Thursday, May 16, 2019

Ethics and Morality Essay

Explain the difference amongst morals and morality. Define two honest theories introduces in this course along with their proponents and the major criticisms of the theory. Ethics ar the principles of conduct governing an individual or group and morals be our personal character. John was 32 when he died from asbestos, he was working at a flowerpot when he was in college and at this corporation is when he came in contact with asbestos. He delivered sheets of asbestos to hardware store when he came in contact with the asbestos.The manufacturers of the asbestos where aware(p) of the dangers of their product and advised the corporation of the dangers nevertheless they did not advise their employees of these dangers. The corporation should of cared more about ethics because those workers depended on them to help define the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. This costs the corporation because of ethical lapses also by fines and reasoned fees because of the issues and lives lost to their negligence.John Manville a manufacturer of specialty building products goes beyond all legal and ethical responsibilities by placing warning labels on all of his fiberglass products and the fiberglass products shipped overseas because of the 150,000 lawsuits filed because of the exposure of asbestos. These warnings are not required by law, but he cares about people and his employees. So he is ethical responsibility by doing so. Mary Mary is a student in your class.As you prepare for your frontierinal exam comprised of essay questions, you notice her likenessing and pasting her responses directly from the internet. The university has well spangn policies concerning academic dishonesty, and the consequences for violating them include expulsion. You know that Mary is the first in her family to attend college and that shes on an academic scholarship. Her mother died the year forwards and she wants to finish school in eon to take care of her eight younger si blings before accessible security benefits expire (5years).What would you do? What ethical theory influenced your decision? Describe the tenets of the ethical theory and why it influenced your decision. I would talk to Mary and explain again about the policies of the university of plagiarism and I saw her copy and paste from the internet and that is illegal to do so. I know that she is under due stress with her siblings but she needs to concentrate on her studies and do what is right and use the universities guidelines while she is in school.Her education is so important for her to accomplish her dreams and if she needs help go to the school counselor and explain what is going on in her life and seek guidance in helping her manage the time she needs for her studies I know it hard raising her siblings but there is help operable. The ethical theory that influenced my decision was an phrase from Kantan Ethics which offers guidance on plagiarism and ethics he states In his theory ev eryone should be interact equally under the moral law and your behavior determines the moral law you would desire for the word. I telephone people have a tendency to rush through things and also lose track of time and try and take the fast way out of their studies and not think about the consequences that lie onwards of them. If I was a teacher I would approach the situation and let Mary know what she did and blow over her a chance to rewrite it and deduct points from her grade and advise her that if she did it again she would face the school and nurture the consequences. Globalization Describe how world-wideization has impacted the legal and ethical responsibilities of organizations.What are the long term consequences of this variety? Globalization is the trend toward an integrated worldwide economy. Globalization is increasingly in marketing, finance, production and logistics. Politics has created global opportunities economics has provided the incentives and technology the means. Globalization is a process in which local lives are increasingly influenced by global forces leading to greater cultural interactions. Globalization increases our exposure to different ethical norms.We should be slender to other people cultural perceptions of what is right and wrong and understand the systems that organizations deal with ethical issues. The long term consequences that we need to understand the culture. Globalization may also bring products that would otherwise not be available to countries. Globalization would also distribute income and jobs where everyone could benefit. References 1. UofP Boylan, M (2009) Basic Ethics (2nd ed) Upper Saddle River, NJ assimilator Hall. 2. www. ehow. com/about_6464829_ethical_issues_regarding plagiarism 3. www. ile. com/publications/papers/papers/papers. efm?

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