Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Public Campaign No More Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Public Campaign No More - chance Study ExampleAs the paper outlines, started in 2013, the NO more than campaign started in intuition of the fact that although millions of the great unwashed face domestic help and sexual assault every day, little is done to urinate awareness about the issue. It remains hidden and is less of a concern to the public. A group of people from the domestic and sexual assault prevention came together and realized that when people unite and fight the problem, it could lay down more public awareness on the issue. The campaigns blue vanishing point symbol originated from a phenomenon of zero domestic violence and sexual assault inspired by Christine Mau, a survivor of such(prenominal) assault. Organizations rubbish against domestic and sexual assault had to come together and partner with the NO MORE to head and make the campaign possible. The NO MORE PSA Campaign is headed by the Joyful Heart nucleotide partnering with NO MORE and is directed by ac tress, Mariska Hargitay. The face of the campaign is a team of more than 50 celebrities and public heads who are at the forefront in creating awareness and asking the public not to standby, exclusively engage in the campaign. Participants of the campaign mainly comprise of celebrities and other organizations that are at the forefront of fighting domestic violence and sexual assault on people. Other non-profit organizations that are dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault also have active participation in the NO MORE campaign. The NO MORE PSA campaign is a three-year public awareness campaign that is educate to bring to pass public awareness in the importance of reducing domestic and sexual assault among families. The campaign is set to go across the US and other international markets. Among the tools to be used in creating the awareness intromit print, outdoor, online and other forms of broadcast advertising. The awareness will be made public in train stations, airports, and aesculapian facilities.

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