Friday, May 31, 2019

A Prayer For Owen Meany Essay -- essays research papers

Prayer As A Symbol in Irvings A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY In John Irvings A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY there are many prominent symbols. Those of arm-less figures, water, and angels are a few of the to a greater extent prominent ones but, there are overly many symbols that are much more subtle than those few. The most prominent of the subtle symbols is that of prayer. Prayer, in an of itself, is an idea. But, in A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY, Irving uses it to convey many more abstract concepts. "THE TROUBLE WITH CHURCH IS THE SERVICE." Owen states. "A SERVICE IS CONDUCTED FOR A MASS AUDIENCE. JUST WHEN I set forth TO LIKE THE HYMN, EVERYONE PLOPS DOWN TO PRAY. JUST WHEN I START TO HEAR THE PRAYER, EVERYONE POPS UP TO SING (23)." In this passage prayer is viewed only as a part of the "hocus-pocus (21)" of church ceremony. It is thus representative some(prenominal) of Owens view of church formality and ceremony, and of the attitudes that both Owen and Johnny hold toward c ertain aspects of the church and its traditions. This becomes important on a larger scale when the referee recognizes the conflict that plagues both Johnny and Owen when it comes to religious issues. Johnny states this point clearly when he says, "I was baptized in the Congregational Church, and after some years of fraternity with the Episcopalian...I became rather weak in my religion in my teens I attended a non-denomination church. Then I became an Anglican...(1)." These frequent internal religious conflict...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Constitution of The United States of America :: essays research papers

Constitution of The United States of America Preamble The Constitution consists of a preamble, 7 articles , and 27 amendments. The first part of the character is the Preamble. The Preamble explains the purpose for writing the Constitution and the main ideas to be carried out by the presidential term and the people in order to make a much faultless union. Each purpose of the preamble had a special meaning to statesmen in seventeen eighty nine. The purpose was one, to form a more perfect union of people living together. Two, to establish justice for creditors by given them the right to take away the possessions of people who dont compensate them. Three, to ensure domestic tranquillity, or prevent events such as Shays Rebellion. Four, to provide common defense or to protect the nation from adversaries such Indians and the pirates. Five, to promote general welfare, which relates to the depression the country was in economically (by the way our nations economy is called Capitalism). And lastly six , to secure the blessing of liberty by enforcing the idea of freedom in every way possible. The heptad Articles Article One describes The Legislative Department. Section one states that the sexual intercourse is found on a two house, or a bicameral system. This type of congress has two legislatures - The House of Representatives and The Senate. Sec.1 - The House of Representatives. The main idea is that all house members are elected for a two year term in their office. It in addition states the qualifications of a representative, or what you have to have or be to become a representative. A person must be twenty-five years of mount and have lived in the united states for seven years, therefore making the person a citizen of our country. The person also must, if running for a position in government in a certain state, be an inhabitant of the state the person is running in. For instance if you were an inhabitant living in California you wouldnt be suitable to run f or governor of Oregon because you wouldnt have the same perception of issues or most likely anything than an Oregonian. Plus Californians arent that welcome here anyway. Sec.2 - The House Membership is based on state population. The number of representatives is now 435 and goes up with the increase in population. So, if Florida gains another 50,000 Cubans, they will assign another 3 or 4 representatives to keep going for them.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Foucault Panopticism Essay -- Panopticism Michel Focault Essays Papers

Panopticism by Michel FocaultWorks Cited Not IncludedOur inn is not iodin of spectacle, but of direction under the surface of images, angiotensin-converting enzyme invests bodies in depth behind the great abstraction of exchange, there continues the meticulous concrete training of useful forces the circuits of communication are the arrests of an accumulation and a centralization of knowledge the play of signs defines the anchorages of power it is not that the beautiful totality of the individual is amputated, repressed, altered by our social order, it is rather that the individual is carefully fabricated in it, agree to a whole technique of forces and bodies. (pp.333-34)In the essay, Panopticism, by Michel Focault, he makes the argument that we live in a society of surveillance. Meaning that our society is found on amalgamation of forces and bodies all of which act to create the individual. It is principally this surveillance which forms the basis of power that draws the indi vidual to believe that the world he lives in is one that is continually watching over him. This constant friction of mental forces (those who fear or concur a certain curiosity) shapes who the individual becomes within the society. According to this passage, Focault gives support to the basic argument concerning the panopticon, that communication is key to knowledge. Within the panopticon, there is no communication among the prisoners or those who view them. This becomes another aspect of power it underlies the main idea of separation and communication as a form of shaping forces in the panopticon.The first phrase in the passage testifies to the basic structure of our society. The goal for our society is to procure for a small number, or even for a single individual, the instantaneous view of a great multitude (333, Focault). The purpose of such a society is so that relations between the individual and the assure can be better controlled. That the infinitely small of political po wer(331, Focault) who run the state can watch the many citizens. It must be acknowledged that to view each citizen is not simply to watch them, but to exercise the power that surveillance entails. And unlike the methods of judicial or administrative writing, what was registered was in this instruction were forms of behavior, attitudes, possibilities, suspicions a permanent account of individuals behavio... ...pticon where in the center of every cell stands a guard. Whenever we strait into a store for purchasing purposes, we are always under observation. There is a circular glass piece on the top of the ceiling with a rotating camera looking down upon each of our movements. We think someone is watching us. How do we react to the surveillance? It is an act of societal conditioning and discipline. It has proven to be a form of behavior to give us a guilty conscious or the simple fear of being caught. Our society is not one of spectacle, but of great surveillance it is rather that t he individual is carefully fabricated in it, according to a whole technique of forces and bodies (pp.333-34). Foucaults argument whitethorn not be understood with his difficulty of writing, but with the examples and proof of such a mind-game that we live in our society today is a good way to understand his point of judgement. We live in a society that watches over ones movement to arbiter if their behavior or movement is wrong. We have many secret services in our world today that know more about us than we know ourselves. It is an ultimate fear, anxiety, and affliction that we live-out our lives everyday.

Movie (Film) Version of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Movie Film comparison compare contrast

Movie (Film) Version of Romeo and Juliet There have been many romantic films make in the past as well as now in the present, from Wuthering Heights to Pretty Woman. But, one of the most romantic of all films is the story of Romeo and Juliet. It is salutary to say that most people are familiar with this story. A couple so determined to be together, ended up tragically in the weapons of one another because of their feuding families. Today, a new director attempts to recreate this Shakespearean story by adding a little of his on twists to it. Using the same intercourse as Shakespeare, this director sets the story in modern times. Romeo and Juliet, the movie, gives audience in the twentieth century a taste of a new and mystical piquancy to this well-known love story. The place setting of Romeo and Juliet, as expected, was totally different from other settings in the past. This setting, however, was not necessarily set in way of how people right away would live. The story was set more fantasy-like. Because of the setting, the oddments of the people in this movie did not seem as moving as to the old movies. For some reason, the setting of Mercutios death interfered with this supposedly poetic scene. A broken down stage on a sandy beach does not seem to fit well together. The setting seemed pretty artificial. Also, the scene when one of the Montagues died at the gas station did not seem as depressing as would be if any other psyche was to die. This scene was the opening one so, the audience could have been distracted by the dialogue and therefore, not paying attention to the death to much. In the beginning of the movie, it was fleshy to adjust to the dialogue with the atmosphere. The dialogue was way on the other side of the timeline compared to the setting. Some of the audience was even laughing. Perhaps that was why it was so difficult to keep abreast the movie with all those distractions. What was quite remarkable about thi s movie was how the director incorporated todays problems and events with the old Shakespearean dialogue.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Macroeconomics :: Economy Economics Essays

MacroeconomicsHow might a country go about lowering its NAIRU? What are the welfare implications of so doing?In tackling this question, we will adopt a theoretical approach in the sense that we will focus on an economy and explain the determinants of NAIRU as well as the policy options. But it seems logical to first introduce the concept of NAIRU, or the non-accelerating inflation pasture of unemployment, which will be interchangeably used with the equilibrium regularize of unemployment. According to Carlin and Soskice , the central concept of equilibrium unemployment can be defined as the rate of unemployment at which the expected truly wage that results from wage-setting decisions is equal to the real wage implied by price-setting decisions. Stiglitz argues that the NAIRU is used as a theory to understand the causes of inflation (predicting the changes in inflation rates) and is important because it enlightens the relation between unemployment and increasing inflation. The NAIR U corresponds to the rate of unemployment which is consistent with an unchanging inflation rate, and further reflects how the economy behaves out of equilibrium. Unless employment is at equilibrium take aim, inflation will increase or decrease until it reaches the NAIRU, the level of output and employment at which inflation is constant. In fact, Stiglitz explains that when unemployment is below the NAIRU, real wages demands are greater than the amount firms are willing to pay. At equilibrium, the style of wage-setters is compatible with that of the price-setters. His point is indeed that if NAIRU exists, it must be changing over time . What is more, Stiglitz identifies four phenomena that can change the NAIRU, namely changing demographics of the labor force, the productivity growth becoming more in line with worker expectations, an increase in the competitiveness of the labor and product market (through greater openness and trade), and in the end hysterisis, which says that a h igher NAIRU will generate an even higher one. He also discards the theory according to which productivity rate affects the equilibrium rate productivity only has a temporary influence through the wage-aspiration effect. According to Altig and Gomme , the NAIRU is thought to represent a speed limit for economic activity it measures a communitys sustainable production capability. If the economy grows faster than its resources can support over the long-run, that is when the unemployment rate falls below the NAIRU, then price impel builds and inflation rate accelerates.

Macroeconomics :: Economy Economics Essays

MacroeconomicsHow might a country go about lowering its NAIRU? What are the welfare implications of so doing?In tackling this question, we get out adopt a theoretical approach in the sense that we will focus on an economy and explain the determinants of NAIRU as well as the policy options. But it seems limpid to first introduce the invention of NAIRU, or the non-accelerating ostentatiousness rate of unemployment, which will be interchangeably utilise with the equilibrium rate of unemployment. According to Carlin and Soskice , the central concept of equilibrium unemployment can be defined as the rate of unemployment at which the expected real wage that results from wage-setting decisions is equal to the real wage implied by price-setting decisions. Stiglitz argues that the NAIRU is used as a theory to understand the causes of inflation (predicting the changes in inflation rates) and is important because it enlightens the relation between unemployment and increasing inflation. Th e NAIRU corresponds to the rate of unemployment which is consistent with an unchanging inflation rate, and further reflects how the economy behaves out of equilibrium. Unless employment is at equilibrium level, inflation will increase or decrease until it reaches the NAIRU, the level of output and employment at which inflation is constant. In fact, Stiglitz explains that when unemployment is below the NAIRU, real wages demands are greater than the amount firms are willing to pay. At equilibrium, the behavior of wage-setters is compatible with that of the price-setters. His point is thusly that if NAIRU exists, it must be changing over time . What is to a greater extent, Stiglitz identifies four phenomena that can change the NAIRU, namely changing demographics of the labor force, the productivity growth becoming more in line with worker expectations, an increase in the competitiveness of the labor and product market (through greater openness and trade), and finally hysterisis, which says that a higher NAIRU will generate an even higher one. He also discards the theory according to which productivity rate affects the equilibrium rate productivity only has a fleeting influence through the wage-aspiration effect. According to Altig and Gomme , the NAIRU is thought to represent a speed limit for economic activity it measures a nations sustainable work capability. If the economy grows faster than its resources can support over the long-run, that is when the unemployment rate falls below the NAIRU, then price pressure builds and inflation rate accelerates.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Process Safety And Loss Prevention Plant Engineering Essay

The system in figure 1 schematic of a nomadic incineration social building block of measurement of measurement. The equipment is arranged as a skid mounted bundle, recess and step to the fore yells have been disconnected from whole.for the care purpose building block can be skiding bug out to open infinite and accessing require fixingss straight, or subsequently taking constituents from the unit in order to derive the entree. All supply and waste conjunctive are from the unit. Because of cramped conditions. Figure 2 it shows the forepart and side positions of the unit is 2.5m tallness, 5m deep, 2m broad. 1 ComponentsHeat silver modifier gene ( EX )Rotary kiln ( RK )Scrubing unit ( SC )Temperature accountant ( TC ) devotee aim ( FM )Screw feeder ( SW )Screw travel ( SM )Feed hopper ( FH )The kiln, groove funds changer, and scrubber are each secured to band by 6 bolts and t present are 4 connexions to each of the forces. The solely unit can be slid out to let care utilizing raising paraphernalia and this requires 20 proceedingss to hale out and 40 proceedingss to return. The bring down posits to replication nuts and bolts 2 proceedingss and the dress agrees to tack 5 proceedingss 1 MTTR ( Average epoch To amelio yard ) is besides known as suppose Corrective Tim Mct, or TC. is colored norm of the fix times for the system.( a ) ( I )Calculation of MTTR when the unit is slid out for fixHere disap dotment constituents are removed from unit and it pass on be repaired and replaced to unit.ComponentsHeat money changer ( EX )Rotary kiln ( RK )Scrubing unit ( SC )Temperature accountant ( TC ) fan motor ( FM )Screw feeder ( SW )Screw motor ( SM )Feed hopper ( FH )Formula for MTTRTEc = a?ni=1 ( Ii.Tc ( I ) ) / a?ni=1 ( Ii )WhitherTEc ( I ) is the disciplinal work for the ith unit.Ii is the failure rate of the ith unit.N is the figure of unit. 2 tribulation in con homunculusityations ( I ) Heat exchanger failure rate ( I ) = 40 ( fa ilure per 106hours ) or 40A-10-6hours 3 Rotary kiln ( I ) base constituents of a synchronous converter kiln are the shell, the furnace lining variantr, support tyres, rollers, driven cogwheel and internal wake money changer. So rophy kiln failure rate we whitethorn gauge amount of all constituents which are utilizing to do forget me drug kiln. below technology precede rotary kiln failure rate ( I ) = 30 ( failures per 106hours ) or 30A-10-6 hoursUnder technology premise Scrubbing unit failure rate ( I ) = 45 ( failures per 106hours ) or 45A-10-6hoursUnder technology premise fan failure rate ( I ) = 57 ( failures per 106 hours ) or 57A-10-6Corrective dress for constituents ( Tc ) ( Tc ) = Tdet + Tloc + Tpla + Tsel + ( Tpre / Tlog ) + ( Trem + Trep / start ) + Tver + TstuTdet = observing mis issuingTlo = placement failureTpla = be aftering the workTs = select the failed pointTpre = shutdown & A readyingTlog = logistics twingeTrem = remotion of failed pointTrep = refillin g of failed pointTrip = repair-in-placeTver = verify the repaired pointTstu = re-start 4 Corrective set for heating system money changer ( Tc )Heat money changer has four connexions in the unit and heat money changer border by 6 bolts and nuts so ramble on to grapple pile that constituent ( heat money changer )Entire nuts and bolts for the heat money changer in the unit = 6 sequence taking to sequester bolts and nuts at each connexion = 2 proceedingssSo nip off taking to prefer heat exchanger = 6A-2 = 12 proceedingssTime taking to replace bolts and nuts at each connexion = 5 proceedingssTime taking to replace heat money changer = 6A-5 = 30 proceedingssAnd we have to unplug the connexions here we have entire 4 connexionTime taking to unplug shout out stress the unit line from whole unitUnpluging pipe line from temperature accountant it forget labor clip = 20 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from fan it give take clip = 25 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from rotary kiln it pull up stakes take clip = 40 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 20 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to temperature accountant it will take clip = 25 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to fan it will take clip = 35 proceedingssConnecting pipes line to rotary kiln it will take clip = 45 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 30 proceedingssCorrective clip for heat money changer ( Tc ) = 12+30+20+25+40+20+25+35+45+30 =282 proceedingss or 4.7 hoursCorrective clip for rotary kiln ( Tc )Rotary kiln has four connexions connexions in the unit and rotary kiln framed by 6 bolts and nuts so clip to take take that constituent ( rotary kiln )Entire nuts and bolts for the rotary kiln in the unit = 6Time taking to take bolts and nuts at each connexion = 2 proceedingssSo clip taking to take rotary kiln = 6A-2 = 12 proceedingssTime taking to replace bolts and nuts at each connexion = 5 proceedingssTime taking to replace r otary kiln = 6A-5 = 30 proceedingssAnd we have to unplug the connexions here we have entire 4 connexionTime taking to unplug the unit line from whole unitUnpluging pipe line from prison guard motor it will take clip = 23 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from heat money changer it will take clip = 30 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 25 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 20 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to sleep together motor it will take clip = 28 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to heat exchanger it will take clip = 35 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 25 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 40 proceedingssCorrective clip for rotary kiln ( Tc ) = 12+30+23+30+25+20+28+35+25+40 = 268 proceedingss or 4.46 hoursScrubing unit has four connexions in the unit and framed by 6 bolts and nuts so clip to take take that constituent ( search unit )Entire nuts and bolts for the scour unit in the unit = 6Time taking to take bolts and nuts at each connexion = 2 proceedingssSo clip taking to take scouring unit = 6A-2 = 12 proceedingssTime taking to replace bolts and nuts at each connexion = 5 proceedingssTime taking to replace scouring unit = 6A-5 = 30 proceedingssAnd we have to unplug the connexions here we have entire 4 connexionTime taking to unplug the unit line from whole unitUnpluging pipe line from fan it will take clip = 25 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 30Unpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 35Unpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 25Connecting pipe line to fan it will take clip = 30 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 33Connecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 38Connecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 30Corrective clip for scouring un it ( Tc ) = 12+30+25+30+35+25+30+33+38+30= 288 proceedingss or 4.80 hoursFan has besides four connexions with whole unitUnpluging pipe line from heat money changer it will take clip = 25 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from temperature accountant it will take clip = 30Unpluging pipe line from scouring unit it will take clip = 33Unpluging pipe line from fan motor it will take clip = 27Connecting pipe line to heat exchanger it will take clip = 30 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to temperature accountant it will take clip = 33Connecting pipe line to scouring unit it will take clip = 38Connecting pipe line to fan motor it will take clip = 30Corrective clip for fan unit ( Tc ) = 25+30+33+27+30+33+38+30= 246 proceedingss or 4.10 hoursTable 1 Technetium for the when the unit is slid out for fixComponentI ( failures per 106or A-10-6hours )Tc ( hours )I . TcHeat money changer404.70188Rotary kiln304.46133.8Scrubing unit454.80216Fan574.10233.7a?I=172a?ITc=771.5Tc = a?ITc / a?I = 771.5 /172 = 4.48 hoursThe MTTR ( Average Time To refuge ) when the unit is slid out for fix = 4.48 hours( a ) ( two )Calculation of MTTR when the unit is repaired in topographic pointHere we have to cipher MTTR ( Average Time To revive ) whole unit in topographic pointComponentsHeat money changer ( EX )Rotary kiln ( RK )Scrubing unit ( SC )Temperature accountant ( TC )Fan motor ( FM )Screw feeder ( SW )Screw motor ( SM )Feed hopper ( FH )Formula for MTTRTEc = a?ni=1 ( Ii.Tc ( I ) ) / a?ni=1 ( Ii )WhereTEc ( I ) is the disciplinary clip for the ith unit.Ii is the failure rate of the ith unit.N is the figure of unit. 5 Failure informations ( I ) Heat exchanger failure rate ( I ) = 40 ( failure per 106hours ) or 40A-10-6hours 6 Rotary kiln ( I ) basic constituents of a rotary kiln are the shell, the furnace lining liner, support tyres, rollers, driven cogwheel and internal heat money changer. So rotary kiln failure rate we whitethorn gauge amount of all constituents which are utilizing to do rotary kiln.Under technology premise rotary kiln failure rate ( I ) = 30 ( failures per 106hours ) or 30A-10-6 hoursUnder technology premise Scrubbing unit failure rate ( I ) = 45 ( failures per 106hours ) or 45A-10-6hoursUnder technology premise fan failure rate ( I ) = 57 ( failures per 106 hours ) or 57A-10-6Corrective clip for constituents ( Tc ) ( Tc ) = Tdet + Tloc + Tpla + Tsel + ( Tpre / Tlog ) + ( Trem + Trep /Trip ) + Tver + TstuTdet = observing mistakeTlo = placement failureTpla = be aftering the workTs = select the failed pointTpre = shutdown & A readyingTlog = logistics clipTrem = remotion of failed pointTrep = replacing of failed pointTrip = repair-in-placeTver = verify the repaired pointTstu = re-start 7 here we do nt necessitate to take constituents from unit for fixCorrective clip for heat money changer ( Tc ) Heat money changer has four connexion in the whole unitTime taking to unpluging the unit line from whole unitUnpluging pipe line from temperature account ant it will take clip = 20 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from fan it will take clip = 25 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from rotary kiln it will take clip = 40 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 20 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to temperature accountant it will take clip = 25 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to fan it will take clip = 35 proceedingssConnecting pipes line to rotary kiln it will take clip = 45 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 30 proceedingssCorrective clip for heat money changer unit ( Tc ) = 20+25+40+20+25+35+45+30 = 240 minute or 4 hoursCorrective clip for rotary kiln ( Tc ) Unpluging pipe line from prison guard motor it will take clip = 23 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from heat money changer it will take clip = 30 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 25 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 20 proceedin gssConnecting pipe line to sleep together motor it will take clip = 28 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to heat exchanger it will take clip = 35 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 25 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 40 proceedingssCorrective clip for rotary kiln ( Tc ) = 23+30+25+20+28+35+25+40 = 226 minute or 3.76 hoursCorrective clip for scouring unit ( Tc ) Unpluging pipe line from fan it will take clip = 25 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 30Unpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 35Unpluging pipe line from another connexion it will take clip = 25Connecting pipe line to fan it will take clip = 30 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 33Connecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 38Connecting pipe line to another connexion it will take clip = 30Corrective clip for scouring unit ( Tc ) = 25+30+35+25+30+33+38+30 = 246 proceedingss or 4.10 hoursCorrective clip for fan ( Tc ) Unpluging pipe line from heat money changer it will take clip = 25 proceedingssUnpluging pipe line from temperature accountant it will take clip = 30Unpluging pipe line from scouring unit it will take clip = 33Unpluging pipe line from fan motor it will take clip = 27Connecting pipe line to heat exchanger it will take clip = 30 proceedingssConnecting pipe line to temperature accountant it will take clip = 33Connecting pipe line to scouring unit it will take clip = 38Connecting pipe line to fan motor it will take clip = 30Corrective clip for fan unit ( Tc ) = 25+30+33+27+30+33+38+30= 246 proceedingss or 4.10 hoursSo based on computations and observation MTTR ( Mean To Time fixedness ) for unit is slid out for fix is significantly more than unit is repaired in topographic point.Table 2 Technetium for the when the unit is repaired in topographic pointComponentI ( failures per 106or A-10-6hours )Tc ( hours )I . TcHeat money changer404.0160Rotary kiln303.76112.8Scrubing unit454.10184.5Fan574.10233.7a?I=172a?ITc=691.0Tc = a?ITc / a?I = 691 /172 = 4.01 hoursThe MTTR ( Average Time To Repair ) when the unit is slid out for fix = 4.01 hoursMentions ( 1 ) ( a ( I ) ) ( a ( two ) ) 1 Plant reliability and maintainability, assignment inquiry paper, mental faculty ( CPE6250 ) held on November 30 to celestial latitude 3 2009. 2 4 5 7 Cris Whetton, ility technology. Maintainability. Lecture press release .from works reliability and maintainability, faculty ( CPE6250 ) held on November 30 to December 3 2009. 3 6 outspoken P. Lees, 1996, Loss bar in the outgrowth industries, second edition, volume 3.1b ) shape alterations to cut down Mean Time To Repair ( MTTR ) To accomplish optimal MTTR the undermentioned design consideration are recommendedThe heat exchanger stuff must be considered based on the operating temperature of the liquifiableMore dependable and maintainabl e stuff used in the rotary kilnBetter we have one more scouring unit to cut down the Mean Time To mend MTTRMotor capacity must designed based on chilling demandsAll the pipe parametric quantities must be based on the operating temperature of the liquid throwing itMaterial which is utilizing to do all constituents should be defy all statusThe temperature accountant must be calibrated for the liquid temperature1c )Instrumentality which has system is utile to find the orchestration in this system temperature accountant ( TC ) Here TC maps to chant the temperature of the liquid come ining the heat money changer that is, it pre-controls the liquid come ining the heat money changer. As shown in the figure, the temperature accountant modulate the temperature of the liquid released from the heat money changer and before being cooled by the fan which is control by fan motor. So temperature accountant is utile to observing the mistake which may happen in the heat money changer. Based on the given figure it can be likely assume that period index may be used for the rotary kiln. a flat index is placed at the top of the rotary kiln. This is used is indicate the maximal degree of the mixed bag that can be accommodated in a rotary kiln. So this may be indicated the mistakes if anything occur. A flow rate valve is placed in the scrubber unit, so as to command the flow rate alkalic solution into the scouring unit. This flow rate valve allows merely the coveted sum of solution in to the scouring unit. Once the coveted degree is reached the valve will automatically close off the flow of liquid into the unit. And we have some detector dismay at the fan and fan motor and screw motor why because if these have any jobs will gives the signals so we can easy find the mistakes.Due to the incorporation of these instrumentality into the chief system the opportunities of failure is significantly reduced2 )Question descriptionProcedure works to respond liquid A and liquid B to bring forth product C. liquid A passing into repositing A utilizing liquid accountant. From storage it will pump to nuclear reactor. Liquid B go throughing into storage B utilizing liquid accountant from storage B to pumping to reactor. From reactor merchandise C coming out. Acid gas from reactor pumping to scouring unit. In scouring unit acid gas is cleaned utilizing alkalic solution which is go throughing into scouring unit. Scrubing unit leaves impersonal waste watercourse. Liquids ever available at the recesss to the surgical operation. at that place is at least two scouring units working right for the procedure. Stand-by pumps switch over automatically. Pipe work failures can be ignored. 1 Available informationsThe compute machine system has a dependability of 0.9997 over one twelvemonthThe operator dependability over one twelvemonth is 0.85 for indicated mistakes and 0.95 for mistakes which raise an dismay scrubbing brush unit has a weilbull failure characteristic wi th I = 600 yearss, I? = 60days, and I? = 1.8nuclear reactor failures can affect the fomenter which has two failure manners.Shaft divulge failure rate = 0.1/yearMotor failure rate = 0.3/year 1 2 ( a ( I ) )Fault tree analysis here merchandise fails to run into specification is the top eventAlarm failureLiquid controlLAL failsLiquid controlLow degree spunky degreeAgitator failureCoking jobMotor failureShaft hoo-hahHigh degreeLow degreeExcess flow of liquid group AExcess flow of liquid BReactorPump failure2 ( a ( two ) )Fault tree analysis here liquid waste watercourse composing outside bounds is the top eventLow degreeHigh degreeInternal mal maps failureConnection fails amidst scrubbersImproper cleansing temperatureImproper alkaline solution pumping to scrubber unitScrubber unit failureImproper flow reactor to scrubberHigh degreeLow degreeLow degreeHigh degree2a ) computation of dependability of parts of the systemHere parts of the systemStoragesReactorAgitatorPumpsScrubing unitr eliableness of reactorHere reactor failure can affect the fomenter failure. First one is shaft retard and 2nd one is motor failureFailure rate of shaft deferral = 0.1/yearFailure rate of the motor = 0.3/yearScrubber unit has a weilbull failure characteristic with I = 600 yearss, I? = 60days, and I? = 1.8 1 Failure rate of pump ( I ) = 13A-10-6hours 2 reliability of shaft break equality for failure rateZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-1Here I? = form cistronI = characteristic livenessI? = location parametric quantityT = lasting a clip comparability for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) 6 3 Failure rate of shaft break = 0.1/yearSo utilizing this we are happening TZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-10.1/year = ( 1.8/ ( 600 ) 1.8 ) A- ( t-60 ) 1.8-1Here one twelvemonth = 365 yearss0.1/365 = ( 1.8/ ( 600 ) 1.8 ) A- ( t-60 ) 1.8-1T = 90.11 yearssEquation for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) 6= 0.995So dependability for shaft break = 0.995Dependability of motorEquati on for failure rateZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-1Here I? = form constituentI = characteristic livingI? = location parametric quantityT = lasting a clipEquation for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) 6Failure rate of the motor = 0.3/yearSo utilizing this we are happening TZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-10.3/year = ( 1.8/ ( 600 ) 1.8 ) A- ( t-60 ) 1.8-1Here one twelvemonth = 365 yearss0.3/365 = ( 1.8/ ( 600 ) 1.8 ) A- ( t-60 ) 1.8-1T = 177.29 yearssEquation for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) 6= 0.948So dependability for motor = 0.948Dependability for scouring unitEquation for failure rateZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-1Here I? = form factorI = characteristic lifeI? = location parametric quantityT = lasting a clipEquation for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) I?Here we have the T = 133.6 yearssZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-1Z ( T ) = ( 1.8/ ( 600 ) 1.8 ) A- ( 133.6-60 ) 1.8-1Z ( T ) = 0.2/yearEquation for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) I?= 0.996So dependability for scouring unit R ( T ) = 0.996Dependability of pumpFailure rate of pump ( I ) = 13A-10-6hoursDependability of pump R ( T ) = e-ItSurviving clip t = 70 yearss peerless twenty-four hours = 24 hoursSurviving clip T = 1680 hoursDependability of pump R ( T ) = e-It= vitamin E ( -13A-10-6A-1680 )Dependability of pump R ( T ) = 0.978Mentions 1 Plant dependability and maintainability, assignment inquiry paper, faculty ( CPE6250 ) held on November 30 to December 3 2009. 2 Frank P. Lees, 1996, Loss bar in the procedure industries, 2nd edition, volume 3. 3 Cris Whetton, ility technology. Failure information analysis. Lecture press release .from works dependability and maintainability, faculty ( CPE6250 ) held on November 30 to December 3 2009.2b )Reliability block diagram for the pure(a) systemPump 1Storage APump2Scrubing unitReactorPumpStorage Bcomputation of dependability of the complete system over one twelvemonthHere parts of the systemStoragesReactorAgit atorPumpsScrubing unitDependability of reactorHere reactor failure can affect the fomenter failure. First one is shaft break and 2nd one is motor failureFailure rate of shaft break = 0.1/yearFailure rate of the motor = 0.3/yearScrubber unit has a weilbull failure characteristic with I = 600 yearss, I? = 60days, and I? = 1.8 1 Failure rate of pump ( I ) = 13A-10-6hoursFailure rate of fan ( I ) = 57A-10-6hours 2 Dependability of shaft breakEquation for failure rateZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-1Here I? = form factorI = characteristic lifeI? = location parametric quantityT = lasting a clipEquation for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) 6 3 Failure rate of shaft break = 0.1/yearSo utilizing this we are happening TZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-10.1/year = ( 1.8/ ( 600 ) 1.8 ) A- ( t-60 ) 1.8-1Here one twelvemonth = 365 yearss0.1/365 = ( 1.8/ ( 600 ) 1.8 ) A- ( t-60 ) 1.8-1T = 90.11 yearssEquation for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) 6= 0.995So dependability for s haft break = 0.995Dependability of motorEquation for failure rateZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-1Here I? = form factorI = characteristic lifeI? = location parametric quantityT = lasting a clipEquation for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) 6Failure rate of the motor = 0.3/yearSo utilizing this we are happening TZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-10.3/year = ( 1.8/ ( 600 ) 1.8 ) A- ( t-60 ) 1.8-1Here one twelvemonth = 365 yearss0.3/365 = ( 1.8/ ( 600 ) 1.8 ) A- ( t-60 ) 1.8-1T = 177.29 yearssEquation for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) 6= 0.948So dependability for motor = 0.948Dependability for scouring unitEquation for failure rateZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-1Here I? = form factorI = characteristic lifeI? = location parametric quantityT = lasting a clipEquation for the dependabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) I?Here we have the T = 133.6 yearssZ ( T ) = I?/II? ( t-I? ) I?-1Z ( T ) = ( 1.8/ ( 600 ) 1.8 ) A- ( 133.6-60 ) 1.8-1Z ( T ) = 0.2/yearEquation for the depen dabilityR ( T ) = e- ( ( t-I? ) /I ) I?= 0.996So dependability for scouring unit R ( T ) = 0.996Dependability of pumpFailure rate of pump ( I ) = 13A-10-6hoursDependability of pump R ( T ) = e-ItSurviving clip t = 70 yearss iodine twenty-four hours = 24 hoursSurviving clip T = 1680 hoursDependability of pump R ( T ) = e-It= vitamin E ( -13A-10-6A-1680 )Dependability of pump R ( T ) = 0.978Dependability of the complete system over twelvemonth R ( T ) = norm of system parts dependability= ( 0.995+0.948+0.996+0.978 ) /4 = 0.979Therefore dependability of the complete system over twelvemonth = 0.979Mentions 1 Plant dependability and maintainability, assignment inquiry paper, faculty ( CPE6250 ) held on November 30 to December 3 2009. 2 Frank P. Lees, 1996, Loss bar in the procedure industries, 2nd edition, volume 3. 3 Cris Whetton, ility technology. Failure information analysis. Lecture press release .from works dependability and maintainability, faculty ( CPE6250 ) held on November 30 to December 3 2009.2c )To accomplish a mark dependability of 0.90 over one twelvemonthReliability mark is a secret code failure mark. This is an of import mark implied for those low acting workss, such workss does non accomplish certain ends designed by applied scientists. So we have to put clutch mark to accomplish works design. the dependability of the system must be improved to accomplish the mark. to accomplish the dependability mark or to better dependability three basic ways must be employed.By system designBy component specificationBy hitch careBy system design The basic regulation of our system design is to maintain the design has simple as possible. the system is more dependable if the system is simple. nigh of the stairss include,System simplificationTo cut down the complexnesss in procedure works at the design phase its egoDecrease in the usage of coordination compound parts by replacing them with more cardinal partsThe design should be made simple and easy to un der baseDecrease in constituent countThe figure of constituents used in the works must be reduced. complex constituents must be avoided for the simpleness of the design.Mistake toleranceThe basic features of mistake tolerance requireNo individual point of failureNo individual point of repair- the system must run without any break during the procedure of fix when the system experiences any jobs.Mistake isolation to the neglecting component- in congressman of failures the failed portion of the system must be isolated from the pained system. This requires undeniable failure sensing mechanism.Fault containment to forestall extension of the failureHandiness of reversion modes- some failures may do cripples to the full system, to avoid the full procedure system must force to the safe mannerBy component specificationFor the dependability of a constituent it must be adequately specify for their full length of service. Extra dependability can be provided by runing the constituents at lowe r emphasis so their operating emphasiss. By making so early failures of the constituents can be reduced. in a procedure industry it is really hard to better dependability merely by specification. This is attributed to the deficit of unavoidable informations sing the affect of emphasiss on the constituents. Components of high quality can non be used ever for economic grounds. Normally the parametric quantities required to better dependability frequently contradict with procedure demands. Some of the dependability betterments includeUse of disciplinary maintenance- it is defined as the care which is required to mend and convey merchandise after the fix is carried out. it is carried out in constituents who is failures does nt impact of the overall working of the procedure system significantly. This activity chiefly involves fix, Restoration or replacing of constituents.Design improvement-the design of any high quality procedure works is based on the design parametric quantities and pr oficient specifications. the reactor design must be improved for high rates of efficiency. Temperature, force per unit area and other external considerations must be included in the design of reactor and storage armored combat vehicles.Quality control-Quality control assures conformity to specifications. quality control checks whether measurings of the constituents like reactors, storage armored combat vehicle, scrub units as in this instance conform to the demands.Preventive careIs defined as a care carried out to forestall failure or warring out of constituents in the procedure works. This is carried out by supplying systematic review, sensing and bar of inchoate failure.The preventive care attempts are aimed at continuing the utile life of equipment and avoiding previous(p) equipment failures, minimising any impact on operational demands. In add-on to the everyday facets of cleansing, adjusting, lubricating and proving. it is carried out merely on those points where a failure wou ld hold expensive or unacceptable effects e.g. reactors, storage armored combat vehicles, scouring units. Many of these points are besides capable to a statutory demand for review and preventative care. 1

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Project Risk Management

Project find management is aimed a avoiding bad surprises once we beat executing the proletariat plan. During the creation of the project plan, we identify risk of exposure of exposure, analyses them and plan our action to avoid the risk, transfer it or implement a contingency plan if the risk occurs. After we have planned our risk management process for the project, we begin by identifying the risks that the project faces. Its important to remember that these risks can be adverse to the project in the sense of causing it to finish late or cost more. riskiness can also be positive or favorable in that is may let us deliver whats expected for less cost and finish early. We do the risk identification process with the project manager, project sponsor, stakeholders and team members. Risk quantification is the process of evaluating the risks that have been identified and developing the data that will be needed for making decisions The objective of quantification is to establish a wa y of arranging the risks in the order of importance. In most projects there will not be enough time or money to take action against every risk that is identified.Risk response development involves defining enhancement steps for opportunities and responses to threats. These generally fall into three categories Avoidance eliminating a specific threat, usually by eliminating the cause extenuation reducing the expected monetary value of a risk event by reducing the probability of occurrence, reduce the risk event value, or both. credenza accepting the consequences. Risk response control is the process by which risks are kept in the forefront of management discussions and thus, reviewed on a cyclic basis.Items that the risk register will hold in order to monitor and drive this process will include Outstanding action challenge owner Action issue date Action status Action response and Action close-out date. The Risk Control Group will monitor the progress of the implementati on of the concord risk control measures. This will ensure that all risk control measures are incorporated efficiently and that every variations in the measure or any changes to the risk profile are identified and appropriate action is taken. The Risk Register will be a dynamic, growing document and will be updated, amended and revised on a regular basis.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Character Analysis a Christmas Carol Fezziwig Essay

Dickens uses Fezziwig to represent views and values, which were once a common way of life for people, to give to the poor and help others, yet these values, and ideals were slowly attenuation in the 19th Century economic change Shown to Scrooge by the Ghost of Christmas Past, was old happy and energetic Fezziwig, who he was once apprenticed to when he was young, who taught Scrooge to be sharp witted, cunning moneylender like himself. The Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge back to his young adulthood, to relearn the valuable les passwords, which Fezziwig taught about life, that wealth and greed, should never come before generosity and those close around you.Fezziwig, the avid businessman, had plenty of money, yet lent it generously, while not holding back in throwing king-sized parties every Christmas for every single one of his workers and some of their close friends. Fezziwig views his workers as members of his family, contrasting with Scrooge who wants nothing to do with his ow n nephew, only son of his sister, let alone one of his workers like Bob Crachit.Fezziwig and his wife were excellent hosts, involving themselves in every dance despite their age, showing that they were a top couple a good stiff piece of work cut out for them. Fezziwig was described as being quite an old, yet lively, wearing a large Welsh wig, while having the dexterity to still be fit as an old man, in comparison to Scrooge whos described as poorly(p) and stiff, showing how by associating yourself with others, it keeps your spirit alive and active, when you seclude yourself, you tend to stop caring about yourself and everyone and everything around you.Not only did Fezziwig invite everyone who worked for him to enjoy and to direct a merry Christmas, at the end of the night, he even went to the effort to, shaking hands with every person individually showing how he cared and sight well of every single worker of his, while you hear young Scrooge and Dick pouring out their hearts in praise of Fezziwig.The stalk of Christmas past helps to trip Scrooges guilt, by quoting a small matter to make these silly folks so full of gratitude, showing how aeriform the amount of money and how effortlessly it would cost Scrooge to give to his workers, like Fezziwig gave to him, and how big the reward of seeing gratitude in the eyes of his workers would have and its impact. Fezziwig had the index number to bring back us happy or unhappy to make our service light or burdensome a pleasure or a toil. Say that his power lay in words and looks in things so slight and insignificant that it is impossible to add and count them up what then? The happiness he gave was quite as great as if it cost a fortune.Fezziwig is a vital, key character in Scrooges transformation, used by Dickens as a plunder against the character of Scrooge, shown to him by the Ghost of Christmas Past, contrasting the two types of rich, the one who shows kindness and generosity, reaping the rewards, by seeing the gratitude and fulfilment of happiness that brings, by giving to others. The other was on the opposite side like Scrooge, being lonely and bitter, with all the wealth in the world, yet a smile never breaking out onto their unheated faces. The memory of Fezziwigs generosity and holiday cheer helped to jolt and move Scrooges stony heart.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Justin Anson Distillery, Inc Essay

Justin Anson Di consoleery, Inc. is a accompany that produces quality whiskey and distributes their product passim America. The company has recently has been trying to expand and join on their production. In order to emergence their production they need to obtain more barrels in which they move age their whiskey for the necessary 4 years. This is going to incur the company many more be in their production and also increase their farm animal levels. It is now the firms dilemma how to report these new costs so their pecuniary statements are accurate but also reflect the gain they are attempting. It is also important that the companies financial statements reflect will upon the company so they can obtain new loans from the bank to fund their growth. Question outlineAssuming Anson decided to broadcast barrel costs (but not warehousing and aging costs) to inventory, what 2012 income statement and balance sheet items would flip-flop, and what would the new amounts be? (Assume no change in work-in-process inventory)Charging barrel costs to inventory would increase the operating income on the income statement and increase the amount of assets on the balance sheet. Both of these values would increase or decrease by the amount of the cost of the barrels, which in 2012 was $4,366. This would increase current assets from $21,813 to $26,179, and the operating income would increase to $6,883.If Ansons suggestion of including all warehousing and aging costs in inventory were accepted, how would the 2012 financial statements be affected? (Assume no change in work-in-process inventory.)The 2012 financial statements would look drastically different if this were the case. Originally the costs charged to cost of goods sold was much greater in 2012 because the extra barrel costs were charged to this account. If they were charged to inventory instead of the cost of goods sold, the company will show a much greater profit. It will also lead to a build of inventory though and the assets of the company will increase dramatically and that will show up in the financials on the balance sheet.In your opinion, what costs should be included in Ansons inventory when preparing financial statements to be submitted to Valley National Bank? The first thing that the company should do is checking the ethics of any accounting changes they are planning on making. If it is open up that charging these costs to inventory could cause their statements to not meet standards then the changes cannot even be considered. However, if it is acceptable, it would be in the companys best interest to charge only barrel costs to inventory.This would allow them to still reckon their inventory levels by allowing them to control how many barrels they want to purchase. Also, the financial statements will still show operating profits because the cost of barrels not being used as a part of sales wont show up in the costs of goods sold section of the income statement. By including this c ost in inventory the company can still report favorable numbers and control their inventory in order to minimize the negative effects of inventory build-up that could hurt their financials in the future.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Prelude to Foundation Chapter 12 Aerie

ROBOT- A term used in the ancient legends of s invariablyal(prenominal) worlds for what atomic number 18 more(prenominal) than usu t knocked out(p) ensembley c all tolded automata. Robots atomic number 18 outlined as generally hu homosexual in shape and made of metal, although round argon pretendd to see been pseudo-organic in genius. Hari Seldon, in the course of The Flight, is popularly supposed to con run aground consumen an actual robot, b arly that story is of dubious origin. Now here in Seldons voluminous writings does he mention robots at all, although encyclopedia Galactica56.They were non noticed.Hari Seldon and Dors Venabili repeated the travel of the day before and this metre no angiotensin-converting enzyme gave them a second look. Hardly any whizz even gave them a first look. On several occasions, they had to tuck their knees to cardinal side to allow someone sitting on an inner seat to get past them and give away. When someone got in, they quickly rea lized they had to bear on oer if thither was an inner empty seat. This time they quickly grew tired of the smell of kirtles that were not freshly laundered because they were not so easily diverted by what went on outside. unless eventually they were thither.Thats the library, say Seldon in a low voice.I suppose so, express Dors. At least thats the building that Mycelium Seventy-Two pointed out yesterday.They sauntered toward it lei originally.Take a deep breath, verbalise Seldon. This is the first hurdle.The brink ahead was open, the light within subdued. thither were five broad stone steps atomic number 82 upward. They stepped onto the lowermost one and waited several moments before they realized that their weight did not cause the steps to move upward. Dors grimaced really slightly and gestured Seldon upward. Together they walked up the stairs, tonus embarrassed on behalf of Mycogen for its backwardness.Then, through a threshold, where, at a desk immediately inside was a humankind bent over the simplest and clumsiest computer Seldon had ever seen. The man did not look up at them. No command, Seldon supposed. White kirtle, bald head-all Mycogenians looked so nearly the same that ones eyes slid tally them and that was to the tribespeoples advantage at the moment.The man, who lock up seemed to be studying someaffair on the desk, verbalise, Scholars?Scholars, said Seldon.The man jerked his head toward a door. Go in. Enjoy.They moved inward and, as nearly as they could see, they were the however ones in this section of the library. Either the library was not a popular resort or the scholars were few or-most standardisedly-both.Seldon whispered, I ruling sure we would have to pre move some sort of license or permission form and I would have to plead having forgotten it.He probably welcomes our presence under any terms. Did you ever see a place kindred this? If a place, like a person, could be dead, we would be inside a corpse.Most of the books in this section were print-books like the apply in Seldons inner pocket. Dors drifted along the shelves, studying them. She said, Old books, for the most part. Part classic. Part worthless.Outside books? Non-Mycogen, I slopped?Oh yes. If they have their induce books, they essentialiness be kept in other section. This one is for outside research for poor little self-styled scholars like yesterdays.-This is the reference department and heres an Imperial Encyclopedia must be fifty years old if a day and a computer. She reached for the keys and Seldon stopped her.Wait. Something could go wrong and well be delayed.He pointed to a apprehensive sign above a free-standing set of shelves that glowed with the letters TO THE SACR TORIUM. The second A in SACRATORIUM was dead, possibly recently or possibly because no one cared. (The Empire, thought Seldon, was in decay. All parts of it. Mycogen in addition.)He looked just roughly. The poor library, so necessary to Mycogenian pride, per haps so useful to the olders who could use it to find crumbs to shore up their own beliefs and present them as being those of sophisticated tribespeople, seemed to be completely empty. No one had entered after them.Seldon said, Lets step in here, out of eyeshot of the man at the door, and put on our sashes.And and so, at the door, aware suddenly in that respect would be no turning back if they passed this second hurdle, he said, Dors, dont come in with me.She frowned. wherefore not?Its not safe and I dont expect you to be at risk.I am here to protect you, she said with soft firmness.What kind of tri only ife can you be? I can protect myself, though you whitethorn not think it. And Id be handicapped by having to protect you. Dont you see that?You mustnt be c at a timerned about me, Hari, said Dors. Concern is my part. She tapped her sash where it crossed in the space between her obscured breasts.Because Hummin asked you to?Because those are my orders.She seized Seldons arms jus t above his elbow and, as always, he was surprised by her firm grip. She said, Im against this, Hari, except if you spirit you must go in, therefore I must go in too.All right, then. But if anything happens and you can wriggle out of it, run. Dont worry about me.Youre wasting your breath, Hari. And youre insulting me.Seldon touched the entrance panel and the portal slid open. Together, almost in unison, they walked through.57.A with child(p) room, all the larger because it was empty of anything resembling furniture. No chairs, no benches, no seats of any kind. No stage, no drapery, no decorations.No lights, merely a alike illumination of mild, unfocused light. The walls were not entirely blank. Periodically, arranged in spaced fashion at various heights and in no clean exigent order, there were footling, primitive, two-dimensional television screens, all of which were operating. From where Dors and Seldon stood, there was not even the illusion of a third dimension, not a bre ath of true holovision. in that location were people present. Not many and nowhere together. They stood singly and, like the television monitors, in no easy repetitive order. All were white-kirtled, all sashed.For the most part, there was silence. No one talked in the usual sense. Some moved their lips, murmuring softly. Those who walked did so stealthily, eyes downcast.The atmosphere was absolutely funereal.Seldon leaned toward Dors, who instantly put a riffle to her lips, then pointed to one of the television monitors. The screen showed an idyllic garden bursting with blooms, the camera panning over it slowly. They walked toward the monitor in a fashion that imitated the others-slow steps, putting each al-Qaida down softly.When they were within half a meter of the screen, a soft insinuating voice made itself perceive The garden of Antennin, as reproduced from ancient guidebooks and photographs, located in the outskirts of Eos. Note the-Dors said in a whisper Seldon had trouble catching over the sound of the set, It turns on when someone is close and it will turn off if we step away. If were close enough, we can talk under cover, but dont look at me and stop speaking if anyone approaches.Seldon, his head bent, his work force clasped before him (he had noted that this was a preferred posture), said, Any moment I have someone to start wailing.Someone magnate. Theyre mourning their Lost World, said Dors.I hope they tilt the films any once in a while. It would be deadly to always see the same ones.Theyre all different, said Dors, her eyes sliding this way and that. They may change periodically. I dont know.Wait said Seldon just a hairs b realiseth too loud. He lowered his voice and said, Come this way.Dors frowned, failing to create out the words, but Seldon gestured slightly with his head. Again the stealthy walk, but Seldons cansteps increased in length as he felt the need for greater speed and Dors, catching up, pulled sharply-if very briefly-at his kirtle. He slowed.Robots here, he said under the cover of the sound as it came on. The picture showed the corner of a dwelling place with a rolling lawn and a line of hedges in the foreground and three of what could only be described as robots. They were metallic, apparently, and vaguely human in shape.The recording said, This is a view, recently constructed, of the memorial tablet of the famous Wendome estate of the third century. The robot you see near the center was, according to tradition, named Bendar and served twenty-two years, according to the ancient records, before being replaced.Dors said, Recently constructed, so they must change views.Unless theyve been saying recently constructed for the last thousand years.Another Mycogenian stepped into the sound pattern of the scene and said in a low voice, though not as low as the whisperings of Seldon and Dors, Greetings, Brothers.He did not look at Seldon and Dors as he spoke and after one involuntary and shock glance, Seldon kept his head averted. Dors had ignored it all. Seldon hesitated. Mycelium Seventy-Two had said that there was no talking in the Sacratorium. Perhaps he had exaggerated. Then too he had not been in the Sacratorium since he was a child.Desperately, Seldon decided he must speak. He said in a whisper, And to you, Brother, greetings.He had no idea whether that was the correct formulation of reply or if there was a formula, but the Mycogenian seemed to find nothing amiss in it. To you in Aurora, he said.And to you, said Seldon and because it seemed to him that the other expected more, he added, in Aurora, and there was an impalpable release of tension. Seldon felt his forehead growing moist.The Mycogenian said, Beautiful I havent seen this before.Skillfully install, said Seldon. Then, in a burst of daring, he added, A loss never to be forgotten.The other seemed startled, then said, Indeed, indeed, and moved away.Dors hissed, Take no chances. Dont say what you dont have to.It seemed na tural. Anyway, this it recent. But those are disappointing robots. They are what I would expect automata to be. I want to see the organic ones-the humanoids.If they existed, said Dors with some hesitation, it seems to me they wouldnt be used for gardening jobs.True, said Seldon. We must find the ageds aerie.If that exists. It seems to me there is nothing in this hollow cave but a hollow cave.Lets look.They paced along the wall, passing from screen to screen, difficult to wait at each for asymmetrical intervals until Dors clutched Seldons arms. Between two screens were lines marking out a faint rectangle.A door, Dors said. Then she weakened the assertion by adding, Do you think?Seldon looked about surreptitiously. It was in the lavishlyest degree convenient that, in withholding with the mourning atmosphere, every face, when not fixed on a television monitor, was bent in sad assiduousness on the floor.Seldon said, How do you suppose it would open?An entrance patch.I cant make ou t any.Its just not marked out, but theres a slight dirt there. Do you see it? How many palms? How many times?Ill try. Keep an eye out and kick me if anyone looks in this direction.He held his breath casually, touched the discolored spot to no avail, and then placed his palm full upon it and pressed.The door opened silently-not a creak, not a scrape.Seldon stepped through as rapidly as he could and Dors followed him. The door closed behind them.The question is, said Dors, did anyone see us?Seldon said, Elders must go through this door frequently.Yes, but will anyone think we are Elders?Seldon waited, then said, If we were observed and if anyone thought something was wrong, this door would have been flung open again within fifteen seconds of our entering.Possibly, said Dors dryly, or possibly there is nothing to be seen or done on this side of the door and no one cares if we enter.That prevails to be seen, muttered Seldon.The rather narrow room they had entered was somewhat dark, bu t as they stepped further into it, the light brightened. on that point were chairs, wide and comfortable, small tables, several davenports, a deep and tall refrigerator, cupboards.If this is the Elders aerie, said Seldon, the Elders seem to do themselves comfortably, despite the austerity of the Sacratorium itself.As would be expected, said Dors. Asceticism among a ruling class-except for public show-is very rare. Put that down in your notebook for psychohistorical aphorisms. She looked about. And there is no robot.Seldon said, An aerie is a high position, remember, and this ceiling is not. There must be upper storeys and that must be the way. He pointed to a well-carpeted stairway.He did not advance toward it, however, but looked about vaguely.Dors guessed what he was seeking. She said, Forget about elevators. Theres a cult of primitivism in Mycogen. Surely, you havent forgotten that, have you? There would be no elevators and, whats more, if we place our weight at the foot of the s tairs, I am kind of certain it will not begin moving upward. Were going to have to climb it. Several flights, perhaps.Climb it?It must, in the nature of things, lead to the aerie-if it leads anywhere. Do you want to see the aerie or dont you?Together they stepped toward the staircase and began the climb. They went up three flights and, as they did, the light level decreased observably and in steady increments. Seldon took a deep breath and whispered, I consider myself to be in pretty good shape, but I hate this.Youre not used to this precise type of physical exertion. She showed no signs of physical distress whatever.At the top of the third flight the stairs ended and before them was another door.And if its locked? said Seldon, more to himself than to Dors. Do we try to break it down?But Dors said, Why should it be locked when the lower door was not? If this is the Elders aerie, I imagine theres a taboo on anyone but Elders coming here and a taboo is practically stronger than any lock.As far as those who accept the taboo are concerned, said Seldon, but he made no move toward the door.Theres stock-still time to turn back, since you hesitate, said Dors. In fact, I would advise you to rum back.I only hesitate because I dont know what well find inside. If its empty- And then he added in a rather louder voice, Then its empty, and he strode forward and pushed against the entry panel.The door retracted with silent speed and Seldon took a step back at the surprising flood of light from within.And there, facing him, eyes alive with light, arms half-upraised, one foot slightly advanced before the other, gleaming with a faintly yellow metallic shine, was a human figure. For a few moments, it seemed to be vesture a tight-fitting tunic, but on closer inspection it became apparent that the tunic was part of the structure of the object.Its the robot, said Seldon in awe, but its metallic.Worse than that, said Dors, who had stepped quickly to one side and then to the other . Its eyes dont follow me. Its arms dont as much as tremble. Its not alive-if one can speak of robots as being alive. And a man-unmistakably a man-stepped out from behind the robot and said, Perhaps not. But I am alive.And almost automatically, Dors stepped forward and took her place between Seldon and the man who had suddenly appeared.58.Seldon pushed Dors to one side, perhaps a shade more roughly than he intended.I dont need protection. This is our old friend Sunmaster 14. The man who faced them, wearing away a double sash that was perhaps his right as High Elder, said, And you are Tribesman Seldon.Of course, said Seldon.And this, despite her masculine dress, is Tribeswoman Venabili.Dors said nothing.Sunmaster Fourteen said, You are right, of course, tribesman. You are in no danger of physical harm from me. Please sit down. Both of you. Since you are not a Sister, tribeswoman, you need not retire. There is a seat for you which, if you value such(prenominal) a distinction, you w ill be the first woman ever to have used.I do not value such a distinction, said Dors, spacing her words for emphasis. Sunmaster Fourteen nodded.That is as you wish. I too will sit down, for I must ask you questions and I do not care to do it standing. They were sitting now in a corner of the room. Seldons eyes wandered to the metal robot.Sunmaster Fourteen said, It is a robot.I know, said Seldon briefly.I know you do, said Sunmaster Fourteen with similar curtness. But now that we have settled that matter, wherefore are you here?Seldon gazed steadily at Sunmaster Fourteen and said, To see the robot.Do you know that no one but an Elder is allowed in the aerie?I did not know that, but I suspected it.Do you know that no tribesperson is allowed in the Sacratorium?I was told that.And you ignored the fact, is that it?As I said, we wanted to see the robot.Do you know that no woman, even a Sister, is allowed in the Sacratorium except at certain stated-and rare-occasions?I was told that.And do you know that no woman is at any time-or for any reason-allowed to dress in masculine trim? That holds, within the borders of Mycogen, for tribeswomen as well as for Sisters.I was not told that, but I am not surprised.Good. I want you to understand all this. Now, why did you want to see the robot?Seldon said with a shrug, Curiosity. I had never seen a robot or even known that such a thing existed.And how did you come to know that it did exist and, specifically, that it existed here?Seldon was silent, then said, I do not wish to answer that question.Is that why you were brought to Mycogen by Tribesman Hummin? To investigate robots?No. Tribesman Hummin brought us here that we efficacy be secure. However, we are scholars, Dr. Venabili and I. Knowledge is our province and to gain knowledge is our purpose. Mycogen is little understood outside its borders and we wish to know more about your ways and your methods of thought. It is a natural desire and, it seems to us, a harmless-even praiseworthy-one.Ah, but we do not wish the outer tribes and worlds to know about us. That is our natural desire and we are the judge of what is harmless to us and what harmful. So I ask you again, tribesman How did you know that a robot existed in Mycogen and that it existed in this room?General rumor, said Seldon at length.Do you insist on that?General rumor. I insist on it.Sunmaster Fourteens keen blue eyes seemed to sharpen and he said without raising his voice, Tribesman Seldon, we have long cooperated with Tribesman Hummin. For a tribesman, he has seemed a decent and curseworthy individual. For a tribesman When he brought you two to us and commended you to our protection, we granted it. But Tribesman Hummin, whatever his virtues, is still a tribesman and we had misgivings. We were not at all sure what your-or his-real purpose might be.Our purpose was knowledge, said Seldon. Academic knowledge. Tribeswoman Venabili is a historian and I too have an bet in history. Why should we not be interested in Mycogenian history?For one thing, because we do not wish you to be.-In any case, two of our trusted Sisters were sent to you. They were to cooperate with you, try to find out what it was you wanted, and-what is the expression you tribesmen use?-play along with you. Yet not in such a way that you would be too aware as to what was happening.Sunmaster Fourteen smiled, but it was a grim smile. Raindrop Forty-Five, Sunmaster Fourteen went on, went shopping with Tribeswoman Venabili, but there seemed nothing out of the way in what happened on those trips. Naturally, we had a full report. Raindrop Forty-Three showed you, Tribesman Seldon, our microfarms. You might have been suspicious of her willingness to accompany you alone, something that is utterly out of the question for us, but you reasoned that what applied to Brothers did not halt to tribesmen and you flattered yourself that that flimsy bit of reasoning won her over. She complied with your desire, though at considerable cost to her peace of mind. And, eventually, you asked for the control. To have handed it over too easily might have roused your suspicion, so she pretended to a perverse desire only you could satisfy. Her self-sacrifice will not be forgotten.-I put on it, tribesman, you still have the prevail and I suspect you have it with you now. May I have it?Seldon sat in bitter silence.Sunmaster Fourteens wrinkled hand remained obtrusively outstretched and he said, How much better it would be than to wrest it from you by force.And Seldon handed it over.Sunmaster Fourteen leafed through its pages briefly, as though to reassure himself it was unharmed. He said with a small sigh, It will have to be carefully destroyed in the approved manner. Sad.-But once you had this deem, we were, of course, not surprised when you made your way out to the Sacratorium. You were watched at all times, for you cannot think that any Brother or Sister, not totally absorbed, would not recognize you fo r tribespeople at a glance. We know a skincap when we see one and there are less than seventy of them in Mycogen almost all belonging to tribesmen on formal business who remain entirely in secular governmental buildings during the time they are here. So you were not only seen but unmistakably identified, over and over.The elderly Brother who met you was careful to tell you about the library as well as about the Sacratorium, but he was also careful to tell you what you were forbidden to do, for we did not wish to entrap you. Skystrip Two also warned you and kinda forcibly. Nevertheless, you did not turn away.The shop at which you bought the white kirtle and the two sashes informed us at once and from that we knew well what you intended. The library was kept empty, the librarian was warned to keep his eyes to himself, the Sacratorium was kept under-utilized. The one Brother who inadvertently spoke to you almost gave it away, but hastened off when he realized with whom he was dealing . And then you came up here.You see, then, that it was your bearing to come up here and that we in no way steererd you here. You came as a result of your own action, your own desire, and what I want to ask you-yet once again-is Why?It was Dors who answered this time, her voice firm, her eyes hard. We will tell you yet once again, Mycogenian. We are scholars, who consider knowledge sacred and it is only knowledge that we seek. You did not lure us here, but you did not stop us either, as you might have done before ever we approached this building. You smoothed our way and made it easy for us and even that might be considered a lure. And what harm have we done? We have in no way disturbed the building, or this room, or you, or that.She pointed to the robot. It is a dead lump of metal that you hide here and we now know that it is dead and that is all the knowledge we sought. We thought it would be more significant and we are disappointed, but now that we know it is merely what it is, we will leave-and, if you wish, we will leave Mycogen as well.Sunmaster Fourteen listened with no trace of expression on his face, but when she was done, he addressed Seldon, saying, This robot, as you see it, is a symbol, a symbol of all we have lost and of all we no longer have, of all that, through thousands of years, we have not forgotten and what we intend someday to return to. Because it is all that remains to us that is both material and authentic, it is dear to us-yet to your woman it is only a dead lump of metal. Do you associate yourself with that judgment, Tribesman Seldon?Seldon said, We are members of societies that do not tie ourselves to a past that is thousands of years old, making no take on at all with what has existed between that past and ourselves. We live in the present, which we recognize as the product of all the past and not of one long-gone moment of time that we hug to our chests. We realize, intellectually, what the robot may mean to you and we are willi ng to let it continue to mean that to you. But we can only see it with our own eyes, as you can only see it with yours. To us, it is a dead lump of metal.And now, said Dors, we will leave.You will not, said Sunmaster Fourteen. By coming here, you have committed a crime. It is a crime only in our eyes, as you will hasten to point out-his lips curved in a wintry smile-but this is our territorial dominion and, within it, we make the definitions. And this crime, as we define it, is punishable by death.And you are going to shoot us down? said Dors haughtily.Sunmaster Fourteens expression was one of condescension and he continued to speak only to Seldon. What do you think we are, Tribesman Seldon? Our culture is as old as yours, as complex, as civilized, as humane. I am not armed. You will be tried and, since you are manifestly guilty, executed according to law, quickly and painlessly.If you were to try to leave now, I would not stop you, but there are many Brothers below, many more tha n there appeared to be when you entered the Sacratorium and, in their rage at your action, they may lay rough and forceful hands on you. It has happened in our history that tribespeople have even died so and it is not a pleasant death-certainly not a painless one.We were warned of this, said Dors, by Skystrip Two. So much for your complex, civilized, and humane culture.People can be moved to violence at moments of emotion, Tribesman Seldon, said Sunmaster Fourteen calmly, whatever their humanity in moments of calm. This is true in every culture, as your woman, who is said to be a historian, must surely know.Seldon said, Let us remain reasonable, Sunmaster Fourteen. You may be the law in Mycogen over local affairs, but you are not the law over us and you know it. We are both non-Mycogenian citizens of the Empire and it is the emperor and his designated legal officers who must remain in charge of any capital offense.Sunmaster Fourteen said, That may be so in statutes and on papers an d on holovision screens, but we are not talking theory now. The High Elder has long had the power to punish crimes of sacrilege without interference from the Imperial throne.If the criminals are your own people, said Seldon. It would be quite different if they were outsiders.I doubt it in this case. Tribesman Hummin brought you here as fugitives and we are not so yeast-headed in Mycogen that we dont strongly suspect that you are fugitives from the Emperors laws. Why should he object if we do his work for him?Because, said Seldon, he would. Even if we were fugitives from the Imperial authorities and even if he wanted us only to punish us, he would still want us. To allow you to kill, by whatever means and for whatever reason, non-Mycogenians without due Imperial process would be to defy his authority and no Emperor could allow such a precedent. No matter how eager he might be to see that the microfood trade not be interrupted, he would still feel it necessary to re-establish the Impe rial prerogative. Do you wish, in your eagerness to kill us, to have a division of Imperial soldiery loot your farms and your dwellings, desecrate your Sacratorium, and take liberties with the Sisters Consider.Sunmaster Fourteen smiled once again, but displayed no softness. Actually, I have considered and there is an alternative. After we condemn you, we could delay your execution to allow you to appeal to the Emperor for a review of your case. The Emperor might be grateful at this evidence of our ready submission to his authority and grateful too to lay his hands on you two-for some reason of his own-and Mycogen might profit. Is that what you want, then? To appeal to the Emperor in due course and to be delivered to him?Seldon and Dors looked at each other briefly and were silent.Sunmaster Fourteen said, I feel you would rather be delivered to the Emperor than die, but why do I get the impression that the preference is only by a slight margin?Actually, said a new voice, I think neit her alternative is acceptable and that we must search for a third.59.It was Dors who identified the crank first, perhaps because it was she who expected him.Hummin, she said, thank goodness you found us. I got in touch with you the moment I realized I was not going to invalidate Hari from-she held up her hands in a wide gesture this.Hummins smile was a small one that did not alter the natural gravity of his face. There was a subtle weariness about him.My dear, he said, I was engaged in other things. I cannot always pull away at a moments notice. And when I got here, I had, like you two, to supply myself with a kirtle and sash, to say nothing of a skincap, and make my way out here. Had I been here earlier, I might have stopped this, but I believe Im not too late.Sunmaster Fourteen had recovered from what had seemed to be a painful shock. He said in a voice that lacked its customary severe depth, How did you get in here, Tribesman Hummin?It was not easy, High Elder, but as Tribeswom an Venabili likes to say, I am a very cogent person. Some of the citizens here remember who I was and what I have done for Mycogen in the past, that I am even an honorary Brother. Have you forgotten, Sunmaster Fourteen?The Elder replied, I have not forgotten, but even the most favorable memory can not survive certain actions. A tribesman here and a tribeswoman. There is no greater crime. All you have done is not great enough to balance that. My people are not unmindful. We will make it up to you some other way. But these two must die or be handed over to the Emperor.I am also here, said Hummin calmly. Is that not a crime as well?For you, said Sunmaster Fourteen, for you personally, as a kind of honorary Brother, I can overlook it once. Not these two.Because you expect a reward from the Emperor? Some favor? Some concession? Have you already been in touch with him or with his Chief of Staff, Eto Demerzel, more potential?That is not a subject for discussion.Which is itself an admissio n. Come on, I dont ask what the Emperor augurd, but it cannot be much. He does not have much to give in these degenerate days. Let me make you an offer. Have these two told you they are scholars?They have.And they are. They are not lying. The tribeswoman is a historian and the tribesman is a mathematician. The two together are trying to combine their talents to make a mathematics of history and they call the combined subject psychohistory. Sunmaster Fourteen said, I know nothing about this psychohistory, nor do I care to know. Neither it nor any other facet of your tribal learning interests me.Nevertheless, said Hummin, I suggest that you listen to me.It took Hummin some fifteen minutes, speaking concisely, to describe the possibility of organizing the natural laws of society (something he always mentioned with audible quotation marks in the tone of his voice) in such a way as to make it doable to anticipate the future with a substantial degree of probability.And when he was done, Sunmaster Fourteen, who had listened expressionlessly, said, A highly unlikely piece of speculation, I should say.Seldon, with a remorseful expression, seemed about to speak, undoubtedly to agree, but Hummins hand, resting lightly on the others knee, tightened unmistakably.Hummin said, Possibly, High Elder, but the Emperor doesnt think so. And by the Emperor, who is himself an amiable enough personage, I really mean Demerzel, concerning whose ambitions you need no instruction. They would like very much to have these two scholars, which is why Ive brought them here for safekeeping. I had little expectation that you would do Demerzels work for him by delivering the scholars to him.They have committed a crime that-Yes, we know, High Elder, but it is only a crime because you choose to call it so. No real harm has been done.It has been done to our belief, to our deepest felt-But imagine what harm will be done if psychohistory falls into the hands of Demerzel. Yes, I grant that nothing may come of it, but suppose for a moment that something does and that the Imperial government has the use of it-can foretell what is to come-can take measures with that foreknowledge which no one else would have-can take measures, in fact, designed to puzzle about an alternate future more to the Imperial propensity.Well?Is there any doubt, High Elder, that the alternate future more to the Imperial liking would be one of tightened centralization? For centuries now, as you very well know, the Empire has been undergoing a steady decentralization. Many worlds now acknowledge only lip service to the Emperor and close rule themselves. Even here on Trantor, there is decentralization. Mycogen, as only one example, is free of Imperial interference for the most part. You rule its High Elder and there is no Imperial officer at your side overseeing your actions and decisions. How long do you think that will last with men like Demerzel adjusting the future to their liking?Still the flimsiest of speculation, said Sunmaster Fourteen, but a disturbing one, I admit.On the other hand, if these scholars can complete their task, an unlikely if, you might say, but an if-then they are sure to remember that you spared them when you might have chosen not to. And it would then be conceivable that they would learn to arrange a future, for instance, that would allow Mycogen to be given a world of its own, a world that could be terraformed into a close replica of the Lost World. And even if these two forget your kindness, I will be here to remind them.Well- said Sunmaster Fourteen.Come on, said Hummin, it is not hard to decide what must be going through your mind. Of all tribespeople, you must trust Demerzel the least. And though the chance of psychohistory might be small (if I was not being honest with you, I would not admit that) it is not zero and if it will bring about a restoration of the Lost World, what can you want more than that? What would you not risk for even a tiny chance of that? Come now-I promise you and my promises are not lightly given. Release these two and choose a tiny chance of your hearts desire over no chance at all.There was silence and then Sunmaster Fourteen sighed. I dont know how it is, Tribesman Hummin, but on every occasion that we meet, you persuade me into something I do not really want to do.Have I ever misled you, High Elder?You have never offered me so small a chance?And so high a possible reward. The one balances the other.And Sunmaster Fourteen nodded his head. You are right. Take these two and take them out of Mycogen and never let me see them again unless there comes a time when-But surely it will not be in my lifetime.Perhaps not, High Elder. But your people have been waiting patiently for nearly twenty thousand years. Would you then object to waiting another-perhaps-two hundred?I would not willingly wait one moment, but my people will wait as long as they must.And standing up, he said, I will clear the path. Take them an d go.60.They were finally back in a tunnel. Hummin and Seldon had traveled through one when they went from the Imperial welkin to Streeling University in the air-taxi. Now they were in another tunnel, going from Mycogen to Seldon did not know where. He hesitated to ask. Hummins face seemed as if it was carved out of granite and it didnt welcome conversation.Hummin sat in the front of the four-seater, with no one to his right. Seldon and Dors shared the backseat.Seldon chanced a smile at Dors, who looked glum. Its nice to be in real clothes again, isnt it?I will never, said Dors with enormous sincerity, wear or look at anything that resembles a kirtle. And I will never, under any circumstances, wear a skincap. In fact, Im going to feel odd if I ever see a normally bald man. And it was Dors who finally asked the question that Seldon had been reluctant to advance. Chetter, she said rather petulantly, why wont you tell us where were going?Hummin hitched himself into a sideways position and he looked back at Dors and Seldon gravely. Somewhere, he said, where it may be difficult for you to get into trouble-although Im not sure such a place exists.Dors was at once crestfallen. Actually, Chetter, its my fault. At Streeling, I let Hari go Upperside without accompanying him. In Mycogen, I at least accompanied him, but I suppose I ought not to have let him enter the Sacratorium at all.I was determined, said Seldon warmly. It was in no way Dorss fault.Hummin made no effort to apportion blame. He simply said, I gather you wanted to see the robot. Was there a reason for that? Can you tell me?Seldon could feel himself redden. I was wrong in that respect, Hummin. I did not see what I expected to see or what I hoped to see. If I had known the content of the aerie, I would never have bothered going there. Call it a complete fiasco.But then, Seldon, what was it you hoped to see? Please tell me. Take your time if you wish. This is a long trip and I am willing to listen.The thing is, Hummin, that I had the idea that there were humaniform robots, that they were long-lived, that at least one might still be alive, and that it might be in the aerie. There was a robot there, but it was metallic, it was dead, and it was merely a symbol. Had I but known-Yes. Did we all but know, there would be no need for questions or for research of any kind. Where did you get your information about humaniform robots? Since no Mycogenian would have discussed that with you, I can think of only one source. The Mycogenian Book-a powered print-book in ancient Auroran and modern Galactic. Am I right?Yes.And how did you get a copy?Seldon paused, then muttered, Its somewhat embarrassing.I am not easily embarrassed, Seldon.Seldon told him and Hummin allowed a very small smile to twitch across his face.Hummin said, Didnt it occur to you that what occurred had to be a charade? No Sister would do a thing like that-except under instruction and with a great deal of persuading.Seldon frowned a nd said with asperity, That was not at all obvious. People are perverted now and then. And its easy for you to grin. I didnt have the information you had and neither did Dors. If you did not wish me to fall into traps, you might have warned me of those that existed.I agree. I withdraw my remark. In any case, you dont have the Book any longer, Im sure.No. Sunmaster Fourteen took it from me.How much of it did you read?Only a small fraction. I didnt have time. Its a huge book and I must tell you, Hummin, it is dreadfully dull.Yes, I know that, for I think I have read more of it than you have. It is not only dull, it is totally unreliable. It is a one-sided, official Mycogenian view of history that is more intent on presenting that view than a reasoned objectivity. It is even purposely unclear in spots so that outsiders-even if they were to read the Book-would never know entirely what they read. What was it, for instance, that you thought you read about robots that interested you?Ive al ready told you. They speak of humaniform robots, robots that could not be distinguished from human beings in outer appearance.How many of these would exist? asked Hummin. They dont say.-At least, I didnt come across a passage in which they gave numbers. There may have been only a handful, but one of them, the Book refers to as Renegade. It seems to have an unpleasant significance, but I couldnt make out what.You didnt tell me anything about that, interposed Dors. If you had, I would have told you that its not a priggish name. Its another archaic word and it means, roughly, what traitor would mean in Galactic. The older word has a greater aura of fear about it. A traitor, somehow, sneaks to his treason, but a renegade flaunts it.Hummin said, Ill leave the fine points of archaic language to you, Dors, but, in any case, if the Renegade actually existed and if it was a humaniform robot, then, clearly, as a traitor and enemy, it would not be preserved and venerated in the Elders aerie. Seldon said, I didnt know the meaning of Renegade, but, as I said, I did get the impression that it was an enemy. I thought it might have been foiled and preserved as a reminder of the Mycogenian triumph.Was there any indication in the Book that the Renegade was defeated?No, but I might have missed that portion-Not likely. Any Mycogenian victory would be announced in the Book unmistakably and referred to over and over again.There was another point the Book made about the Renegade, said Seldon, hesitating, but I cant be at all sure I understood it. Hummin said, As I told you They are deliberately obscure at times.Nevertheless, they seemed to say that the Renegade could somehow tap human emotions influence them-Any politician can, said Hummin with a shrug. Its called charisma-when it works.Seldon sighed. Well, I wanted to believe. That was it. I would have given a great deal to find an ancient humaniform robot that was still alive and that I could question.For what purpose? asked Hum min.To learn the details of the primeval Galactic society when it still consisted of only a handful of worlds. From so small a Galaxy psychohistory could be deduced more easily.Hummin said, Are you sure you could trust what you heard? After many thousands of years, would you be willing to rely on the robots early memories? How much distortion would have entered into them?Thats right, said Dors suddenly. It would be like the computerized records I told you of, Hari. Slowly, those robot memories would be discarded, lost, erased, distorted. You can only go back so far and the farther you go back, the less reliable the information becomes-no matter what you do.Hummin nodded. Ive heard it referred to as a kind of uncertainty principle in information.But wouldnt it be possible, said Seldon thoughtfully, that some information, for special reasons, would be preserved? Parts of the Mycogenian Book may well refer to events of twenty thousand years ago and yet be very largely as it had been o riginally. The more valued and the more carefully preserved particular information is, the more long-lasting and accurate it may be.The key word is particular. What the Book may care to preserve may not be what you wish to have preserved and what a robot may remember best may be what you wish him to remember least.Seldon said in despair, In whatever direction I turn to seek a way of working out psychohistory, matters so arrange themselves as to make it impossible. Why bother trying?It might seem hopeless now, said Hummin unemotionally, but given the necessary genius, a route to psychohistory may be found that none of us would at this moment expect. Give yourself more time.-But were coming to a rest area. Let us pull off and have dinner.oer the lamb patties on rather tasteless bread (most unpalatable after the fare at Mycogen), Seldon said, You seem to assume, Hummin, that I am the possessor of the necessary genius. I may not be, you know.Hummin said, Thats true. You may not be. Howe ver, I know of no alternate candidate for the post, so I must cling to you.And Seldon sighed and said, Well, Ill try, but Im out of any spark of hope. Possible but not practical, I said to begin with, and Im more convinced of that now than I ever was before.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Effect of imperialism on the Rwandan genocide Essay

There is a lot of history in a small inelegant like Rwanda. The original inhabitants were the pagan Twa. By the 10th century, Hutu farmers were established there. Tutsi warriors with cattle arrived after the 14th century. Tutsi formed a monarchy by the 16th century. All tribes dual-lane a common language and culture, and there were no race issues until the 20th century. (4)Germany was the first European country to colonize Rwanda in 1899, administering it indirectly through the alive king. Belgium took control in 1916, during World War I. Belgium received it as a League of Nations mandate in 1919 and keep indirect rule but restructured the dodging to increase ethnic divisions. (4) The Belgians favored the Tutsi over the Hutu and Twa, which was a big mistake that caused huge problems in the future and lots of racism. (5)In 1946 Rwanda became a UN trust soil administered by Belgium. (5) Pressure rose during the 1950s as Hutu protested against Tutsi for rights and voting. Violenc e spread quickly after the Hutu sub-chief was attacked by the Tutsi. Many Tutsis died or fled to neighboring countries. Belgian array intervened and set up a policy reversal, with a Hutu-led government. (4) With democratization going through Africa, monarchy was abolished in 1961 and Rwanda gained complete independence in 1962, as two countries, Rwanda and Burundi. (5)Tutsi exiles continued attacks on Hutu throughout the 60s. The First Republic, led by Hutu, ended with a 1973 rebellion coordinated by the Hutu Minister of Defense, Juvenal Habyarimana. Tutsi revels in Uganda formed the Rwandan Patriotic Front, or the RPF, and invaded Rwanda in 1990. The conflict ended in 1993 with a power-sharing agreement treaty. But the peace was broken again when Habyarimanas compressed was shot down in April 1994. (5) Know one knew whether it was Hutus that shot down the plane, but they were accused nonetheless. Hutu politicians opposed to the late president Juvenal Habyarimana were targeted in the first few days after the plane crash, which has yet to be satisfactorily explained. But now the killings seem to be directed purely against Tutsis, according to Hilsum. (1)This was the endof the Second Republic and the beginning of a c-day well-organized genocidal rampage. Hundreds of thousands fled to neighboring Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zaire (now the Congo). The RPF fought back and took control on July 4, 1994. Thousands fled from the RPF advance and many died from disease and unsanitary conditions. In 1996 Hutu refugees became targets of Tutsi violence, and Hutu soldiers attacked the Tutsi. Rwanda sent militia to defeat the Zairian troops serving the Hutus. almost refugees were sent back to Rwanda, but some remained to launch guerilla attacks in northwestern Rwanda. (4) Courts were set up for 124,000 people for crimes during the genocide. The first Hutu president was choose in 2000 when the old president resigned. Trials are still going on forthwith, charging peop le with war crimes during the genocide.Because of the great scars of Rwandas history in the last century, Rwanda today has a very weak economy and is very undeveloped industrially. The products are mostly agricultural, and most of the population are subsistence farmers. The main crops consist of coffee and tea. likewise grown are bananas, beans, cassava, cattle, pyrethrum, sorghum, and sweet potatoes. The still mining resources are tin and wolframite. A lack of fertile soil limits agricultural expansion. (4) Rwanda only trades with Uganda because of bad transaction with other countries. This makes trade very expensive there because of this. (5)Christianity was introduced in Rwanda by missionaries in the early 20th century. Today 65% are Catholic, 9% Protestant, 1% Muslim, and 25% follow indigenous beliefs. Ethnic tribes are still mostly Hutu and Tutsi, which are now peaceful. 90% are Hutu, most of the rest are Tutsi, and only 1% are Twa. The official languages spoken in Rwanda ar e English, French, and Kinyarwanda, a Bantu language. (4,5)Independence Day is celebrated on July 1. The government consists of the President and transitional National Assembly of 70 seats. Local elections establish councils responsible for local disputes, minor crime, tax collection, and salaries for teachers and doctors. The country is very crowded and there is lots of disease. (5)Most of the problems in Rwanda in the last century were caused by imperialism. The genocide in Rwanda affected its neighboring countries as well, and thousands of Hutus and Tutsis were also killed in Burundi by equal problems there. The incredible amount of racism and hate in the very heart of Africa was sparked by the colonial structure enforced by Germany and then Belgium. According to Dowden, the Tutsi, do up only about 10% of the population, were a kind of feudal cattle-owning aristocracy who lorded it over the Hutu peasants. Belgians gave the Tutsis a big advantage in education, leading them to t urn over professional jobs. (2)Before the Europeans came there was peace in Africa. But after greedy 19th century European politicians occupied the African continent, enslaving or abusing its people, ethnic conflicts broke out all over Africa, followed by a century of bloodshed. The conflicts and the current problems in Africa could sustain been prevented if imperialism wouldnt have existed. There would not have been a genocide during which hundreds of thousands of innocent people were slaughtered over a period of 100 days.According to LaFraniere, The Rwanda genocide is considered the worst ethnic killing since the Holocaust. In 100 days, an estimated one in 10 Tutsi in Rwanda were wiped out, along with many moderates among the Hutu, who make up the majority of the population. The efficiency of the killers, who chased down the Tutsi at roadblocks and in the streets with change sticks, nail-studded clubs and grenades, surpassed that of the Nazis, some historians contend. (3) The fi nancial crisis in Rwanda and the suffering of its people today could have been prevented if it wasnt for so much hate and carelessness of imperialistic European nations in the 19th and early 20th centuries.Bibliography1. Hilsum, Lindsey. Men mad with killing drown nation in blood. The Independent. 1 May 1994.2. Dowden, Richard. A wound at the heart of Africa. The Independent. 11 May 1994.3. LaFraniere, Sharon. 3 convicted of genocide in Rwanda Media chiefs guilty of inciting massacre of Tutsi in 1994. International Herald Tribune. 4 Dec. 2003.4. World Book cyclopedia 2003. Vol. 16.5. Culture Grams 2004.