Thursday, May 30, 2019

Constitution of The United States of America :: essays research papers

Constitution of The United States of America Preamble The Constitution consists of a preamble, 7 articles , and 27 amendments. The first part of the character is the Preamble. The Preamble explains the purpose for writing the Constitution and the main ideas to be carried out by the presidential term and the people in order to make a much faultless union. Each purpose of the preamble had a special meaning to statesmen in seventeen eighty nine. The purpose was one, to form a more perfect union of people living together. Two, to establish justice for creditors by given them the right to take away the possessions of people who dont compensate them. Three, to ensure domestic tranquillity, or prevent events such as Shays Rebellion. Four, to provide common defense or to protect the nation from adversaries such Indians and the pirates. Five, to promote general welfare, which relates to the depression the country was in economically (by the way our nations economy is called Capitalism). And lastly six , to secure the blessing of liberty by enforcing the idea of freedom in every way possible. The heptad Articles Article One describes The Legislative Department. Section one states that the sexual intercourse is found on a two house, or a bicameral system. This type of congress has two legislatures - The House of Representatives and The Senate. Sec.1 - The House of Representatives. The main idea is that all house members are elected for a two year term in their office. It in addition states the qualifications of a representative, or what you have to have or be to become a representative. A person must be twenty-five years of mount and have lived in the united states for seven years, therefore making the person a citizen of our country. The person also must, if running for a position in government in a certain state, be an inhabitant of the state the person is running in. For instance if you were an inhabitant living in California you wouldnt be suitable to run f or governor of Oregon because you wouldnt have the same perception of issues or most likely anything than an Oregonian. Plus Californians arent that welcome here anyway. Sec.2 - The House Membership is based on state population. The number of representatives is now 435 and goes up with the increase in population. So, if Florida gains another 50,000 Cubans, they will assign another 3 or 4 representatives to keep going for them.

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