for the interesting consumers. In part, these marketing strategies not only cater to the marketing nature but also to the other relevant part of the organizational structure such as human resources, customer service and public relations. On this field of effective marketing approaches, the e-marketing system manifests to be both an effective and efficient strategy for contemporary business organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the analysis of the e-marketing strategies, it is strongly concluded that marketing and promotional activities utilizing the advancement of the field of information technology is an effective approach for contemporary business organization. Through the use of this significant medium, organization can promote further their products and services and developing their ideal business nature in the social aspect which in turn, has a significant impact upon the organization’s success. Indeed, marketing using online or internet technology relates further the business organization to the global audience for more effective and efficient business operation for the economic success of the organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the past have already placed a strong impact on how the people viewed business operations done through the Internet, several business enthusiasts never ceased finding ways by which they would be able to attain success within the said industry. Many among the business owners around the world still believe in the benefits that investing in online business ventures would naturally bring their organizations. As for a fact, the said situation is quickly becoming a trend both among organizations that are already established and the business and even those business entities that are just starting to join the said competitive industry. Most of the benefits that the said system of business transacting has mainly attracted investors as well as stockholders in making a great decision of joining in the process of industrial change though the innovative integration of technology within the system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To understand this claim further, a diagrammatic presentation shall be shown herein:    Diagram 1: Efects of Information Technology in the relationship between clients and business organizations Diagram Analysis:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the presentation made above, it could be observed that the reason behind the business entities joining the band wagon of taking advantage of the provisions of science and technology in the modern society is indeed worthwhile. As it could be seen, the five major effects that have been presented through the diagram actually directly affect the growth rate of the organizations in a modern society. This is indeed an attractive provision that IT could ever offer business entities.    Chapter 5:DISCUSSION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today many people once bewildered by the stock market are investing in stocks. Why? For one thing, the Internet has enabled investors to access in moment’s financial news, investment advice, and stockbrokers. Paul Farrell, editor in chief of Wall Street News, writes: â€Å"For [individual investors], cyberspace investing is the new frontier, the new gold rush, the freedom to be yourself, with the opportunity to become financially independent while working at home.† Along with the blooming of the Internet systems, commerce also took the chance to be a part of a very promising source of profit for many business firms. To do this, there existed a birth to the business arena. Many people who would rather invest on a business than to be employed in a company took chances on investing in this kind of business. But as years passed, the hoped to be â€Å"tiger† market that would hit sky high revenues for the firms taking part on it fell apart. How is this possible? And how could this kind of market have been saved? The following paragraphs shall discuss the said topic further.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the earlier times of the introduction of Internet, it was seen that this kind of communication could enable many people to connect to each other from far places in the world. The said idea on worldwide interconnection gave many businessmen the thought that using the worldwide web would help their companies and other business firms to reach their potential revenues and income at a very minimal time or better yet, even double or triple the income they have expected.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With this, the business arena was given birth. It is more likely that the investors who invested in this kind of economic environment were the ones who realized that new business models would soon arise based on the possibilities of Internet commerce or more popularly known as E-commerce. As a result of wanting to be the first ones to gain profit from the said provisions of this new technology, they risked thousands of dollars to invest in the said Internet market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first years of the operation of the market paved way to many sellers of products and services to be connected to many consumers worldwide. Obviously though, among the three major gainers of profit in this kind of market are several internet-help companies. The said technology groups are the Internet and Network Infrastructure which hosts the construction of official websites posted through the net, the Internet Tools such as Netsacape which assists on the navigation process in the Internet, and the Internet-direct consumer websites such as Yahoo! which allows numerous ads to be posted through their website.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Between the years 1998-1999, the interest rates on putting up e-commerce firms were way affordable for many investors. This is the reason why many inexperienced businessmen chose to loin this market as a beginning of joining the business industry. Although many of the said investors had concrete and realistic plans regarding a business, most of them lacked administrative abilities. On the other hand, inviting investors to join the Internet market had been easier through the use of offering great promises and benefits that the web hosts post to attract the prospect businessmen (Warford, 2005, 45). True, this way of luring investors worked pretty well. As proved by the many growing e-commerce members during the years 1998-1999, the industry continued to flourish. To recognize the best Internet websites that are present in the e-commerce industry, there had been an annual awarding of the top websites of the year. It started on the year 1995, which was characterized by extravagant programs and undeniably expensive presentations. It was annually held in San Francisco California near the heart of the Silicon Valley. The said event has peaked during the year 2001 when thousands of attendance joined the lucrative awarding. When the year 2003 came in, the celebration became somber due to lower attendance not to mention that some of the nominees are not able to attend the event because of company belt-tightening and the fear of loosing their jobs. This is more likely because of the high interest rates that the Internet web hosts are already putting on the investors to continuously operate in the system (Silberschatz, 2004, 15). This event showed that the industry is not as productive as it was before anymore. As a fact, many of its members already lost on the investments they preempted to be bringing them great profits. Chapter 6: Conclusion and Summary Entering the arena of international business venture is indeed not an easy task for business entrepreneurs. However, because of the main focus of globalization in empowering dreamers of the said industry helps much in assisting entrepreneurs in seeing the possibilities of enlarging the scope of their territories of profitable areas through stretching their business activities towards the other countries around the globe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It could not be denied though that the procedure of international business looks much inviting, it should not be forgotten that the risks are highly challenging, hence encouraging the entrepreneurs to apply clear control of the situation through applying the needed skills to face the challenges of the international business transactions. Expanding the business in this procedure is indeed promising; however, careful consideration on the elements of risk should be given clear attention by the hopeful business entrepreneurs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the discussion and the presentations made in this paper, it could be observed that there is indeed a need for business entities to take the risks in making it within the industry of virtual business. Making their business services and products available through the Internet for the sake of advertising or even selling as it is would surely offer the organizations a progressive future in the fields that they are joined with. Certainly, the innovations brought about by information technology actually radically changed the economic trade of the entire global state of business industries. This is the reason why a particular entrepreneur trying to make the business scene in the current era of globalization needs to know the basic of computer applications and internet system operations for their business organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Certainly, because of the more improved system of consumerism featured through online business operations, click businesses become highly effective in affecting the human society today. It could still not be denied though that there are still some satisfactions that brick or physically established systems of business today give its consumers. Through this conclusion, it should be understood that both brick and click businesses should exist in balance to allow consumer satisfaction all over the world in accordance with the different elements contributing to modern globalization. References: Internet Sources: BBC News. (2000). to Dot.bomb.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ (May 31, 2008) Bock, Wally. (2001). From Dot-Com to Dot-Bomb.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ (May 31, 2008). Msdn. Microsoft Corporation. (2007). Technology Overview. (May 31, 2008). Nut, Gary. (2004). Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Third Edition. (May 31, 2008). Website Marketing. (2001). Importance of Marketing. (May 31, 2008) Books: Brown, Stephen (1993), „Postmodern Marketing?â€Å", European Journal of Marketing Vol. 27 No. 4, pp. 19-34 Brown, Stephen (1998), „Post-Modern Marketing 2 – Telling Talesâ€Å", Thomson Business Press. Deitel, Harvey M.; Deitel, Paul; Choffnes, David (2004). Operating Systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-182827-4. Ensor, Jim . (2006). Future Net: The Essential Guide to Internet and Technology Megatrends. Trafford Publishing; 1st edition. ISBN-10: 1553957245. Folsom, Ralph H. . (2005). Principles of International Business Transactions (The Concise Hornbook Series). West Publishing. Fitzgerald, Peter L. . (2005). International Business Transactions: A Problem-oriented Coursebook. West Publishing. Harris, J. Archer. (2001).  Ã‚   Schaums Outline of Operating Systems. McGraw-Hill; 1 edition. ISBN-10: 0071364358. Hanson, Ward Kalyanam, Kirthi (2006). Internet Marketing and e-Commerce. South-Western College Publication. 1st Edition. ISBN-10: 0324074778. Rajagopal, Raj . (1999). Multi-Operating System Networking: Living with UNIX, NetWare, and NT. AUERBACH; 1 edition. ISBN-10: 0849398312. Silberschatz, Abraham . (2004). Operating System Concepts. John Wiley Sons; 7 edition. ISBN-10: 0471694665. Strauss, Judy El-Ansary, Adel Frost, Raymond (2005). E-Marketing.   Prentice Hall Publication. 4th Edition. ISBN-10: 0131485199. Tanenbaum, Andrew S.; Woodhull, Albert S. (2006). Operating Systems. Design and Implementation. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-142938-8. Warford, J. Stanley. (2005).  Ã‚   Computer Systems. Jones Bartlett Publishers; 3rd edition. ISBN-10: 0763732397.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Lisa Bright And Dark :: essays research papers

When someone has a nearly "perfect" life, it’s hard to believe that person could be going out of his or her mind. Lisa Bright and Dark, by John Neufeld, explores the world of mental illness through Lisa Shilling, a sixteen year old who believes she is going crazy. Though she and her friends know this, she is unable to receive help because her parents think she is making it up. With no adult help, the problem has to be taken into the hands of Lisa and her three teenage friends. 	Lisa Shilling starts off as any normal teenager, attending school, going out with friends, and even dating. As the novel progresses, Lisa slips into dark, depressive moods on occasional days, and then into depression altogether. Lisa’s friends notice her change and take it into their own hands to give her "therapy" because Lisa’s parents are not willing to accept her sickness. As the depression progresses, many frightening incidents happen, but Lisa’s friends stick with her, helping to give strength to Lisa as well as themselves. 	Lisa’s friends stick with her when no one else will. One incident happened where Lisa went into an almost trance-like episode and then proceeded to attack one of her three friends. Even through the difficult times, Lisa’s friends would not give up on her. The basic theme of friendship is expressed throughout the novel. It is never told exactly what has caused Lisa Shilling to slip into this state of depression, which helps to make the atmosphere of the novel very mysterious. Just when it appears that Lisa is getting better, another episode occurs. The story is disturbing, being set around Lisa’s school and home. With other characters in the story, such as Lisa’s parents, causing conflicts with Lisa receiving proper treatment, the story is given a disturbing yet realistic feel. 	Instead of the story being told from the main character’s point of view, it is instead told by one of Lisa’s three friends who is trying to help. This keeps the reader from being able to tell exactly what is going on in Lisa Shilling’s head.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Social Institution Of Marriage In Jane Austen’s Society Essay examp

The Social Institution Of Marriage In Jane Austen’s Society In the following essay I am going to closely examine the proposals of marriage Elizabeth by her cousin Mr Collins, and aristocrat Mr Darcy. I am also going to compare and contrast the events of each proposal. In Jane Austen’s lifetime a women’s status in society came firstly from her parents and secondly when she married. Jane Austen shows the marked differences in class frequently, as this was a major feature of everyday life in the 19th century. Men were seen as being far superior to women as they were able to work and thus earn a small, and in rare cases a large fortune. Pride and Prejudice in some ways mirrors Jane Austen’s own life, as her heart was broken at a tender age. Jane Austen gave her undying love to her hero Tom Lefroy, however the match proved incompatible as neither Jane or Tom had a sufficient income to allow them to live as man and wife. At only twenty Jane Austen’s real love had come and gone and she never went on to love anyone else. Pride and Prejudice portrays the struggle for women to find compatible men, that not only satisfied their own need for love and adoration, but also suitors that meet their families’ best interests. In chapter nineteen it becomes clear to the reader that Mr Collins is interested in Mrs Bennet’s daughters. He firstly questions the availability of Jane but is told that she is soon to be engaged to Mr Bingley. After this set back Mr Collins inquires about Elizabeth (the second eldest daughter of Mrs Bennet.) â€Å" May I hope madam, for your interest with your fair daughter Elizabeth, when I solicit for the honour of a private audience with her in the course of this morning.† Elizabeth tried to inte... ...) within a family could have serious consequences on daughters and their eligibility for marriage. Many would remain spinsters or they would marry outside their usual social circle. It was not unusual for couples to become engaged in their late teens (with the life expectancy at this time of approximately forty years it is perhaps not surprising that couples married young). Today many couples are marrying in their thirties and marriage is not as fashionable or socially vital. In the Bennets’ case as there was no son and heir there was the law of entailment whereby property was left to a male relative. Therefore there was a real pressure for a daughter to marry the inheritor so that property and wealth could remain within the family. Of course laws like this do not generally exist today, and marriages are a union of love rather than a business proposition.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Summary of Sociology

Cutures are made up of different people, differnt backgrownds, Traditions, race and aspects of life. Culture shock can happen to an induvidual or group of people such as a tourisist or foreigner who have a problem adjusting to a new culture. Symbols play a huge part in all cultures around the world. From everything to language, hand gestures and communicating. Different societies could possibly have the same symbols but mean totally different things by them. Adaptation is something human beings have done since the beginning of time to fit the environment best that we live in. Clearly diffusion plays a big part in cultures societies all over when we come in contact with one another expample: KFC in japan and chinese food in america. Diffusion at it's best. Cultural lag is something that some societies suffer, from where one culture is moving faster than another in a technological sence. Scientist believe that animals do not share culture amongst themselves, but some scientisist do, when a test in the 1950's had shown that apes are capable of mastering small aspect of human language without talking. There are three types of norms cultures usally go by. Norms, Ideal norms and real norms. A norm in america would be eating beef and in hinduism there norm would be to worship cows an ideal norm in in china would be that math is something that everyone should be good at. Real norms would mean†¦ There are ten comandments but the way times are in the world the average person has broken at least one anyway. I feel i can relate to cultural shock alot because when i first moved outhere from L. A in 1995 i was a kid and i hated it. No noise at night did'nt know anyone yet had to make friends all over again and start at a new school. Took me some time but after a while i finally got used to it and it took me a while to stop missing where i came form.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Hy The Internet Has Becoome Important In Business Today

Why has the Internet become so Important to Businesses Today? The Internet represents a revolutionary medium for accessing and dissmeninating information. Many people have their working lives and productivity greatly enhanced by it and many more will do so in the future. Its traditions and free exchange and sharing have generated an open and liberal environment for the amassing and exchange of information. Its result has been a constantly expanding store of openly accessible on-line information, and an effective means of making one's own information globally available. Thousands of businesses use the internet in one way or another and there are myriad reasons why the business community should be connected to the internet; indeed, one of the fastest growing segments of the internet today is commercial. This essay will ask the question: What is the internet? As well as discuss its growth rate and popularity. Finally, during the course of this essay, the reasons why businesses see it as so important will be raised. Firstly, the internet is a network of networks consisting of over 40 000 autonomous networks. On the internet, one can exchange e-mail, access and participate in discussion forums, search databases, transfer files and so forth. Businesses can thus check stocks and shares, look at the current news, keep in contact with other firms across the globe, shop for software, and even search the internet for a potential employee through its on-line career centre. The internet therefore provides easy, fast communication for a vast community of network users throughout the world. There is a vast amount of information out there and it is growing fast. It is growing because a number of key conditions have come together. These include the capacity of the network infrastructure which has greatly increased; new software tolls are helping us to realise dreams of world wide, rapid distribution of information via attractive interfaces; more... Free Essays on Hy The Internet Has Becoome Important In Business Today Free Essays on Hy The Internet Has Becoome Important In Business Today Why has the Internet become so Important to Businesses Today? The Internet represents a revolutionary medium for accessing and dissmeninating information. Many people have their working lives and productivity greatly enhanced by it and many more will do so in the future. Its traditions and free exchange and sharing have generated an open and liberal environment for the amassing and exchange of information. Its result has been a constantly expanding store of openly accessible on-line information, and an effective means of making one's own information globally available. Thousands of businesses use the internet in one way or another and there are myriad reasons why the business community should be connected to the internet; indeed, one of the fastest growing segments of the internet today is commercial. This essay will ask the question: What is the internet? As well as discuss its growth rate and popularity. Finally, during the course of this essay, the reasons why businesses see it as so important will be raised. Firstly, the internet is a network of networks consisting of over 40 000 autonomous networks. On the internet, one can exchange e-mail, access and participate in discussion forums, search databases, transfer files and so forth. Businesses can thus check stocks and shares, look at the current news, keep in contact with other firms across the globe, shop for software, and even search the internet for a potential employee through its on-line career centre. The internet therefore provides easy, fast communication for a vast community of network users throughout the world. There is a vast amount of information out there and it is growing fast. It is growing because a number of key conditions have come together. These include the capacity of the network infrastructure which has greatly increased; new software tolls are helping us to realise dreams of world wide, rapid distribution of information via attractive interfaces; more...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Battle of Badajoz - Peninsular War

Battle of Badajoz - Peninsular War Battle of Badajoz - Conflict: The Battle of Badajoz was fought from March 16 to April 6, 1812 as part of the Peninsular War, which was in turn part of the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). Armies Commanders: British Earl of Wellington25,000 men French Major General Armand Philippon4,742 men Battle of Badajoz - Background: Following his victories at Almeida and Ciudad Rodrigo, the Earl of Wellington moved south towards Badajoz with the goal of securing the Spanish-Portuguese frontier and improving his lines of communication with his base at Lisbon. Arriving at the city on March 16, 1812, Wellington found it held by 5,000 French troops under the command of Major General Armand Philippon. Long aware of Wellingtons approach, Philippon had significantly improved the Badajozs defenses and had laid in large supplies of provisions. Battle of Badajoz - The Siege Begins: Outnumbering the French nearly 5-to-1, Wellington invested the city and began construction of siege trenches. As his troops pushed their earthworks towards Badajozs walls, Wellington brought up his heavy guns and howitzers. Knowing that it was only a matter of time until the British reached and breached the citys walls, Philippons men launched several sorties in an attempt to destroy the siege trenches. These were repeatedly beaten back by British riflemen and infantry. On March 25, General Thomas Pictons 3rd Division stormed and captured an outer bastion know as the Picurina. The capture of the Picurina allowed Wellingtons men to expand their siege works as his guns pounded away at the walls. By March 30, breaching batteries were in place and over the next week three openings were made in the citys defenses. On March 6, rumors began to arrive in the British camp that Marshal Jean-de-Dieu Soult was marching to relieve the beleaguered garrison. Wishing to take the city before reinforcements could arrive, Wellington ordered the assault to commence at 10:00 PM that night. Moving into position near the breaches, the British waited for the signal to attack. Battle of Badajoz - The British Assault: Wellingtons plan called for the main assault to be made by the 4th Division and Craufurds Light Division, with supporting attacks from the Portuguese and British soldiers of the 3rd and 5th Divisions. As the 3rd Division moved into place, it was spotted by a French sentry who raised the alarm. With the British moving to attack, the French rushed to the walls and unleashed a barrage of musket and cannon fire into the breaches inflicting heavy casualties. As the gaps in the walls filled with British dead and wounded, they became increasingly impassable. Despite this, the British kept swarming forward pressing the attack. In the first two hours of fighting, they suffered around 2,000 casualties at the main breach alone. Elsewhere, the secondary attacks were meeting a similar fate. With his forces halted, Wellington debated calling off the assault and ordering his men to fall back. Before the decision could be made, news reached his headquarters that Pictons 3rd Division had secured a foothold on the city walls. Connecting with the 5th Division which had also managed to scale the walls, Pictons men began pushing into the city. With his defenses broken, Philippon realized that it was only a matter of time before British numbers destroyed his garrison. As the redcoats poured into Badajoz, the French conducted a fighting retreat and took refuge in Fort San Christoval just north of the city. Understanding that his situation was hopeless, Philippon surrendered the following morning. In the city, British troops went wild looting and committed a wide array of atrocities. It took nearly 72 hours for order to be completely restored. Battle of Badajoz - Aftermath: The Battle of Badajoz cost Wellington 4,800 killed and wounded, 3,500 of which were incurred during the assault. Philippon lost 1,500 dead and wounded as well as the remainder of his command as prisoners. Upon seeing the piles of British dead in the trenches and breaches, Wellington wept for the loss of his men. The victory at Badajoz secured the border between Portugal and Spain and allowed Wellington to begin advancing against the forces of Marshal Auguste Marmont in Salamanca.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The History of Gillette and Schick Razors

The History of Gillette and Schick Razors Men have been slaves to their facial hair  pretty much since they first walked upright. A couple of inventors have made the process of trimming it or getting rid of it entirely  easier over the years and their razors and shavers are still widely used today. Gillette  Razors Enter the Market Patent No. 775,134 was granted to King C. Gillette for a â€Å"safety razor† on November 15, 1904. Gillette was born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin in 1855 and became a traveling salesman to support himself after his family’s home was destroyed in the Chicago Fire of 1871. His work led him to William Painter, the inventor of the disposable Crown Cork bottle cap. Painter told Gillette that a successful invention was one that was purchased over and over again by satisfied customers. Gillette took this advice to heart. After several years of considering and rejecting a number of possible inventions, Gillette suddenly had a brilliant idea while shaving one morning. An entirely new razor flashed in his mind- one with a safe, inexpensive and disposable blade. American men would no longer have to regularly send their razors out for sharpening. They could toss out their old blades and reapply new ones. Gillette’s invention would also fit neatly in the hand, minimizing cuts and nicks. It was a stroke of genius, but it took another six years for Gillette’s idea to come to  fruition. Technical experts told Gillette that it was impossible to produce steel that was hard enough, thin enough and inexpensive enough for the commercial development of a disposable razor blade. That was until MIT graduate William Nickerson agreed to try his hand at it in 1901, and two years later, he had succeeded. Production of the Gillette safety razor and blade began when the Gillette Safety Razor Company started their operations in South Boston. Over time, sales grew steadily. The U.S. government issued Gillette safety razors to the entire armed forces during World War I and over three million razors and 32 million blades were put into military hands. By the end of the war, an entire nation was converted to the Gillette  safety razor. In the 1970s, Gillette began sponsoring international sporting events  such as the Gillette Cricket Cup, the FIFA World Cup, and Formula One racing. Schick  Razors   It was an inventive U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel named Jacob Schick who first conceived of the electric razor that initially bore his name. Colonel Schick patented the first such razor on November 1928 after deciding that a dry shave was the way to go. So the Magazine Repeating Razor Company was born. Schick subsequently sold his interest in the company to American Chain and Cable, which continued to sell the razor until 1945. In 1935, ACC introduced the Schick Injector Razor, an idea in which Schick held the patent.  The Eversharp Company ultimately bought the rights to the razor in 1946. The Magazine Repeating Razor Company would become the Schick Safety Razor Company and use the same razor concept to launch a similar product for women in 1947. Teflon-coated stainless steel blades were later introduced in 1963 for a smoother shave. As part of the arrangement, Eversharp slid its own name onto the product, sometimes in conjunction with the Schick logo.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Welfare Cost in the Government is Running out of Control Research Paper

Welfare Cost in the Government is Running out of Control - Research Paper Example Costs of different commodities are running out of control while the Medicare is unfairly limiting options for almost every American. The name of poverty still lingers in the minds of many (June & Mark, 2004). This is because, the poverty is tragic and is as rampant as it was at the onset of the fight against poverty and welfare programs in the outset of 1960s. The history of the American welfare is intriguing as the Congress and other policy makers can take divergent paths. The Fantasy path, which opines that Medicare and Social Security can survive even without structural reforms, the â€Å"Welfare Empire†, has no problems even upon keeping over fifty million Americans in dire poverty, and there is nothing wrong (Marx, 2004). However, this paper intends to show that the cost of welfare in government is running out of control and the only way to end this problem is through divergent means that it will highlight. Today, the level of poverty in America is high, the cost of medic al health is expensive, and overly the cost of living is becoming exorbitant. With reference to Austerity path, the concerned officials tend to turn a blind eye on these issues and concede that, the best days of American life are over, then cuts rations care, attests that things like incremental change are not enough and cannot meet the existing challenges (David, 2010). Additionally, the radically divergent paths taken by policymakers result to cut benefits and a Gingrich path of growth and innovation that concedes that poverty will remain to be an inevitably concurrent fact of all American lives (Howard, 2002). Nevertheless, it has come to most peoples’ minds that, in spite of all the challenges facing Americans today, there exist numerous and radical measures that can save Americans from cash drainage and continuous siphoning of welfare funds (Eric & Glenn 2004). One, in order to control the cost of welfare in government from running out of control, the government could sl ow the growth of welfare, promote personal responsibility, give portions of welfare assistance in form of loans instead of grants, and/or the government and the other concerned agencies could simply do away with the welfare (Mink & Rickie, 2003). Organizations likely to benefit Enacting these measures would relief a number of organizations of the burden of providing welfare funds to areas that require it. For instance, the government of United States spends lost of dollars in funding welfare services such as medical health, insurance, food aid agencies, public utility steering agencies, and many other organizations within the States (Marx, 2004). It is agreeable that, if only America could invest in ending or relinquishing the welfare services, it would save itself a big deal of responsibility (June & Mark, 2004). Therefore, the Government of the United States of America is one of the agencies that would benefit from stopping or easing the welfare services. Findings make it clear th at the Government of the United States does not service welfare all by itself. Other agencies facilitate initiation of the welfare funds and they include the US Department of Health, The Treasury Department, Human services Department, and non-governmental organizations such as the World Food Program, The World Health Organization, and the UNEP (Wenli, 2002). Slowing the growth for welfare As indicated in this paper, slowing the growth for welfare will be part of the efficient and reliable measures aimed ensuring that the cost of welfare in government does not run out of control (Eric & Glenn 2004). This is because, as the history of relief and help runs deep in the hearts of fake poor people, slowing the grow

Friday, October 18, 2019

Eating Disorders Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Eating Disorders - Research Paper Example However, the same study done in 2008 showed that eating disorders had become an affair for all: men and women, the rich and the poor, blacks and whites. This paper explores the various aspects of the globalization of eating disorders, factors favoring the globalization and whether at all there is a possibility of managing this trend. Eating disorders have existed for a long time in history, earlier than the 19th Century where people engaged in self-starvation (Bruch 89). However, as time goes by, the rate of the prevalence of the disorders has risen and varied in various demographics. Bruch in his article ‘The Golden Cage’ explains Anorexia Nervosa as disorder for teenage girls mostly from financially stable families. This notion has been disagreed upon as research by the American Psychiatry Association has shown that males, middle-aged and aging people, African-Americans and low-class population have reported cases of eating disorders. Contrary to the earlier notion, eating disorders are an emerging problem for the entire female fraternity in the world. In the African society, for instance, the ideal woman traditionally was voluptuous and fat. Thin women were seen as a sign of poverty, sickness or even death. As Frank Osodi points out in the ‘’Golden Cage’, African girls have hips, bums and are fleshy. For years, this was sustained as the optimal standard of measuring beauty among women in Africa. Conversely, in United States, thinness was associated with social status and as an evidence of moral virtue (Raisanen and Hunt 57). Fatness is associated with low status, laziness and gluttony. This contemporary definition of beauty has spread across the globe changing even the Africans beliefs on beauty. African women have become keener about their body shape and size. Practices such as cosmetic surgery, exercise, and strict dieting regimes have been adopted with the aim of controlling weight and becoming slender. Globally, being overweight is

Transitioning From Closed to Open Systems Research Paper

Transitioning From Closed to Open Systems - Research Paper Example Apparently, the nursing sector has an open and closed system of solving problems. In the open system a nursing facility is at freewill to look for external help from other facilities and organizations. However, closed system perspectives state that a facility will only seek solutions from the internal environment. The latter limits the number of solutions to the existing problems. In recent times, many health facilities have experienced a shortage in the number of nurses that should attend to patients. Nurses are considered vital in ensuring all the patients are recuperating at a desirable rate. This is owing to the basic services that are offered by the nurses which include exercises, administering drugs, feeding and cleaning of patients. Without adequacy in such services patients will not recover in good time. Therefore, shortage of nurses in the nursing sector is a blow as the patients rarely get the services they need (Smith, 2010). One prevalent issue is the lack of sufficient number of nurses, especially in the ICU. Most patients who are taken to the ICU require intensive care that involves various delicate services. Acceptable standards state that there should be at least one nurse taking care of two patients in the ICU. Nevertheless, in most health facilities this is a rare ratio. Most of the nurses have to offer their services to at least three patie nts, which obviously overworks the nurses leading to poor service delivery. In bizarre incidents a single nurse is forced to serve four patients in the ICU. This highly degrades the quality of services offered across the nursing profession. As such, it jeopardizes the health and safety of the patients in the ICU as well as the reputation of particular health institutions. Shortage of nurses is a prevalent problem that risks the lives of patients. There are various ways of solving the problem though. However, it would be a hard task to use a closed

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Tort Law - Essay Example It should be seen in the sense that, the most courts do not mark out the bounds of duty that limits the defendant responsibility. What they sometimes do is protecting the interests of the individual who is seen to have suffered a loss. However, it is also important for the courts to be able to limit the defendant’s responsibilities because of the problems arising due to â€Å"floodgates†. In addition, sometimes the courts treat certain groups of defendants leniently through limiting their liabilities in some of the cases 1 On the other hand, the courts can decide to draw a line marking out the duty bounds to protect the interest as well as giving out compensation to the individuals who have gone through suffering and injury. This act of fairness is considered the major aims of tort law. Limitations placed on the defendants responsibilities act as a fundamental necessity to prevent a situation in which countless, potentially tenuous or spurious, claims that are against the tortfeasor. The policies that restrict the bounds of duty try to ensure justice and reasonable compensation to the victim. This is done without exposing the claimants to a given level that he or she might get tempted and the defendants to such a hard labor that would be as a result of lack of policies and precedent. Many attempts have been there to help in establishing the bounds on duty such as Dongue v Stephenson that has gone through development, to more recently the Caparo test that states that the act or omission must be foreseeable, just and proximate, fair and reasonable in order to have a care of duty. This case was central to the formation of duty of care, which was which was an important concept that limited the responsibility by outlining the idea of a reasonable man. The Capro test evolved from this case, and it is becoming clear that many courts are attempting to defendants responsibilities. Another case

Write about an experience you've had that makes you who you are Essay

Write about an experience you've had that makes you who you are - Essay Example I thought of smokers as idiots who waste money to buy ash and smoke to inject the carbon into their lungs and ruin their health. I did not smoke because I could not identify even a single benefit of this habit. I saw the purple lips of the chain smokers and that drew me further away from the thought of smoking a cigarette ever. But there was something strange happening to me when I was sitting amongst them and not smoking when all of them were doing it. I felt stranger and disconnected from the group. It was a pathetic feeling. It seemed like I had been outcast or was socially excluded. It felt anything but good. I had an inside feeling that it would not harm me if I gave it a try just for that time. While I was struggling with my inner feeling and denying the fact that I wanted to smoke there and then, one of my friends started criticizing me for not smoking. He called me â€Å"a Mama’s boy†, and the rest of them joined him in making fun of me. Then one of them said, à ¢â‚¬Å"Oh common Jonny, I know you can do it!† They presented it to me like a challenge, that I was too bold to deny accepting. The group process overwhelmed me and I did take a cigarette, pursed it between my lips, lit it at the end, and inhaled it!!! I was not being myself and it felt worse than before! Group that an individual forms part of influences the individual and convinces him/her to do things that he/she would never even think of doing as an individual. Group norms and values are quite different and often in conflict with the norms and values of at least some members of the group. Group’s norms and values are established with mutual consensus of the more powerful, influential and dominating members. Passive participants in the group work have to abide by the norms and values thus established by the active participants. Their compliance promotes harmony and retaliation promotes conflict. Thus, in order to work peacefully in a group, members

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Tort Law - Essay Example It should be seen in the sense that, the most courts do not mark out the bounds of duty that limits the defendant responsibility. What they sometimes do is protecting the interests of the individual who is seen to have suffered a loss. However, it is also important for the courts to be able to limit the defendant’s responsibilities because of the problems arising due to â€Å"floodgates†. In addition, sometimes the courts treat certain groups of defendants leniently through limiting their liabilities in some of the cases 1 On the other hand, the courts can decide to draw a line marking out the duty bounds to protect the interest as well as giving out compensation to the individuals who have gone through suffering and injury. This act of fairness is considered the major aims of tort law. Limitations placed on the defendants responsibilities act as a fundamental necessity to prevent a situation in which countless, potentially tenuous or spurious, claims that are against the tortfeasor. The policies that restrict the bounds of duty try to ensure justice and reasonable compensation to the victim. This is done without exposing the claimants to a given level that he or she might get tempted and the defendants to such a hard labor that would be as a result of lack of policies and precedent. Many attempts have been there to help in establishing the bounds on duty such as Dongue v Stephenson that has gone through development, to more recently the Caparo test that states that the act or omission must be foreseeable, just and proximate, fair and reasonable in order to have a care of duty. This case was central to the formation of duty of care, which was which was an important concept that limited the responsibility by outlining the idea of a reasonable man. The Capro test evolved from this case, and it is becoming clear that many courts are attempting to defendants responsibilities. Another case

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Safety Management Plan Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Safety Management Plan Implementation - Essay Example However it needs to be accepted in general. The service providers include authentic training organizations which are uncovered of safety risks throughout the stipulation of their services, aircraft providers, organizations liable for designing and manufacturing the aircrafts, approved maintenance organizations, and air traffic service providers. Apart from the aforementioned authorities certified aerodromes are also included (Fhwa, n.d.). Therefore the service providers should execute and implement a Safety Management System which is acknowledged by their respective state. The functions are as follows:- The main function is to identify the safety hazards related to it. It should ensure that corrective actions necessary to sustain a satisfactory level of safety must be implemented. This is also liable to provides continuous monitoring as well as regular appraisal of the safety level that has been achieved. It should also aim to make constant improvement to the overall level of safety and security. It should also promote an improved safety and security culture all through the organization. Realizing a return on Safety Management System investment through enhanced competence and abridged operational risk. Apart from the requirements of ICAO Safety Management Systems has been also incorporated into IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA). Implementation Plan It is an important factor to realize that the mentioned plan must only be used as a general guiding reference only. Therefore it can be customized according to the need. Etihad, the national airlines of United Arab Emirates will be chosen as the company where the Safety Management System action plan will be established. Now in the context of the company, a safety management system will be implemented in its overall infrastructure. This will ensure more safety and securities to the passengers availing Etihad airways (Etihad Airways, n.d.). The company is also focused in providing the best Arabic hospitality to the clients (Etihad Airways, n.d.). Safety Management Implementation plan of Etihad Airways Etihad Airways has developed its own Safety Management System in context with the United Arab Emirates’ Civil Aviation Law, recommendation of ICAO, CAR Part X, GCAA CAR-OPS 1.037, Federal and Emirate statutory requirements for health and safety and also from the suggestions by Abu Dhabi Health and Safety Regulatory Framework (ADEHSRF). Most of the elements required for formulating a Safety management system have been ascertained. Moreover it has been also linked with the supervision and control of the operations of the company. In Etihad Airways the establishment of SMS also took place to counter the existing dictatorial requirement and to establish according to the new requirements of the regulatory board. The safety management service of Etihad airways covers the following aspect:- Safety of the airport Industrial safety The safety of the aircraft and also its operation. The newly establ ished SMS of the company provides the methods to identify the perils and also offers ways to control and reduce it to an acceptable range. This will also help to determine whether the risk control tools are efficient or not. Furthermore the SMS sets the desired goals and performance levels for safety. It also seeks to develop safety culture within the organization, training and promotion system. Now the steps or the building blocks to implement SMS are suggested

Battle of Thermopylae Essay Example for Free

Battle of Thermopylae Essay 300 is a fictionalized depiction of the 460 B. C. Battle of Thermopylae. Adapted from Frank Miller’s graphic novel 300, director Zack Snyder evidently aimed for this cinematic spectacle as historical as the Spartan’s glory. Led by King Leonidas (Gerard Butler), the 300 best Spartan soldiers fought to death against the Persian King Xerxes’ (Rodrigo Santoro) campaign of ruling the world of men, save the last one named Dilios (David Wenham) who lived to proclaim the glory of the 300 and of course, recount the story from the birth of King Leonidas to the rigors of a Spartan soldier’s life. Through this narrative technique, we are brought to the world of grotesque-faced warriors, beautiful and cursed oracles, sex orgy, 460 B. C. political evil and gigantic fantastical beasts that made the whole movie an action historical fantasy instead of a classroom historical documentary. Created by CGI visual effects technology, the movie is an image duplication of the original comic book. The unworldly creatures came to life, a mere number of casts looked a hundred thousand or so, the amazing panoramic dark clouds added much drama to the dark scenes and the rain of gores and blood were clearly meant for action suckers rather than the sandal supporters. Indeed, human slaughter never looked so pretty. But you do not need to be a comic book or a computer animation fan to admire this cinematic landmark. The cinematography is what grabs your attention in a different way as Gladiator or Lord of the Rings or Troy ever did. Although I have to add that incorporating some of the said movies’ best shots like the Gladiator’s sunny wheat field scene, the olliphant-like creatures from LotR and the bird’s eye view battalion shots from Troy, gave us some moments sort of deja vu but over-all, Snyder did his homework pretty well in making this 460 B. C battle unbelievably believable. From the angles to the color schemes, the 300 movie looked like a technically polished storyboard. Every frame is beautiful and every panel is a cinematic feast. Unlike the technically benchmarking combat between Hector and Achilles in Troy, the combats in 300 are taken NOT from a vantage point of a spectator, but from an eye level of somebody who belongs in the battle†¦ somebody who moves in the battle. Filled with slow motion shots, the frame almost freezes to give a further zoom of the amazing sequences. The effect? Well, the audience were brought face-to-face to the thrill of the Battle of Thermopylae than they could ever imagine. The way the film flowed gave us a comic book feel to almost every scene but freed us from the eye candy gloss of the comic book. The chained giant Persians, the leprosy looking elders and warriors, the outrageously choreographed combats and the spear-causing blood showers looked wildly more spectacular than what paint brushes or video game film-making could ever do. The irony of the special effects’ impact on creating a scene of the past while setting a cinematic future gained 300 its wider acceptance. The incredible visuals were bloody mad and ferocious, which is exactly what that era is all about and what our era tries to relive, technically. We know how this is made. Shots were indoors against a blue screen and the backgrounds were added using CGI techniques. (Movie buffs get the hang of this technique after Twilight produced an exclusive documentary of the CGI behind their movie). Lacking of an all star casts and expensive shooting locations, we can say that the movie’s visual effects stole the spotlight. Even Gerard Butler’s commanding voice will not be given that much awe without the tiny acoustic touch. However, the visual techniques which so prodigiously employed didn’t just become the movie’s success but as well the movies failing. Having it overpower the substance made critics less indulged and more complaining. Many said that whatever the movie tremendously have in style, it lacks in human emotions and thus fall short in portraying the historical Battle of Thermopylae as a human history, not an epic from another world. Save Queen Gorgo’s (Lena Headey) shot to rally support for her husband, all those battle speeches sounded vain for lacking frame supports. But then again, the R rating could well make us understand that it’s the bloody, violent stunts that made us pay for the two-hour beautifully-generated tortures. To quote King Leonidas, â€Å"a new age has come, a new freedom†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ I guess, we just have to embrace it.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Purchasing Habits

Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Purchasing Habits To what extent does branding and celebrity endorsement affect consumer purchasing habits? The three brands you shall be focusing on are Benetton, Dove and Nike. However much one denies it, we are all consumers and our buying habits are undoubtedly influenced by advertising. In the last two decades, corporate marketing strategies have fully embraced the notion of branding as the material product begins to take a back seat and lifestyles, attitudes, values and experiences[1] are to be had in all good shops. Nike, Dove and Benetton have enjoyed massive success in harnessing the potent marketing device of cultural identification; consumers associate products with a rounded way of life, identify with the image a product offers and succumb to the adverts insistence that the product is necessary. In considering the extent to which branding affects consumer purchasing habits, the fundamental question of whether advertising can change behaviour, or just modifies established attitudes is further complicated by a semiotic problem. Roland Barthes suggested that words and signs are interpreted differently by each individual, and that the interpretation i s influenced by cultural understanding and conditioning. If so, then the many complex signs involved in creating a brand must fit artfully into a system of linguistic understanding; therefore begging the question, is culture affected by advertising or do established cultural boundaries govern advertising methods? The Nike brand has long represented rebellion and individual will. The Just Do It tagline, accompanied by images of celebrated sportspersons, went on to promote heightened performance and success, a notion of striving to compete and win. Despite controversies over their use of sweatshops, Nike escaped economic setbacks; the sport shoes they made in the sweatshops were not, after all, necessarily their defining image. Nike is a swoosh tick, performance athletes, fitness, health. After a brand-threat in the early 1990s, the marketing industry came to the following conclusion the products that will flourish in the future will be the ones presented not as commodities but as concepts: the brand as experience, as lifestyle[2], and this is exactly the approach taken by Nike that has kept the company close to the top of a very competitive market. In No Logo, Klein puts forward the suggestion that consumers dont truly believe theres a huge difference between products, which is why brands must establish emotional ties[3]. Nikes shoes are worn by athletes who perform amongst other athletes wearing Reebok, Adidas, Puma and in order to compete in a consumer market they must enter the consumers mind and find a unique way to stay there. Of late, the notion of individuality, revolution and victory have accompanied Nikes renowned air of rebelliousness; as with many modern campaigns, Nikes advertising targets consumers who are seeking to find individuality and respect in these sports goods. To further endorse the notion of the winning Nike lifestyle, Nikes website is exciting, flashy and aggressive; the advent of the internet has offered companies like Nike a fully-enhanced endorsement of their culturally apt product, and provides an arena is which advertising can become increasingly more involved in peoples everyday lives. This invasion of brands into our homes surely increases the opportunity for a product to become a necessity in consumers lives. Companies branding is about thirstily soaking up cultural ideas and iconography that their brands could reflect by projecting these ideas and images back on the culture as extensions of their brands[4], but the question still remains as to whether our established cultural understanding is created by or an obstruction to advertising. Remaining with the idea that a brand sells a lifestyle rather than a mere product, the recent change in direction with Doves (Unilever) endorsement of its skincare products is a particularly interesting event. It seems that Dove is to be congratulated on its Campaign for Real Beauty, which is a catalyst for activating Doves beauty philosophy and to announce a wider, more refreshing view on beauty[5], especially in a media climate that can still be criticised for its promotion of a very narrow definition of beauty. Whilst there is more harm than good in Doves campaign, it must not be forgotten that however moralistic a company may seem it still has profit as its central focus. To dismiss Dove as a product line that is using its consumers most sensitive issues to its advantage would be too partial an investigation when the very essence of a brand is in finding the most permanent method to win a consumers affections. Similarly to Nike, the Dove brand stands for the individual will to be; using their product will enhance your identity, help in your definition of a self that will fit in to the norms of society. Dove and Nike have both achieved the corporate transcendence [6] as outlined by Klein; in which a company transcends its product and becomes a free-standing meaning. The meanings implied in advertisements for branded products plumb the depths of our basic and universal needs and desires; their glossy images and suggestive language show us the way to be happy. Gain happiness through successful competition thanks to Nike, happiness brought on by the smooth skin and self-respect Dove can achieve whatever the route to happiness, a brand denies all barriers. The glossy adverts serve to influence our buying behaviour by offering an essentially better life. Celebrity endorsement of brands is part of the very construct of the brand itself. A product need only be associated with David Beckham and it’s representative of him; celebrities are established constructs with which consumers already identify and their use in advertising is a guarantee of the product’s quality. Celebrity is seen as the award for talent (be that physical or intellectual), so celebrity endorsement of products is certain to have an effect on consumer attitudes as the connection between the celebrity and a lifestyle already exist. In this sense, celebrities are respected members of society whose opinions are trusted; whilst a brand will fail if the product is particularly poor, even a mediocre brand will inevitably succeed if the right kind of celebrity (like Nike’s collection of experts; the famous athletes) to allow their lifestyle to be representative of a product. It is becoming clear that brands are invading society to the point where it is virtually impossible to tell the different between culture and branding. Sports are sponsored, entertainment is sponsored, the home is branded along with clothes, cosmetics and essential hygiene products; we form particular attitudes towards brands through various associations within life, through ‘brand advertising, word of mouth, peer influence, habits’[7]. Through all this, brands bombard us by positioning themselves within our life’s situations until they are ingrained as our cultural associations to activities and emotions. It comes to the point where, if brands have become ‘not products but ideas, attitudes, values and experiences, why can’t they be culture too?’[8] It is no longer possible to confidently say whether, in a branded world, consumers are capable of making autonomous purchasing choices. The case comes to United Colors of Benetton; so renowned for their controversial advertising campaign of birds covered in oil and new born babies. It was suggested that Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty is impoverished by the company’s profit-driven morals, but Benetton’s shocking images and their intended interpretations take exploitation a big step further. Benetton’s campaign tried to ’associate the name of the retailer with concern for social problems’[9], therefore invoking a cultural conscience in consumers and almost certainly having a strong influence on consumer purchasing habits. In an exposed global society, consumers are beginning to deal with a guilty conscience about the imbalance of wealth and aid in the world and brands like Nike, Dove and Benetton offer a individual-centred quick-fix solution to that concern. The irony that we are spending the cash which is the source of our guilt surely does not escape us; we continue to searc h for brands that epitomise our sense of self, our morals, our personalities. Advertisements are specifically designed to win us over on these very basic grounds and, whilst it may seem a paradox, branding will continue to effect consumer habits so long as the consumer exists in an consumer-led society. References Barthes, R. Image Music Text. London: Fontana: 1984 Corner, J and Pels, D (eds.) Media and the Restyling of Politics: consumerism, celebrity, cynicism. London: SAGE: 2003 Day, N. Advertising Information or Manipulation? Enslow Publications: United Kingdom: 1999 Heath, R. The hidden power of adveritisng: how low involvement processing influences the way we choose brands. Henley-on-Thames: Admap Publications: 2001 Jones, J.P. What s in a name? Advertising and the concept of brands. Armonk, N.Y: M.E Sharpe: 2003 Klein, N. No Logo. London: Harper Collins: 2000 Myers, G. Adworlds: brands, media, audiences. London: Arnold: 1998 Myers, G. Words in Ads. London: Arnold: 1994 Tanaka, K. Advertising Language a pragmatic approach to advertising in Britain and Japan. London: Routledge: 1994 Vestergaard, T. and Schrà ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ ¸eder, K. The Language of Advertising. Oxford: Blackwell: 1986 04/05/05 04/05/05 04/05/04 1 Footnotes [1] No Logo p.30 [2] No Logo p.21 [3] as above p.20 [4] as above p.29 [5] [6] No Logo p.21 [7] What’s in a Name? p.235 [8] No Logo p.30 [9] Words in Ads p.10

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers

Lord of the Flies   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"A thing was crawling out the forest. It came darkly, uncertainly. The shrill screaming that rose before the beast was like a pain.† This so-called beast that emerged from the forest was Simon, one of the boys who was stranded on the island. After he emerged from the forest, Simon discovered what the â€Å"pig’s head on a stick† represented, his untimely demise and tribal chaos. This was also when the real Lord of the Flies that was stalking the boys on the island reared its ugly head.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While Simon was concealed in the forest, watching the self-proclaimed â€Å"hunters† kill a sow, he observed them place the head of this pig on a stick as an offering to the â€Å"beast.† After the hunters left, Simon began to see what that the pig’s head represented. It showed that an immense amount of turmoil was going to take place on the island. This turmoil began when Jack started his own little tribe that was comprised of all the hunters and offered anyone free membership. Everyone, except Ralph and Piggy, joined the new clique because Jack claimed that they would always have meat to eat. Ralph and Piggy knew that this was the wrong decision to make because Jack was very immature had no clue how to lead anyone and all he wanted to do was kill.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the new tribe was formed, they moved themselves to a rock peninsula because they thought it would make a good fort, whereas Ralph and Piggy continued to live at the original place on the beach. Since Piggy and Ralph were now considered outcasts, Jack’s tribe stole Piggy’s glasses one night so that they could have fire. When Ralph and Piggy went to their little fort to get them back, a large boulder was pushed off their fort, killing Piggy and leaving Ralph all alone. Jack then made it his mission to hunt down Ralph and place his head on a stick, just like the pig’s. Jack never did kill Ralph because a British naval vessel showed up to rescue the boys from the island but the beast still resided there.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The beast that stalked the island is maturity. Simon, Ralph, and Piggy realized that the only way to survive was to grow up and try to act like adults. Jack and his hunters, on the other hand, did not want to mature and act like adults.

Friday, October 11, 2019

English Literature and Background Essay

MA (Previous) Semester I Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V Semester II Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V Semester III Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V History, Structure and Description of English –I English Literature up to the Early Seventeenth Century—I English Literature up to the Early Seventeenth Century—II English Literature of the Seventeenth & Eighteenth Century—I English Literature of the Seventeenth & Eighteenth Century—II History, Structure and Description of English –II English Literature of the Nineteenth Century—I English Literature of the Nineteenth Century—II English Literature of the Twentieth Century—I English Literature of the Twentieth Century—II MA (Final) American Literature—I Indian Writing in English—I Postcolonial Literature English Language Teaching Inter-Disciplinary (ID-I) : Writing for Academic and Professional Purposes Seminar Semester IV Paper I American Literature—II Paper II Indian Writing in English—II Paper III Specializations: 1) Women’s Writing 2) Indian Literatures in Translation 3) Modern Classics in Translation one specialization to be offered in each college Paper IV Project Work Paper V Inter-Disciplinary (ID-II) : Literature and Film Seminar Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad MA (Previous) Semester I—(Papers I to V) Semester I—(Papers I to V) Paper I Unit 1 History, Structure and Description of English-I a) Indo-European Family of Languages b) Descent of English: Old English, Middle English and Modern English a) Language as a System of Communication b) Levels of Language Description: Phonology and Morphology a) Phonetic Description of Consonants b) Phonetic Description of Vowels a) Noun Phrase Structure (Determiners, pre and post modifiers, number, and gender) b) The Simple Sentence in English a) Verb Phrase Structure (Verb types, tense, aspect, concord; phrasal verbs) b) Coordination and Subordination (Semantic Implications) Look more:  example of satire in huckleberry finn Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Paper II Unit 1 English Literature up to the Early Seventeenth Century—I Background Renaissance; Reformation; Development of British Drama; University Wits Poetry Geoffrey Chaucer Edmund Spenser General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales Sonnets 34 (â€Å"Lyke as a Ship†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Sonnet 54 (â€Å"Of the World’s Theatre†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Sonnet 68 (â€Å"Most Glorious Lord of Life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Everyman in His Humour The Duchess of Malfi The Spanish Tragedie Doctor Faustus Unit 2 Unit 3 Drama Ben Jonson John Webster Drama Thomas Kyd Christopher Marlowe Unit 4 2 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Unit 5 Prose Francis Bacon Sir Philip Sidney Essays (â€Å"Of Truth†, â€Å"Of Death†, â€Å"Of Revenge†) An Apologie for Poetrie Paper III Unit 1 Unit 2 English Literature up to the Early Seventeenth Century—II Background Translation of the Bible; Utopia; Tragedy; Comedy Drama William Shakespeare Drama William Shakespeare Poetry John Donne George Herbert Poetry Andrew Marvell Richard Lovelace King Lear Henry IV: Part I Twelfth Night The Tempest â€Å"A Valediction†, â€Å"The Canonization† â€Å"The Good-Morrow† â€Å"Virtue†, â€Å"Pulley†, â€Å"Collar† â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, â€Å"Garden† â€Å"To Althea From Prison† To Lucasta, Going Beyond the Seas† Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Paper IV Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 English Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries—I Background Allegory; Neo-Classicism; Epic; Rise of the English Novel Poetry John Milton Paradise Lost (Bks I & IX) Poetry John Dryden Absalom and Achitophel â€Å"Mac Flecknoe† Fiction Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews Prose John Dryden Essay of Dramatic Poesy (Up to â€Å"Examen of ‘The Silent Woman’†) Preface to Shakespeare (Up to the paragraph Samuel Johnson beginning â€Å"So careless was this great poet†¦Ã¢â‚¬  3 Unit 5 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Paper V Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 English Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries—II Background Pastoral Poetry; Restoration Comedy; Satire; Sentimental Comedy Poetry Alexander Pope Poetry William Blake â€Å"The Rape of the Lock† (Canto I) â€Å"An Essay on Criticism† (Part I) Songs of Innocence (â€Å"The Lamb†, â€Å"Holy Thursday†, â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†) Songs of Experience (â€Å"The Tyger†, â€Å"Holy Thursday†, â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†, â€Å"London†, â€Å"A Poison Tree†) â€Å"Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard† The Way of the World The Rivals â€Å"Sir Roger in Church† â€Å"The Aims of the Spectator† â€Å"Mr. Bickerstaff on Himself† â€Å"The Spectator Club† Unit 4 Unit 5 Thomas Gray Drama William Congreve R B Sheridan Prose Joseph Addison Richard Steele 4 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad MA (Previous) Semester II—(Papers I to V) Paper I Unit 1 History, Structure and Description of English—II a) Word Formation in English b) Change of Meaning a) Levels of Language Description: Syntax b) Varieties of Language: Dialect, Idiolect, Register, and Style a) Word Stress in English b) Properties of Connected Speech: Weak forms/Elision and Intonation a) Behaviourist and Cognitivist Approaches to Language Learning/Teaching; Differences between First Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning b) Role of English in India and the Objectives of Teaching English at the College Level a) Techniques of Teaching Prose, Poetry, Grammar, and Vocabulary b) Language Testing Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Paper II Unit 1 Unit 2 English Literature of the Nineteenth Century—I Background Romanticism; Fancy and Imagination; Gothic; Historical Novel Poetry William Wordsworth S T Coleridge Poetry P B Shelley John Keats â€Å"Intimations Ode†, â€Å"Tintern Abbey† â€Å"Rime of the Ancient Mariner† â€Å"Ode to the West Wind†, â€Å"To a Skylark† Odes: â€Å"On a Grecian Urn,† To Autumn,† â€Å"To a Nightingale† Emma Wuthering Heights Unit 3 Unit 4 Fiction Jane Austen Emily Brontà © 5 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Unit 5 Prose Charles Lamb William Hazlitt â€Å"Dream Children†, â€Å"Old China† â€Å"The Indian Juggler†, â€Å"The Fight† Paper III Unit 1 English Literature of the Nineteenth Century—II Background Science and Religion; Pre-Raphaelites; Dramatic Monologue; Realism and Naturalism Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson Robert Browning Poetry Elizabeth Barrett Browning â€Å"Ulysses†, â€Å"Lotos Eaters† â€Å"My Last Duchess†, â€Å"Andrea Del Sarto† Unit 2 Unit 3 G M Hopkins Matthew Arnold Unit 4 Fiction Charles Dickens Thomas Hardy Prose Matthew Arnold John Ruskin Sonnets from the Portuguese 21 (â€Å"Say over Again †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) 32 (â€Å"The first time that †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) 43 (â€Å"How do I love thee †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) â€Å"Pied Beauty†, â€Å"God’s Grandeur†, â€Å"Windhover† â€Å"Dover Beach† Hard Times Tess of the d’Urbervilles â€Å"The Study of Poetry† Unto This Last (Section I) Unit 5 Paper IV Unit 1 Unit 2 English Literature of the Twentieth Century—I Background Modernism; Dada and Surrealism; Symbolism; Stream of Consciousness Poetry W B Yeats T S Eliot â€Å"Easter 1916†, â€Å"Second Coming†, â€Å"Byzantium† The Waste Land 6 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Unit 3 Fiction D H Lawrence Joseph Conrad Prose Virginia Woolf E M Forster Drama G B Shaw J M Synge Sons and Lovers Heart of Darkness A Room of One’s Own â€Å"Art for Art’s Sake† (from Two Cheers for Democracy) Saint Joan Riders to the Sea Unit 4 Unit 5 Paper V Unit 1 Unit 2 English Literature of the Twentieth Century—II Background Postmodernism; Impressionism; Existentialism; Movement Poetry Poetry Ted Hughes Phillip Larkin Seamus Heaney Fiction William Golding Graham Greene Drama Samuel Beckett Tom Stoppard Short Story Roald Dahl A S Byatt â€Å"Thought Fox†, â€Å"Hawk Roosting† â€Å"Churchgoing,† â€Å"Toads† â€Å"Digging†, â€Å"Punishment† Lord of the Flies The Power and the Glory Waiting for Godot Indian Ink â€Å"Lamb to the Slaughter† â€Å"The Umbrella Man† â€Å"Sugar† (from Sugar and Other Stories) Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 7 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Syllabus of M A (English) (With effect from 2009-10) MA (Final) Semester III—(Papers I-V) Paper I Unit 1 American Literature—I Background American Frontier; American Renaissance; American Transcendentalism; American Puritanism Poetry Phyllis Wheatley Walt Whitman â€Å"On Being Brought from Africa to America† â€Å"When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d†, â€Å"Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking†, â€Å"Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry† â€Å"I taste a liquor never brewed†, â€Å"She sweeps with many-colored brooms†, â€Å"After great pain a formal feeling comes† The Scarlet Letter The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Hairy Ape Death of a Salesman â€Å"The American Scholar† â€Å"Civil Disobedience† Unit 2 Emily Dickinson Unit 3 Fiction Nathaniel Hawthorne Mark Twain Drama Eugene O’Neill Arthur Miller Prose Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau Unit 4 Unit 5 8 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Paper II Unit 1 Indian Writing in English—I Background Indian Nationalist Movement; Use of English for political awakening; Reform Movements; Rise of the Indian Novel Poetry (Selections from Indian Poetry in English. Ed Makarand Paranjape. Macmillan, 1993) Sri Aurobindo â€Å"I have a hundred lives† â€Å"The Golden Light† â€Å"Thought the Paraclete† Toru Dutt â€Å"Sita†, â€Å"Our Casuarina Tree† Sarojini Naidu â€Å"The Pardah Nashin†, Ghanashyam† Fiction Krupabai Satthianandhan Mulk Raj Anand Fiction Raja Rao R K Narayan Prose Rabindranath Tagore B R Ambedkar Kamala: a Story of Hindu life Untouchable Kanthapura The Man-Eater of Malgudi â€Å"Nationalism in India† (from Nationalism) â€Å"The Annihilation of Caste† (Collected Works of B R Ambedkar, Vol III) Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Paper III Unit 1 Unit 2 Postcolonial Literatures Background Colonialism-Imperialism; Postcolonialism; Nationalism; Diaspora Poetry Christopher Okigbo Edward Brathwaite Judith Wright â€Å"Heaven’s Gate†, â€Å"Death lay in Ambush† â€Å"Didn’t He Ramble†, â€Å"Calypso† â€Å"Eve to Her Daughters†, â€Å"Bullocky† Things Fall Apart The Edible Woman Unit 3 Fiction Chinua Achebe Margaret Atwood 9 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Unit 4 Drama Wole Soyinka Derek Walcott Prose V S Naipaul Ngugi wa Thiong’o Kongi’s Harvest Dream on Monkey Mountain Unit 5 â€Å"Indian Autobiographies† (from Literary Occasions: Essays) â€Å"The Language of African Literature† (from Decolonizing the Mind) Paper IV: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING Unit I History of English Language Teaching in India: Some important landmarks: a) Critique of Macaulay’s Minute; b) Landmarks of English Education in India after Independence: Kunzru Committee, the three language formula and Kothari commission. c) Ramamurthy Commission Report d) Curriculum and its components; Syllabus/ Paper Design; materials development Major Approaches, Methods and Syllabi: a. Traditional methods – Use of the Grammar Translation method, Direct method, Reading method; b. Structural Approach: Audio-Lingual Method, Types of syllabi: structuraloral-situational, notional-functional; linguistic competence and communicative competence; Error analysis and Remedial teaching c. Communicative approach, Krashen’s Monitor Model (Natural method); task based syllabus d. Humanistic Approaches: Community Language Learning, Suggestopaedia Classroom Techniques: a. Lecture mode; classroom discussion; Peer and pair work; b. Role play; Team teaching; Teaching large classes. c. Teaching Aids: Use of the Blackboard, flip charts, , OHP, audio visual tools, Television, d. Traditional and digital Language Lab; the Computer and the Internet. Teaching of Language skills: a. The teaching of listening, speaking, reading, writing and related study skills b. Teaching of literature c. Stylistic approach to the teaching of literature (norm, deviation, and foregrounding); d. Teaching of language through literature. 10 Unit II Unit III: Unit IV: Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Unit V: Testing and Evaluation: a. Importance of Testing, traditional testing methods; Different types of tests b. Group Discussion (GD) c. Interview d. Course Evaluation Paper V : Inter –Disciplinary ID-I : Writing for Academic and Professional Purposes Unit 1: Language CompetenceA. Communicative Grammar: Nouns, articles, prepositional phrases, tenses subject verb agreement, modal verbs, difference between spoken & written language B. Sentence structure, kinds of sentences-statements, interrogatives, question tags passive constructions, reported speech; use of conditionals, compound & complex sentences C. Academic Reading : read to write- focus on the gist, idiom, rhetoric, style and genre specific features in different texts ; intensive & critical reading, note making Unit 2: Organization of writing A. Guided writing, expansion, use of connectives, sequencing, writing a paragraph free writing, mind mapping. Paraphrasing, summarizing, writing an abstract Writing letters, resume and email ( e-mail etiquette) B. C. Unit 3: Academic Writing A. B. C. proposals, SOPs ( statement of purpose) structure of a report, report writing Writing an essay; (descriptive, argumentative and scientific) Unit 4: Professional Writing A. Inter office memos, professional reports( business, survey, minutes of a meeting) B. Editing, writing a review, creative writing (Ad writing, slogan writing and writing headlines). C. Technical writing; product and process writing, writing a user manual SEMINAR PRESENTATION 11 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad MA (Final) Semester IV—(Papers I-V) Paper I Unit 1 Unit 2 American Literature—II Background American Dream; Multiculturalism; Lost Generation; American Comedy Poetry Robert Frost Wallace Stevens Robert Lowell Unit 3 Fiction Ernest Hemingway Saul Bellow Drama Lorraine Hansberry Neil Simon Short Fiction Henry James William Faulkner Issac Asimov â€Å"West Running Brook†, â€Å"Home Burial† â€Å"Sunday Morning† â€Å"The Emperor of Ice-Cream â€Å"For the Union Dead† â€Å"At a Bible House† The Old Man and the Sea Seize the Day Raisin in the Sun Sunshine Boys â€Å"The Middle Years† â€Å"Go Down Moses† â€Å"The Bicentennial Man† Unit 4 Unit 5 12 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Paper II Unit 1 Indian Writing in English—II Background Decolonization; Counter DisPapers; Partition Literature; Myth and Literature Poetry (Selections from Indian Poetry in English. Ed Makarand Paranjape. Macmillan, 1993) Nissim Ezekiel Kamala Das A K Ramanujan Unit 3 Fiction Salman Rushdie Shashi Deshpande Drama Girish Karnad Mahesh Dattani Short Fiction Bharati Mukherjee â€Å"Enterprise† â€Å"Poet, Lover, Birdwatcher† â€Å"An Introduction† â€Å"The Old Playhouse† â€Å"A River†, â€Å"Love Poem for a Wife-I† Unit 2 Midnight’s Children The Binding Vine Hayavadana Final Solutions â€Å"A Wife’s Story†, â€Å"Management of Grief† (both from The Middleman and Other Stories, 1989) â€Å"The Accompanist† â€Å"A Devoted Son† (both from Games at Twilight, 1978) Unit 4 Unit 5 Anita Desai 13 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Paper: III: (Specializations) A) Women’s Writing B) Indian Literatures in Translation C) Modern Classics in Translation Paper III A) Women’s Writing Unit 1: Background The Woman Question: New Woman; Women’s Liberation Movement; Feminism; Re-reading the Canon Prose Mary Wollstonecraft Unit 2: Vindication of the Rights of Women (Introduction and Chapter 2) The Second Sex (Essay on Biology) Simon de Beauvour Unit 3: Poetry Elizabeth Barret Browing Sylvia Plath Margaret Atwood Grace Nichols Anne Stevenson Fiction Virginia Woolf Nadine Gordimer Drama Carly Churchill Alima Ata Aidoo â€Å"A Curse for a Nation† â€Å"Lady Lazarus† â€Å"Circle† – Mud Poems â€Å"Making Poetry†, The Spirit is too Blunt an Instrument Unit 4: Mrs Dalloway July People Unit 5: Top Girls Anowa Paper III (B): INDIAN LITERATURES IN TRANSLATION Unit 1: i) ii) Background Types of Natya (Nataka, Prakarana, and Prahasana) and Theory of Rasa and Kavya Indian Concept of Translation (from Translation as Discovery by Sujit Mukherjee, Chapter 2 & 3) Scope of Comparative Literature (â€Å"Comparative Literature in India: A Perspective† by Bijay Kumar Das from Comparative Indian Literature ed. Rao & Dhawan) 14 iii) Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad iv) Dalit Aesthetics (â€Å"Dalit Literature and Aesthetics† from Towards an Aesthetics of Dalit Literature by Sharavan Kumar Limbale) Poetry Sangam Poety – from Poems of Love and War Trans by AK. Ramanujan, Akam Poems – â€Å"Kurinci† (page 15), â€Å"Neytal† (page 41),†Palai† (page 53), â€Å"Mullai† (page 81), â€Å"Marutam† (page 97), Puram Poems – â€Å"King Killi in Combat† (page 123) Gurram Joshua – I was one of them†, The Bat Messenger† (From Twentieth Century Telugu Poetry. An Anthology ed. By Velcheru Narayan Rao, OUP 2002) Jibananda Das – â€Å"Banalata Sen†, The Naked Solitary Hand† (From Signatures ed by Satchidanandan, Sahitya Academi, New Delhi) Drama Kalidas Unit 2: i) ii) iii) Unit 3 i) Abhgnana Shakuntalam from The Plays of Kalidasa by Barbara Stoller Miller, Ed Columbia University Press, 1984 Silence! the Court is in Session (OUP) ii) Unit 4: i) Vijay Tendulkar Fiction Premchand Godan; a novel of peasant India Tans by Jai Ratan and P. Lal Bombay: Jaico, 1979 ii) U.R Anantha Murthy Smakara: A Rite of Dead Man Trans by A.K. Ramanujan (OUP) Short Fiction Unit 5: i) Folktales – â€Å"Bopoluchi† (A Punjabi Folk Tale), â€Å"Why the Fish Laughed† (A Kashmiri Folk Tale), Folktales from India selected and ed. By A.K. Ramanujan, Penguin Books India, 1994. Ismat Chugtai – â€Å"Chauti Ka Jowra† from Inner Courtyard. Ed Lakshmi Holmstrom, Rupa, 2002. Mahasweta Devi – â€Å"Shishu† from Women’s Writing, Vol II Ed by Tharu & Lalitha, OUP, 1991. ii) iii) 15 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Paper III (C) : Modern Classics in Translation Unit 1: Background Enlightenment; Bourgeois Experience; Epic Theatre ; Magic Realism. Poetry Charles Baudelaire : The Sick muse, Even She was called Bautrice By Many Who knew Not Wherefore, The Remorse of the Dead Pablo Neruda: What Spain was Like, The Heavenly Poets, Opium in the East Joseph Brodsky: Odysseus to Telemachus, Nune Dimmittis, Nature Morte Unit 3: Fiction Gustav Flaubert: Milan Kundera: Drama Anton Chekhov Betrolt Brecht Unite 2: Madame Bovary Book of Laughter Forgetting Unit 4 The Cherry Orchard Mother Courage Unit 5: Short Fiction Franz Kafka Gabriel Garcia Marquez PROJECT WORK Metamorphosis No one Writes to the Colonel PAPER IV Paper V: Inter-Disciplinary (ID-II) Literature and Film Unit1: Background: a) Elements of a narrative: Theme, Plot, Structure, Setting, Character, Point of View b) Narrative devices : genres, montage, film noir, flashback, special effects Unit 2: Drama and Film a) George Bernard Shaw – Pygmalion (1913) b) George Cukor (Director) – My Fair Lady (1964) Unit 3 : Novel and Film a) EM Forster – A Passage to India (1924) b) David Lean (Director) – A Passage to India (1984). Unit 4: Short Fiction and Film a) Ruskin Bond – â€Å"The Blue Umbrella† b) Vishal Bhardwaj (Director) – â€Å"The Blue Umbrella† (2007) 16 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Suggested Reading Beja, Morris. Film & Literature, an introduction, Longman, 1979. Bluestone, George. Novels into film, Johns Hopkins Press, 1957. Boyum, Joy Gould. Double Exposure : Fiction into Film, Seagull Books, 1989. Corrigan, Timothy, ed Film and Literature: An Introduction and Reader. Prentice Hall, 1999. Das Gupta, Chidananda. Talking about films. Orient Longman, 1981 Deborah Cartmell and Imelda Whelehan, eds. Adaptations: from text to screen, screen to text. Routledge, 1999. Elliott, Kamilla. Rethinking the novel/film debate. CUP, 2003. Literature –Film Quarterly. McFarlane, Brian. Novel to film: an introduction to the theory of adaptation. OUP, 1996. Ray, Satyajit. Our Films, Their Films. Orient Longman, 1976. Reberge, Gaston. The Subject of Cinema, Seagull Books, 1987. Stam, Robert and Alessandra Raengo, eds. A Companion to literature and film. Blackwell Pub., 2004. SEMINAR PRESENTATION