Friday, October 11, 2019

English Literature and Background Essay

MA (Previous) Semester I Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V Semester II Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V Semester III Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V History, Structure and Description of English –I English Literature up to the Early Seventeenth Century—I English Literature up to the Early Seventeenth Century—II English Literature of the Seventeenth & Eighteenth Century—I English Literature of the Seventeenth & Eighteenth Century—II History, Structure and Description of English –II English Literature of the Nineteenth Century—I English Literature of the Nineteenth Century—II English Literature of the Twentieth Century—I English Literature of the Twentieth Century—II MA (Final) American Literature—I Indian Writing in English—I Postcolonial Literature English Language Teaching Inter-Disciplinary (ID-I) : Writing for Academic and Professional Purposes Seminar Semester IV Paper I American Literature—II Paper II Indian Writing in English—II Paper III Specializations: 1) Women’s Writing 2) Indian Literatures in Translation 3) Modern Classics in Translation one specialization to be offered in each college Paper IV Project Work Paper V Inter-Disciplinary (ID-II) : Literature and Film Seminar Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad MA (Previous) Semester I—(Papers I to V) Semester I—(Papers I to V) Paper I Unit 1 History, Structure and Description of English-I a) Indo-European Family of Languages b) Descent of English: Old English, Middle English and Modern English a) Language as a System of Communication b) Levels of Language Description: Phonology and Morphology a) Phonetic Description of Consonants b) Phonetic Description of Vowels a) Noun Phrase Structure (Determiners, pre and post modifiers, number, and gender) b) The Simple Sentence in English a) Verb Phrase Structure (Verb types, tense, aspect, concord; phrasal verbs) b) Coordination and Subordination (Semantic Implications) Look more:  example of satire in huckleberry finn Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Paper II Unit 1 English Literature up to the Early Seventeenth Century—I Background Renaissance; Reformation; Development of British Drama; University Wits Poetry Geoffrey Chaucer Edmund Spenser General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales Sonnets 34 (â€Å"Lyke as a Ship†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Sonnet 54 (â€Å"Of the World’s Theatre†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Sonnet 68 (â€Å"Most Glorious Lord of Life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Everyman in His Humour The Duchess of Malfi The Spanish Tragedie Doctor Faustus Unit 2 Unit 3 Drama Ben Jonson John Webster Drama Thomas Kyd Christopher Marlowe Unit 4 2 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Unit 5 Prose Francis Bacon Sir Philip Sidney Essays (â€Å"Of Truth†, â€Å"Of Death†, â€Å"Of Revenge†) An Apologie for Poetrie Paper III Unit 1 Unit 2 English Literature up to the Early Seventeenth Century—II Background Translation of the Bible; Utopia; Tragedy; Comedy Drama William Shakespeare Drama William Shakespeare Poetry John Donne George Herbert Poetry Andrew Marvell Richard Lovelace King Lear Henry IV: Part I Twelfth Night The Tempest â€Å"A Valediction†, â€Å"The Canonization† â€Å"The Good-Morrow† â€Å"Virtue†, â€Å"Pulley†, â€Å"Collar† â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, â€Å"Garden† â€Å"To Althea From Prison† To Lucasta, Going Beyond the Seas† Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Paper IV Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 English Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries—I Background Allegory; Neo-Classicism; Epic; Rise of the English Novel Poetry John Milton Paradise Lost (Bks I & IX) Poetry John Dryden Absalom and Achitophel â€Å"Mac Flecknoe† Fiction Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews Prose John Dryden Essay of Dramatic Poesy (Up to â€Å"Examen of ‘The Silent Woman’†) Preface to Shakespeare (Up to the paragraph Samuel Johnson beginning â€Å"So careless was this great poet†¦Ã¢â‚¬  3 Unit 5 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Paper V Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 English Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries—II Background Pastoral Poetry; Restoration Comedy; Satire; Sentimental Comedy Poetry Alexander Pope Poetry William Blake â€Å"The Rape of the Lock† (Canto I) â€Å"An Essay on Criticism† (Part I) Songs of Innocence (â€Å"The Lamb†, â€Å"Holy Thursday†, â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†) Songs of Experience (â€Å"The Tyger†, â€Å"Holy Thursday†, â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†, â€Å"London†, â€Å"A Poison Tree†) â€Å"Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard† The Way of the World The Rivals â€Å"Sir Roger in Church† â€Å"The Aims of the Spectator† â€Å"Mr. Bickerstaff on Himself† â€Å"The Spectator Club† Unit 4 Unit 5 Thomas Gray Drama William Congreve R B Sheridan Prose Joseph Addison Richard Steele 4 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad MA (Previous) Semester II—(Papers I to V) Paper I Unit 1 History, Structure and Description of English—II a) Word Formation in English b) Change of Meaning a) Levels of Language Description: Syntax b) Varieties of Language: Dialect, Idiolect, Register, and Style a) Word Stress in English b) Properties of Connected Speech: Weak forms/Elision and Intonation a) Behaviourist and Cognitivist Approaches to Language Learning/Teaching; Differences between First Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning b) Role of English in India and the Objectives of Teaching English at the College Level a) Techniques of Teaching Prose, Poetry, Grammar, and Vocabulary b) Language Testing Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Paper II Unit 1 Unit 2 English Literature of the Nineteenth Century—I Background Romanticism; Fancy and Imagination; Gothic; Historical Novel Poetry William Wordsworth S T Coleridge Poetry P B Shelley John Keats â€Å"Intimations Ode†, â€Å"Tintern Abbey† â€Å"Rime of the Ancient Mariner† â€Å"Ode to the West Wind†, â€Å"To a Skylark† Odes: â€Å"On a Grecian Urn,† To Autumn,† â€Å"To a Nightingale† Emma Wuthering Heights Unit 3 Unit 4 Fiction Jane Austen Emily Brontà © 5 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Unit 5 Prose Charles Lamb William Hazlitt â€Å"Dream Children†, â€Å"Old China† â€Å"The Indian Juggler†, â€Å"The Fight† Paper III Unit 1 English Literature of the Nineteenth Century—II Background Science and Religion; Pre-Raphaelites; Dramatic Monologue; Realism and Naturalism Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson Robert Browning Poetry Elizabeth Barrett Browning â€Å"Ulysses†, â€Å"Lotos Eaters† â€Å"My Last Duchess†, â€Å"Andrea Del Sarto† Unit 2 Unit 3 G M Hopkins Matthew Arnold Unit 4 Fiction Charles Dickens Thomas Hardy Prose Matthew Arnold John Ruskin Sonnets from the Portuguese 21 (â€Å"Say over Again †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) 32 (â€Å"The first time that †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) 43 (â€Å"How do I love thee †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) â€Å"Pied Beauty†, â€Å"God’s Grandeur†, â€Å"Windhover† â€Å"Dover Beach† Hard Times Tess of the d’Urbervilles â€Å"The Study of Poetry† Unto This Last (Section I) Unit 5 Paper IV Unit 1 Unit 2 English Literature of the Twentieth Century—I Background Modernism; Dada and Surrealism; Symbolism; Stream of Consciousness Poetry W B Yeats T S Eliot â€Å"Easter 1916†, â€Å"Second Coming†, â€Å"Byzantium† The Waste Land 6 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Unit 3 Fiction D H Lawrence Joseph Conrad Prose Virginia Woolf E M Forster Drama G B Shaw J M Synge Sons and Lovers Heart of Darkness A Room of One’s Own â€Å"Art for Art’s Sake† (from Two Cheers for Democracy) Saint Joan Riders to the Sea Unit 4 Unit 5 Paper V Unit 1 Unit 2 English Literature of the Twentieth Century—II Background Postmodernism; Impressionism; Existentialism; Movement Poetry Poetry Ted Hughes Phillip Larkin Seamus Heaney Fiction William Golding Graham Greene Drama Samuel Beckett Tom Stoppard Short Story Roald Dahl A S Byatt â€Å"Thought Fox†, â€Å"Hawk Roosting† â€Å"Churchgoing,† â€Å"Toads† â€Å"Digging†, â€Å"Punishment† Lord of the Flies The Power and the Glory Waiting for Godot Indian Ink â€Å"Lamb to the Slaughter† â€Å"The Umbrella Man† â€Å"Sugar† (from Sugar and Other Stories) Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 7 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Syllabus of M A (English) (With effect from 2009-10) MA (Final) Semester III—(Papers I-V) Paper I Unit 1 American Literature—I Background American Frontier; American Renaissance; American Transcendentalism; American Puritanism Poetry Phyllis Wheatley Walt Whitman â€Å"On Being Brought from Africa to America† â€Å"When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d†, â€Å"Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking†, â€Å"Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry† â€Å"I taste a liquor never brewed†, â€Å"She sweeps with many-colored brooms†, â€Å"After great pain a formal feeling comes† The Scarlet Letter The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Hairy Ape Death of a Salesman â€Å"The American Scholar† â€Å"Civil Disobedience† Unit 2 Emily Dickinson Unit 3 Fiction Nathaniel Hawthorne Mark Twain Drama Eugene O’Neill Arthur Miller Prose Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau Unit 4 Unit 5 8 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Paper II Unit 1 Indian Writing in English—I Background Indian Nationalist Movement; Use of English for political awakening; Reform Movements; Rise of the Indian Novel Poetry (Selections from Indian Poetry in English. Ed Makarand Paranjape. Macmillan, 1993) Sri Aurobindo â€Å"I have a hundred lives† â€Å"The Golden Light† â€Å"Thought the Paraclete† Toru Dutt â€Å"Sita†, â€Å"Our Casuarina Tree† Sarojini Naidu â€Å"The Pardah Nashin†, Ghanashyam† Fiction Krupabai Satthianandhan Mulk Raj Anand Fiction Raja Rao R K Narayan Prose Rabindranath Tagore B R Ambedkar Kamala: a Story of Hindu life Untouchable Kanthapura The Man-Eater of Malgudi â€Å"Nationalism in India† (from Nationalism) â€Å"The Annihilation of Caste† (Collected Works of B R Ambedkar, Vol III) Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Paper III Unit 1 Unit 2 Postcolonial Literatures Background Colonialism-Imperialism; Postcolonialism; Nationalism; Diaspora Poetry Christopher Okigbo Edward Brathwaite Judith Wright â€Å"Heaven’s Gate†, â€Å"Death lay in Ambush† â€Å"Didn’t He Ramble†, â€Å"Calypso† â€Å"Eve to Her Daughters†, â€Å"Bullocky† Things Fall Apart The Edible Woman Unit 3 Fiction Chinua Achebe Margaret Atwood 9 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Unit 4 Drama Wole Soyinka Derek Walcott Prose V S Naipaul Ngugi wa Thiong’o Kongi’s Harvest Dream on Monkey Mountain Unit 5 â€Å"Indian Autobiographies† (from Literary Occasions: Essays) â€Å"The Language of African Literature† (from Decolonizing the Mind) Paper IV: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING Unit I History of English Language Teaching in India: Some important landmarks: a) Critique of Macaulay’s Minute; b) Landmarks of English Education in India after Independence: Kunzru Committee, the three language formula and Kothari commission. c) Ramamurthy Commission Report d) Curriculum and its components; Syllabus/ Paper Design; materials development Major Approaches, Methods and Syllabi: a. Traditional methods – Use of the Grammar Translation method, Direct method, Reading method; b. Structural Approach: Audio-Lingual Method, Types of syllabi: structuraloral-situational, notional-functional; linguistic competence and communicative competence; Error analysis and Remedial teaching c. Communicative approach, Krashen’s Monitor Model (Natural method); task based syllabus d. Humanistic Approaches: Community Language Learning, Suggestopaedia Classroom Techniques: a. Lecture mode; classroom discussion; Peer and pair work; b. Role play; Team teaching; Teaching large classes. c. Teaching Aids: Use of the Blackboard, flip charts, , OHP, audio visual tools, Television, d. Traditional and digital Language Lab; the Computer and the Internet. Teaching of Language skills: a. The teaching of listening, speaking, reading, writing and related study skills b. Teaching of literature c. Stylistic approach to the teaching of literature (norm, deviation, and foregrounding); d. Teaching of language through literature. 10 Unit II Unit III: Unit IV: Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Unit V: Testing and Evaluation: a. Importance of Testing, traditional testing methods; Different types of tests b. Group Discussion (GD) c. Interview d. Course Evaluation Paper V : Inter –Disciplinary ID-I : Writing for Academic and Professional Purposes Unit 1: Language CompetenceA. Communicative Grammar: Nouns, articles, prepositional phrases, tenses subject verb agreement, modal verbs, difference between spoken & written language B. Sentence structure, kinds of sentences-statements, interrogatives, question tags passive constructions, reported speech; use of conditionals, compound & complex sentences C. Academic Reading : read to write- focus on the gist, idiom, rhetoric, style and genre specific features in different texts ; intensive & critical reading, note making Unit 2: Organization of writing A. Guided writing, expansion, use of connectives, sequencing, writing a paragraph free writing, mind mapping. Paraphrasing, summarizing, writing an abstract Writing letters, resume and email ( e-mail etiquette) B. C. Unit 3: Academic Writing A. B. C. proposals, SOPs ( statement of purpose) structure of a report, report writing Writing an essay; (descriptive, argumentative and scientific) Unit 4: Professional Writing A. Inter office memos, professional reports( business, survey, minutes of a meeting) B. Editing, writing a review, creative writing (Ad writing, slogan writing and writing headlines). C. Technical writing; product and process writing, writing a user manual SEMINAR PRESENTATION 11 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad MA (Final) Semester IV—(Papers I-V) Paper I Unit 1 Unit 2 American Literature—II Background American Dream; Multiculturalism; Lost Generation; American Comedy Poetry Robert Frost Wallace Stevens Robert Lowell Unit 3 Fiction Ernest Hemingway Saul Bellow Drama Lorraine Hansberry Neil Simon Short Fiction Henry James William Faulkner Issac Asimov â€Å"West Running Brook†, â€Å"Home Burial† â€Å"Sunday Morning† â€Å"The Emperor of Ice-Cream â€Å"For the Union Dead† â€Å"At a Bible House† The Old Man and the Sea Seize the Day Raisin in the Sun Sunshine Boys â€Å"The Middle Years† â€Å"Go Down Moses† â€Å"The Bicentennial Man† Unit 4 Unit 5 12 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Paper II Unit 1 Indian Writing in English—II Background Decolonization; Counter DisPapers; Partition Literature; Myth and Literature Poetry (Selections from Indian Poetry in English. Ed Makarand Paranjape. Macmillan, 1993) Nissim Ezekiel Kamala Das A K Ramanujan Unit 3 Fiction Salman Rushdie Shashi Deshpande Drama Girish Karnad Mahesh Dattani Short Fiction Bharati Mukherjee â€Å"Enterprise† â€Å"Poet, Lover, Birdwatcher† â€Å"An Introduction† â€Å"The Old Playhouse† â€Å"A River†, â€Å"Love Poem for a Wife-I† Unit 2 Midnight’s Children The Binding Vine Hayavadana Final Solutions â€Å"A Wife’s Story†, â€Å"Management of Grief† (both from The Middleman and Other Stories, 1989) â€Å"The Accompanist† â€Å"A Devoted Son† (both from Games at Twilight, 1978) Unit 4 Unit 5 Anita Desai 13 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Paper: III: (Specializations) A) Women’s Writing B) Indian Literatures in Translation C) Modern Classics in Translation Paper III A) Women’s Writing Unit 1: Background The Woman Question: New Woman; Women’s Liberation Movement; Feminism; Re-reading the Canon Prose Mary Wollstonecraft Unit 2: Vindication of the Rights of Women (Introduction and Chapter 2) The Second Sex (Essay on Biology) Simon de Beauvour Unit 3: Poetry Elizabeth Barret Browing Sylvia Plath Margaret Atwood Grace Nichols Anne Stevenson Fiction Virginia Woolf Nadine Gordimer Drama Carly Churchill Alima Ata Aidoo â€Å"A Curse for a Nation† â€Å"Lady Lazarus† â€Å"Circle† – Mud Poems â€Å"Making Poetry†, The Spirit is too Blunt an Instrument Unit 4: Mrs Dalloway July People Unit 5: Top Girls Anowa Paper III (B): INDIAN LITERATURES IN TRANSLATION Unit 1: i) ii) Background Types of Natya (Nataka, Prakarana, and Prahasana) and Theory of Rasa and Kavya Indian Concept of Translation (from Translation as Discovery by Sujit Mukherjee, Chapter 2 & 3) Scope of Comparative Literature (â€Å"Comparative Literature in India: A Perspective† by Bijay Kumar Das from Comparative Indian Literature ed. Rao & Dhawan) 14 iii) Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad iv) Dalit Aesthetics (â€Å"Dalit Literature and Aesthetics† from Towards an Aesthetics of Dalit Literature by Sharavan Kumar Limbale) Poetry Sangam Poety – from Poems of Love and War Trans by AK. Ramanujan, Akam Poems – â€Å"Kurinci† (page 15), â€Å"Neytal† (page 41),†Palai† (page 53), â€Å"Mullai† (page 81), â€Å"Marutam† (page 97), Puram Poems – â€Å"King Killi in Combat† (page 123) Gurram Joshua – I was one of them†, The Bat Messenger† (From Twentieth Century Telugu Poetry. An Anthology ed. By Velcheru Narayan Rao, OUP 2002) Jibananda Das – â€Å"Banalata Sen†, The Naked Solitary Hand† (From Signatures ed by Satchidanandan, Sahitya Academi, New Delhi) Drama Kalidas Unit 2: i) ii) iii) Unit 3 i) Abhgnana Shakuntalam from The Plays of Kalidasa by Barbara Stoller Miller, Ed Columbia University Press, 1984 Silence! the Court is in Session (OUP) ii) Unit 4: i) Vijay Tendulkar Fiction Premchand Godan; a novel of peasant India Tans by Jai Ratan and P. Lal Bombay: Jaico, 1979 ii) U.R Anantha Murthy Smakara: A Rite of Dead Man Trans by A.K. Ramanujan (OUP) Short Fiction Unit 5: i) Folktales – â€Å"Bopoluchi† (A Punjabi Folk Tale), â€Å"Why the Fish Laughed† (A Kashmiri Folk Tale), Folktales from India selected and ed. By A.K. Ramanujan, Penguin Books India, 1994. Ismat Chugtai – â€Å"Chauti Ka Jowra† from Inner Courtyard. Ed Lakshmi Holmstrom, Rupa, 2002. Mahasweta Devi – â€Å"Shishu† from Women’s Writing, Vol II Ed by Tharu & Lalitha, OUP, 1991. ii) iii) 15 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Paper III (C) : Modern Classics in Translation Unit 1: Background Enlightenment; Bourgeois Experience; Epic Theatre ; Magic Realism. Poetry Charles Baudelaire : The Sick muse, Even She was called Bautrice By Many Who knew Not Wherefore, The Remorse of the Dead Pablo Neruda: What Spain was Like, The Heavenly Poets, Opium in the East Joseph Brodsky: Odysseus to Telemachus, Nune Dimmittis, Nature Morte Unit 3: Fiction Gustav Flaubert: Milan Kundera: Drama Anton Chekhov Betrolt Brecht Unite 2: Madame Bovary Book of Laughter Forgetting Unit 4 The Cherry Orchard Mother Courage Unit 5: Short Fiction Franz Kafka Gabriel Garcia Marquez PROJECT WORK Metamorphosis No one Writes to the Colonel PAPER IV Paper V: Inter-Disciplinary (ID-II) Literature and Film Unit1: Background: a) Elements of a narrative: Theme, Plot, Structure, Setting, Character, Point of View b) Narrative devices : genres, montage, film noir, flashback, special effects Unit 2: Drama and Film a) George Bernard Shaw – Pygmalion (1913) b) George Cukor (Director) – My Fair Lady (1964) Unit 3 : Novel and Film a) EM Forster – A Passage to India (1924) b) David Lean (Director) – A Passage to India (1984). Unit 4: Short Fiction and Film a) Ruskin Bond – â€Å"The Blue Umbrella† b) Vishal Bhardwaj (Director) – â€Å"The Blue Umbrella† (2007) 16 Department of English University College of Arts & Social Sciences Osmania University, Hyderabad Suggested Reading Beja, Morris. Film & Literature, an introduction, Longman, 1979. Bluestone, George. Novels into film, Johns Hopkins Press, 1957. Boyum, Joy Gould. Double Exposure : Fiction into Film, Seagull Books, 1989. Corrigan, Timothy, ed Film and Literature: An Introduction and Reader. Prentice Hall, 1999. Das Gupta, Chidananda. Talking about films. Orient Longman, 1981 Deborah Cartmell and Imelda Whelehan, eds. Adaptations: from text to screen, screen to text. Routledge, 1999. Elliott, Kamilla. Rethinking the novel/film debate. CUP, 2003. Literature –Film Quarterly. McFarlane, Brian. Novel to film: an introduction to the theory of adaptation. OUP, 1996. Ray, Satyajit. Our Films, Their Films. Orient Longman, 1976. Reberge, Gaston. The Subject of Cinema, Seagull Books, 1987. Stam, Robert and Alessandra Raengo, eds. A Companion to literature and film. Blackwell Pub., 2004. SEMINAR PRESENTATION

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