Sunday, October 6, 2019

Why Japan should be allowed to continue whaling Essay

Why Japan should be allowed to continue whaling - Essay Example Therefore, the following discussion aims at highlighting the different reasons that should encourage the continuity whaling in Japan. The Japanese community has always engaged in whale fishing, since the early days. The whaling fleets usually depart from the country twice annually. They head to the southern ocean sanctuary in November, where they hunt minke whales. In May, the fleets visit the Northwest Pacific to hunt different species of whales. These include minke, bryde, fin whales, sei, as well as sperm whales. Once the fishers get the whales, they process the meat, and return home with the finished product ready for consumption (Cunningham, Huijbens, & Wearing, 2012). Consequently, the activity forms a large part of the Japanese culture as it outlines the activities done on an annual basis. More to these, whaling perpetuates a sense of nationalism amongst the people, given its domestic origin. The community prides itself in the practice, as it has no western influence, unlike other activities that were introduced by colonialists. Therefore, the activity bears a long history in the country, and needs to be pr otected to maintain the culture of the people. This follows the need to pass on traditions and practices that characterize a given culture to future generations. Unlike the international community that views whales as mammals that need to be protected from extinction, the Japanese view whales as fish (Miller, & Dolsak, 2007). Consequent to this, the culture of the Japanese community believes that whales serve the significant purpose of food. Just like some communities feed on cows as a source of food, and others give it a sacred status, so does Japan see whales as a type of fish. Therefore, inhibiting whaling in Japan can be seen as a form of cultural imperialism as it interferes with their beliefs. The country should emphasize on preserving its beliefs,

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